Lois Lerner Admits-2010 She Was Told To Target Conservative Groups

Not really.

She just pointed out that Citizens United decision allowed this kind of fraud, and the FEC was powerless to stop it unless the IRS caught the fraud.

You guys are just upset the IRS caught the fraud.

YOu know, there isn't a constitutational right to a tax exemption, right?

What fraud? In some cases they've been in limbo regard decisions on status, in spite of numerous audits. Still not decisions and more audits are a constant thread. So, shockingly some have withdrawn.

I guess that really is the wet dream of the left, total annihilation of opposition. While the 'right' might not be around to witness is, the next step is cannibalism. The left will eat their own, on degrees of correctness.

Speaking of wet dreams.

You know what the Right's biggest problem is? People like me stopped voting for it.

The reason why the whole thing was a fraud was most of these Teabagging groups were ways for guys like the Koch Brothers to launder money. This is why they got the IRS's attention, they wanted to call themseleves "social welfare" groups so they didn't have to disclose who their donors were.

Otherwise, they could have just applied for the one where they had to pay their taxes and disclose their donors.
Justify the IRS the asking for the content of members prayers of one organization and explain how that is not a breach of the 1st Amendment then you may gain a small bit of credibility.

Hey, I don't think Churches should be getting tax exemptions to start with.

We need to tax the fuck out of them and then apply the consumer fraud laws to them.

Wasn't a church, care to try again?

Nope. I think I covered it. Frankly, if you are praying for god to do something, I'm reasonably sure I don't want you or your invisible sky fairy anywhere near my government.
Justify the IRS the asking for the content of members prayers of one organization and explain how that is not a breach of the 1st Amendment then you may gain a small bit of credibility.

Hey, I don't think Churches should be getting tax exemptions to start with.

We need to tax the fuck out of them and then apply the consumer fraud laws to them.

Yes we all know yoi'd like to shred the Constitution, like your god, Obama.
BUt frankly no one gives a shit what an ignorant poorly educated rube like you thinks.

Yeah, I'd love to get a nice constitution written in the 21st century that actually works, but we'll go with the one we got.

One that doesn't garuntee rich people the ability to funnel money through rube groups pretending to be charities.
That phony scandal just wont die, will it?
What happens when we find out Valerie Jarrett cooked this one up?

The same thing that happened when you said Obamacare would be overturned and Obama would lose the election, you will never discuss it again when you're proven wrong.
Hey, I don't think Churches should be getting tax exemptions to start with.

We need to tax the fuck out of them and then apply the consumer fraud laws to them.

Wasn't a church, care to try again?

Nope. I think I covered it. Frankly, if you are praying for god to do something, I'm reasonably sure I don't want you or your invisible sky fairy anywhere near my government.

No. You want everyone to accept your reasons. Frankly, you want to tax our faith out of existence. If I got paid a million bucks for every time you called God a "sky fairy"... oh nevermind.

Try reading the Establishment Clause correctly next time. Jefferson wanted to protect Church from State, not State from Church.
That phony scandal just wont die, will it?
What happens when we find out Valerie Jarrett cooked this one up?

The same thing that happened when you said Obamacare would be overturned and Obama would lose the election, you will never discuss it again when you're proven wrong.

Obamacare overturned itself. If I recall correctly, they are delaying more parts of it until 2015.

Quit while you're behind.
Wasn't a church, care to try again?

Nope. I think I covered it. Frankly, if you are praying for god to do something, I'm reasonably sure I don't want you or your invisible sky fairy anywhere near my government.

No. You want everyone to accept your reasons. Frankly, you want to tax our faith out of existence. If I got paid a million bucks for every time you called God a "sky fairy"... oh nevermind.

Try reading the Establishment Clause correctly next time. Jefferson wanted to protect Church from State, not State from Church.

Actually, Jefferson had no use for churches, they might have chastized him for raping his slave. (For the raping part, not the slaving part, because Jesus loved him some slavery!)

