Lockerbie Bomber Freed From Prison on Compassionate Grounds

Finally someone recognises where the blame lies! Don't tell Hook though. It takes away any justification for him to hate us cowardly English. :muahaha:
I work for an English company and have nothing but respect for most of them!
Okay, I can't resist a boycott. As part of my boycott duties I hereby announce that I am boycotting haggis. :D

I'm sure that will be soooooooooooooo freaking hard.. :lol::lol::lol:
christ you just gave me another good reason,, shitty food.

I'm sure I saw a docu the other day that was saying the oldest recorded recipe for haggis was from England....
Multiple European countries are vying for a lucrative oil contract with Libya. England was told by Libya that their bid wouldn't even be considered until the bomber was released. England pressured Scotland to accede to the release essentially giving in to Libya's extortion. The sad thing is despite this England is not considered the front runner for the contract.
Multiple European countries are vying for a lucrative oil contract with Libya. England was told by Libya that their bid wouldn't even be considered until the bomber was released. England pressured Scotland to accede to the release essentially giving in to Libya's extortion. The sad thing is despite this England is not considered the front runner for the contract.

You have a link to that!

How great is it going to be over the next 10 years when cars move away from gas aka oil! Then these tyranical oil giant countries will be hit will a economic nuclear bomb and they will fold like a stack of cards. That means you Libya, Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Russia!
What's the matter Hook. Haven't got the balls to post this in open forum? And you call me a coward. :lol:

Why am I not surpised! You rail against terrorism on one hand, yet you support a terrorist organisation.

I guess we can see where the hypocrisy is coming from now. Thank you for confirming it!
Wow, just wow. Ghook is a phony.

Or GHook wanted to be an asshole to a guy that is supporting and defending the Scot's move in letting a mass murder out of prison! Just wanted to give him a little taste of what it might be like for a mass murder of English citizens to get hero's recognition!

Ah. Our terrorist sympathyser is back. Listen twat features, show everybody here where in this thread I have expressed sympathy for the Scots action. Come on. Give us the link. What you will find is quite the opposite. You really aren't very bright, are you.

Surprised you showed your face so soon, after the admission you made!
What's the matter Hook. Haven't got the balls to post this in open forum? And you call me a coward. :lol:

Why am I not surpised! You rail against terrorism on one hand, yet you support a terrorist organisation.

I guess we can see where the hypocrisy is coming from now. Thank you for confirming it!


Say it ain't so Ghook. Tell me you didn't seriously type "Long live the Irish Freedom Fighters". If you did, then you can have nothing to say against the cheering crowds in Libya.

You either support the deliberate targeting of unarmed civilians, including women and children, or you don't. It's as simple as that.

It ain't so! I don't support and have never supported the IRA TERRORISTS (and that is not an easy thing to do in Irish Chicago)! But I can't believe an Englishman was supporting this release or at least rationalizing it and I wanted to get his goat!

You think I believe that! Fucking idiot.
Wow, just wow. Ghook is a phony.

Or GHook wanted to be an asshole to a guy that is supporting and defending the Scot's move in letting a mass murder out of prison! Just wanted to give him a little taste of what it might be like for a mass murder of English citizens to get hero's recognition!

Ah. Our terrorist sympathyser is back. Listen twat features, show everybody here where in this thread I have expressed sympathy for the Scots action. Come on. Give us the link. What you will find is quite the opposite. You really aren't very bright, are you.

Surprised you showed your face so soon, after the admission you made!

Boot! what was the outcome of the special meeting in the Scottish Parliament this morning?? do you know??
I'm waiting Hook. Where's the post that supports your statement that I support the Scots decision?
Or GHook wanted to be an asshole to a guy that is supporting and defending the Scot's move in letting a mass murder out of prison! Just wanted to give him a little taste of what it might be like for a mass murder of English citizens to get hero's recognition!

Ah. Our terrorist sympathyser is back. Listen twat features, show everybody here where in this thread I have expressed sympathy for the Scots action. Come on. Give us the link. What you will find is quite the opposite. You really aren't very bright, are you.

Surprised you showed your face so soon, after the admission you made!

Boot! what was the outcome of the special meeting in the Scottish Parliament this morning?? do you know??

Afraid not. I've been jumping from planes all day!
Multiple European countries are vying for a lucrative oil contract with Libya. England was told by Libya that their bid wouldn't even be considered until the bomber was released. England pressured Scotland to accede to the release essentially giving in to Libya's extortion. The sad thing is despite this England is not considered the front runner for the contract.

You have a link to that!

How great is it going to be over the next 10 years when cars move away from gas aka oil! Then these tyranical oil giant countries will be hit will a economic nuclear bomb and they will fold like a stack of cards. That means you Libya, Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Russia!