The establishment clause was to protect State from the Church. Let's be blunt, the reason why so many Englishmen came to America was every time they got a new King or Queen or Lord Protector, they got a new bible, a new prayerbook, and a new reason to torture and murder your neighbors for praying to the Sky Fairy the wrong way.

So when we got around to doing our own country, the first thing we did was get rid of this whole "National Religion" bullshit.

As far as taxing religion out of existence, I've actually got a better idea.

In order to get the tax exemption, a church has to prove the sky fairy exists.

The way we do that is to throw them off the top of a tall building. If God catches them on the way down, they are totally a valid church...

Any takers?

Didn't think so. Because you know as well as I do, no one is going to catch them.
That phony scandal just wont die, will it?
What happens when we find out Valerie Jarrett cooked this one up?

The same thing that happened when you said Obamacare would be overturned and Obama would lose the election, you will never discuss it again when you're proven wrong.

Obamacare overturned itself. If I recall correctly, they are delaying more parts of it until 2015.

Quit while you're behind.

Just parts of it.

Obamacare is coming, and you will be happier for it. Probably when you find your employer can't cut you off when you need a really expensive treatment.

You're welcome.
Nope. I think I covered it. Frankly, if you are praying for god to do something, I'm reasonably sure I don't want you or your invisible sky fairy anywhere near my government.

No. You want everyone to accept your reasons. Frankly, you want to tax our faith out of existence. If I got paid a million bucks for every time you called God a "sky fairy"... oh nevermind.

Try reading the Establishment Clause correctly next time. Jefferson wanted to protect Church from State, not State from Church.

Actually, Jefferson had no use for churches, they might have chastized him for raping his slave. (For the raping part, not the slaving part, because Jesus loved him some slavery!)

The establishment clause was to protect State from the Church. Let's be blunt, the reason why so many Englishmen came to America was every time they got a new King or Queen or Lord Protector, they got a new bible, a new prayerbook, and a new reason to torture and murder your neighbors for praying to the Sky Fairy the wrong way.

So when we got around to doing our own country, the first thing we did was get rid of this whole "National Religion" bullshit.

As far as taxing religion out of existence, I've actually got a better idea.

In order to get the tax exemption, a church has to prove the sky fairy exists.

The way we do that is to throw them off the top of a tall building. If God catches them on the way down, they are totally a valid church...

Any takers?

Didn't think so. Because you know as well as I do, no one is going to catch them.

You lost me at the word "rape."

Oh by the way:

10-Year-Old Girl Catches Baby Dropped From Burning Apartment In Georgia

New York child caught after falling off a 3rd floor building | abc30.com

God works through the good will of men. But oh well, I can't expect someone like you to understand. When I was three years old, I wandered out into busy road in front of my home. Instead of getting into the car to go to the store with my grandmother like I always did, I decided to keep going. What I was unaware of was that there was an oncoming vehicle. My grandmother said a prayer that the vehicle would not hit me. That car stopped short 10 feet of where I was.

When I was in my mother's womb, she was unaware that she was pregnant. During that time she was prescribed some contraceptive medication. Had she taken them, she would have killed me in the womb. By the grace of God she was very inept and lost those pills.

If there were no God, explain that. Joe. I escaped death twice, and I have no idea how to explain why. That is, unless there is a God, and you are wrong.
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The same thing that happened when you said Obamacare would be overturned and Obama would lose the election, you will never discuss it again when you're proven wrong.

Obamacare overturned itself. If I recall correctly, they are delaying more parts of it until 2015.

Quit while you're behind.

Just parts of it.

Obamacare is coming, and you will be happier for it. Probably when you find your employer can't cut you off when you need a really expensive treatment.

You're welcome.

Oh Brother. I'd much rather have my own insurance, thanks. Obamacare isn't coming, it's being delayed. So um... how is it coming?


You lost me at the word "rape."

I'm sure I did. Makes you uncomfortable that a guy you lionize was essentially holding another person as property and using her sexually as he saw fit.

Oh by the way:

God works through the good will of men. But oh well, I can't expect someone like you to understand. When I was three years old, I wandered out into busy road in front of my home. What I was unaware of was that there was an oncoming vehicle. A neighbor saw what was going on, he rushed out there and saved my life. The car stopped short 10 feet of where I was.

When I was in my mother's womb, she was unaware that she was pregnant. During that time she was prescribed some contraceptive medication. Had she taken them, she would have killed me in the womb. By the grace of God she was very inept and lost those pills.

If there were no God, explain that. Joe. I escaped death twice, and I have no idea how to explain why. That is, unless there is a God, and you are wrong.

The problem with that is you are calling Random acts of luck "God". Conversely, then, anyone killed in an unfortunate accident must also be the will of God, which make God kind of a capricious prick.

For instance, why didn't he catch Eric Clapton's son when he fell out a window? Why catch one kid and not another? (Or arrange for someone to be there, what a lucky break that was!) I guess God wasn't a Cream fan.

There is no God, at least not the Bible God, which I take great comfort in. A universe where a capricious asshole decides who lives in dies based on whatever his mood is not one anyone would want to live in.
Obamacare overturned itself. If I recall correctly, they are delaying more parts of it until 2015.

Quit while you're behind.

Just parts of it.

Obamacare is coming, and you will be happier for it. Probably when you find your employer can't cut you off when you need a really expensive treatment.

You're welcome.

Oh Brother. I'd much rather have my own insurance, thanks. Obamacare isn't coming, it's being delayed. So um... how is it coming?


Pretty well. Millions who didn't have access to health insurance now do.

Now, yeah, they are letting the whiny, undercapitalized businesses get ANOTHER delay from doing the right thing. Most of these places won't last to start with, but man, we have to keep sucking up to the small businessman.

You lost me at the word "rape."

I'm sure I did. Makes you uncomfortable that a guy you lionize was essentially holding another person as property and using her sexually as he saw fit.

Oh by the way:

God works through the good will of men. But oh well, I can't expect someone like you to understand. When I was three years old, I wandered out into busy road in front of my home. What I was unaware of was that there was an oncoming vehicle. A neighbor saw what was going on, he rushed out there and saved my life. The car stopped short 10 feet of where I was.

When I was in my mother's womb, she was unaware that she was pregnant. During that time she was prescribed some contraceptive medication. Had she taken them, she would have killed me in the womb. By the grace of God she was very inept and lost those pills.

If there were no God, explain that. Joe. I escaped death twice, and I have no idea how to explain why. That is, unless there is a God, and you are wrong.

The problem with that is you are calling Random acts of luck "God". Conversely, then, anyone killed in an unfortunate accident must also be the will of God, which make God kind of a capricious prick.

For instance, why didn't he catch Eric Clapton's son when he fell out a window? Why catch one kid and not another? (Or arrange for someone to be there, what a lucky break that was!) I guess God wasn't a Cream fan.

There is no God, at least not the Bible God, which I take great comfort in. A universe where a capricious asshole decides who lives in dies based on whatever his mood is not one anyone would want to live in.

You're pretty mendacious Joe. Ironically, you didn't debunk anything I said. Care to speak to that? Or will you spew more vitriol? If you think God will help someone who continually tries to test him, you are sorely mistaken. God does not have to prove his worth to his creation. If you've ever read the story of Job, you would understand what happens when others challenge him. Job got his answer fairly quickly. Oh hey, what about when Satan tried to tempt Jesus in the desert?

1 Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said:

2 “Who is this that obscures my plans

with words without knowledge?

3 Brace yourself like a man;

I will question you,

and you shall answer me.

4 “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?

Tell me, if you understand.

5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!

Who stretched a measuring line across it?

6 On what were its footings set,

or who laid its cornerstone—

7 while the morning stars sang together

and all the angels shouted for joy?