I'll have to look. Got the info from my wife, she told me it was on one of the news channels but didn't say which. She works days I work eves, Ill ask her which media source she got it from (leave her a note), so I may not be able to get back to you until tomorrow.
Bernie Madoff said he is dying from cancer, can we send him to Libya too? In fact maybe we should just send all of our life sentencees to Libya, that way we won't have to pay for their health care. It would be the humane thing to do.
I respect the English men and women that are on the front line fighting and dying to stop Islamofacism. I have respect for the prince for joining up and actually fighting for this cause. But I don't see how you can not put yourself in our shoes and see how Americans wouldn't feel betrayed and enraged by this.

Imagine if America arrested and jailed an IRA freedom fighter who bombed and killed dozens of Englishman. The we released him on compassion grounds before he died to live free in Ireland to be received to a hero's welcome. You would rightfully feel betrayed.

And to your lie that America supported the IRA.

1992 North American IRA arrests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First off ya god damn disingenious cowardly liar America NEVER supported the IRA, we never funded the IRA and we did everything in our power to see that US citizens couldn't provide guns, shelter, money or training to the IRA. We locked up and extradited any IRA operative found in America!

So take your lies, although with your current betrayal, and stick them up your asses!

Go fuck yourself yellowbelly. You're lower than a snakes belly and I'm done with you, you piece of dog's excrement. When we going to see you putting that oversized mouth on the front line in Afghanistan with the rest of us English cowards. You're not fit to lick our boots mate.

Go forth and multiply little man.

every irish bar and pub in nyc and boston (and other places, i assume) always had the cannisters out to collect for NORAID all through the 70's, 80's and even into the 90's.

you have no clue what you're talking about.

man up or shut up.
Still no response then Hook! I'll be away for a few hours. Perhaps when I come back you'll have the evidence to support your accusation about me. Or are you showing your true colours again? you know, that strong yellow colour!:lol:
Do any of you know if the NYT has an online morgue? The reason I ask is because they did an article in the 90's in their magazine about this and it was very interesting. The East Germans were involved on a separate track, and then later when Megrahi was investigated/tried it was unified Germany contributing evidence/corroboration and questions arose then as they are now regarding his guilt.

But the NYT's original article was fascinating and really really long. It might shed some light on this.

At any rate, the conviction was handed down, and it is ridiculous that so much hoopla and attention is now centered on this guy by his release. It inspires would be terrorists everywhere. He should have remained rotted and forgotted.
For the moment. But, they're dead men walking. They'll be turfed out next May and replaced by the Conservatives. The Labour Party is a dead duck.

Might be true I don't know, but the strokes cowards that made this poor poor poor decision were cowardly liberals!

Hey idiots cowardly Englishman, moves like this don't quell Islamofacist, who are your enemy. It emboldens them. They see you as they should - WEAK and COWARDLY!

You calling me a coward you fucking ****! Stand yourself on the front line in Afghanistan before you call me that, you piece of shit !!!!

Furthermore, the decision was made by a devolved SCOTTISH justice system. Nothing to do with us English. Perhaps you should take some time to learn the fucking difference.

Funny isn't it. Not so long ago your countrymen were providing shelter, support and finance for terrorists. It was you Yanks who kept the IRA going, enabling them to murder innocent British civilians. Seems your standards are more than double pal!

I think this is where it went downhill. I believe I interpretting your highly defensive posts on pags 5-8 as rationalizing the move!

The I wrote s thread about the COWARDLY left in care of the English government. I didn't call you a coward, but that is how you interpretted it (see above). After that I seeked to get you enraged (which is pretty easy) for my own amusement!
I respect the English men and women that are on the front line fighting and dying to stop Islamofacism. I have respect for the prince for joining up and actually fighting for this cause. But I don't see how you can not put yourself in our shoes and see how Americans wouldn't feel betrayed and enraged by this.

Imagine if America arrested and jailed an IRA freedom fighter who bombed and killed dozens of Englishman. The we released him on compassion grounds before he died to live free in Ireland to be received to a hero's welcome. You would rightfully feel betrayed.

And to your lie that America supported the IRA.

1992 North American IRA arrests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Go fuck yourself yellowbelly. You're lower than a snakes belly and I'm done with you, you piece of dog's excrement. When we going to see you putting that oversized mouth on the front line in Afghanistan with the rest of us English cowards. You're not fit to lick our boots mate.

Go forth and multiply little man.

every irish bar and pub in nyc and boston (and other places, i assume) always had the cannisters out to collect for NORAID all through the 70's, 80's and even into the 90's.

you have no clue what you're talking about.

man up or shut up.

You are telling me America supported the IRA? And I should shut up! Classic Del!
What's the matter Hook. Haven't got the balls to post this in open forum? And you call me a coward. :lol:

Why am I not surpised! You rail against terrorism on one hand, yet you support a terrorist organisation.

I guess we can see where the hypocrisy is coming from now. Thank you for confirming it!
Wow, just wow. Ghook is a phony.

Or GHook wanted to be an asshole to a guy that is supporting and defending the Scot's move in letting a mass murder out of prison! Just wanted to give him a little taste of what it might be like for a mass murder of English citizens to get hero's recognition!
So ghook wanted to practice terrorist tactics himself. And you call the left cowardly.


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