8 “Who shut up the sea behind doors

when it burst forth from the womb,

9 when I made the clouds its garment

and wrapped it in thick darkness,

10 when I fixed limits for it

and set its doors and bars in place,

11 when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther;

here is where your proud waves halt’?

12 “Have you ever given orders to the morning,

or shown the dawn its place,

13 that it might take the earth by the edges

and shake the wicked out of it?

14 The earth takes shape like clay under a seal;

its features stand out like those of a garment.

15 The wicked are denied their light,

and their upraised arm is broken.

16 “Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea

or walked in the recesses of the deep?

17 Have the gates of death been shown to you?

Have you seen the gates of the deepest darkness?

18 Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth?

Tell me, if you know all this.

19 “What is the way to the abode of light?

And where does darkness reside?

20 Can you take them to their places?

Do you know the paths to their dwellings?

21 Surely you know, for you were already born!

You have lived so many years!

22 “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow

or seen the storehouses of the hail,

23 which I reserve for times of trouble,

for days of war and battle?

24 What is the way to the place where the lightning is dispersed,

or the place where the east winds are scattered over the earth?

25 Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain,

and a path for the thunderstorm,

26 to water a land where no one lives,

an uninhabited desert,

27 to satisfy a desolate wasteland

and make it sprout with grass?

28 Does the rain have a father?

Who fathers the drops of dew?

29 From whose womb comes the ice?

Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens

30 when the waters become hard as stone,

when the surface of the deep is frozen?

31 “Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades?

Can you loosen Orion’s belt?

32 Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons

or lead out the Bear with its cubs?

33 Do you know the laws of the heavens?

Can you set up God’s dominion over the earth?

34 “Can you raise your voice to the clouds

and cover yourself with a flood of water?

35 Do you send the lightning bolts on their way?

Do they report to you, ‘Here we are’?

36 Who gives the ibis wisdom

or gives the rooster understanding?

37 Who has the wisdom to count the clouds?

Who can tip over the water jars of the heavens

38 when the dust becomes hard

and the clods of earth stick together?

39 “Do you hunt the prey for the lioness

and satisfy the hunger of the lions

40 when they crouch in their dens

or lie in wait in a thicket?

41 Who provides food for the raven

when its young cry out to God

and wander about for lack of food?

Job 38

Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written: "'He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

Matthew 4:5-7

I've yet to see an intelligent argument come from your end, either that's all you have or you have an intense hatred of God because he didn't do you any favors or grant you something you wanted. I mean, I've seen people like you before.
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That phony scandal just wont die, will it?
What happens when we find out Valerie Jarrett cooked this one up?

The same thing that happened when you said Obamacare would be overturned and Obama would lose the election, you will never discuss it again when you're proven wrong.

Obamacare overturned itself. If I recall correctly, they are delaying more parts of it until 2015.

Quit while you're behind.

That you have to take so much comfort in such a small "victory" is really sort of sad.

You're pretty mendacious Joe. Ironically, you didn't debunk anything I said. Care to speak to that or will you spew more vitriol? If you think God will help someone who continually tries to test him, you are sorely mistaken. God does not have to prove his worth to his creation. If you've ever read the story of Job, you would understand what happens when others challenge him. Oh hey, what about when Satan tried to tempt Jesus in the desert?

I've yet to see an intelligent argument come from your end, either that's all you have or you have an intense hatred of God because he didn't do you any favors or grant you something you wanted. I mean, I've seen people like you before.

Frankly, I find it funny when you guys cite the Book of Job.

If there's a book that makes the Sky Fairy look like a complete Douchenoodle, it's the Book of Job.

God let's Satan kill Job's Children and do horrible things to him on essentially a bar bet. And when poor Job cries out "Why?", God Replies, "You can't question me, I'm God. Now get to sacrificing some cows!!!" Because God apparently loved him some cooked cow.

I don't hate God. There is no God to hate. What I hate are assholes who try to impose their stupidity on the rest of us because they are quaking in fear of an Imaginary Sky Fairy.

Those people need to be slapped, and I never pass up an oppurtunity to do it.
The same thing that happened when you said Obamacare would be overturned and Obama would lose the election, you will never discuss it again when you're proven wrong.

Obamacare overturned itself. If I recall correctly, they are delaying more parts of it until 2015.

Quit while you're behind.

That you have to take so much comfort in such a small "victory" is really sort of sad.

Oh I see. This victory is by no means "small." When your beloved healthcare law can't get off the ground, it means it has failed miserably.

You're pretty mendacious Joe. Ironically, you didn't debunk anything I said. Care to speak to that or will you spew more vitriol? If you think God will help someone who continually tries to test him, you are sorely mistaken. God does not have to prove his worth to his creation. If you've ever read the story of Job, you would understand what happens when others challenge him. Oh hey, what about when Satan tried to tempt Jesus in the desert?

I've yet to see an intelligent argument come from your end, either that's all you have or you have an intense hatred of God because he didn't do you any favors or grant you something you wanted. I mean, I've seen people like you before.

Frankly, I find it funny when you guys cite the Book of Job.

If there's a book that makes the Sky Fairy look like a complete Douchenoodle, it's the Book of Job.

God let's Satan kill Job's Children and do horrible things to him on essentially a bar bet. And when poor Job cries out "Why?", God Replies, "You can't question me, I'm God. Now get to sacrificing some cows!!!" Because God apparently loved him some cooked cow.

I don't hate God. There is no God to hate. What I hate are assholes who try to impose their stupidity on the rest of us because they are quaking in fear of an Imaginary Sky Fairy.

Those people need to be slapped, and I never pass up an oppurtunity to do it.

Ha! Did you not read further on in the book that God restored all that Job had lost, all because he kept the faith? Or are you just cherry picking Joe?

Yeah, read Job 42:10-17

And the Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. Then all his brothers, all his sisters, and all those who had been his acquaintances before, came to him and ate food with him in his house; and they consoled him and comforted him for all the adversity that the Lord had brought upon him. Each one gave him a piece of silver and each a ring of gold. Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning; for he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen, and one thousand female donkeys. He also had seven sons and three daughters. And he called the name of the first Jemimah, the name of the second Keziah, and the name of the third Keren-Happuch. In all the land were found no women so beautiful as the daughters of Job; and their father gave them an inheritance among their brothers. After this Job lived one hundred and forty years, and saw his children and grandchildren for four generations. So Job died, old and full of days.

So what excuses do you have now, Joe?

Ha! Did you not read further on in the book that God restored all that Job had lost, all because he kept the faith? Or are you just cherry picking Joe?

Yeah, read Job 42:10-17

So what excuses do you have now, Joe?

Completely fucking irrelevent.

I don't know one parent who would lose a child who would be completely comforted by having another. Parents should not outlive their children. It's just not the way of things.

Not to mention poor Mrs. Job (who spends about half the book berating Job) is the one who had to have ten more kids in her 50's.... I don't think she was too thriled with God's idea of "Compensation".

(Keep in mind, the 10 Children of Job are described as being adults when Satan Drops a roof on them.)

The problem here is that God lets Satan do HORRIBLE things to Job. And to What Purpose? To make Satan a better person? Probably not. Because Satan goes from being an agent of God who can come and go as he pleases in Heaven to the ruler of Hell and adversary of God.
The same thing that happened when you said Obamacare would be overturned and Obama would lose the election, you will never discuss it again when you're proven wrong.

Obamacare overturned itself. If I recall correctly, they are delaying more parts of it until 2015.

Quit while you're behind.

That you have to take so much comfort in such a small "victory" is really sort of sad.

Thanks for admitting Obamacare is collapsing of its own weight. If it weren't for Obama illegally delaying its implementation it would have been repealed already.

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