Lois Lerner Admits-2010 She Was Told To Target Conservative Groups

Just like the video. You want to believe the woman says she was ordered to target right wing groups, and so you assume that's what is in the video.

You could not possibly have watched it and then believed that is what she said unless you are seriously delusional and hallucinating things that are not there.

Not kidding.

What did you hear her say?


When this scandal first broke I remember hearing the I.R.S. admit they did this I also remember the President calling the I.R.S. actions outrageous. Funny how we have gone from admitting and outrageous to phony.

What's phony is the claim that Obama gave the order.
Social Security-bankrupt
Patriot Act-widespread spying on Americans.
Tell me how it's all going to be OK. TGell me how Obamacare is in any way comparable to segregation.

The conservative response to anything is to make you afraid of it because they long for the Leave it to Beaver days of the 1950's when times were simple enough for them to understand (to put it one way).

Seems liberals love making stuff up or exagerating.

You're right, more like 1850's
Gee, a conservative trying to envoke fear...

First it was women voting
Then it was ending segregation
Then it was the Patriot act
Lately it has been gay marriage

Each time it's happened and been overcome, the country has grown stronger.

Yes there will be confusion at the outset...there always is with any new program; a radio station changing it's format causes the same thing.

Can't wait for the gloom and doom posts during the transition period...

Social Security-bankrupt
Patriot Act-widespread spying on Americans.
Tell me how it's all going to be OK. TGell me how Obamacare is in any way comparable to segregation.

The conservative response to anything is to make you afraid of it because they long for the Leave it to Beaver days of the 1950's when times were simple enough for them to understand (to put it one way).
I'm sorry you're afraid of those things. Adults see them as problems that need solutions.
But what can I expect from someone who hasn't yet realized that Tab A goes in Slot B?
Social Security-bankrupt
Patriot Act-widespread spying on Americans.
Tell me how it's all going to be OK. TGell me how Obamacare is in any way comparable to segregation.

The conservative response to anything is to make you afraid of it because they long for the Leave it to Beaver days of the 1950's when times were simple enough for them to understand (to put it one way).
I'm sorry you're afraid of those things. Adults see them as problems that need solutions.
But what can I expect from someone who hasn't yet realized that Tab A goes in Slot B?

Again with your mating habits....

The question you asked...

TGell me how Obamacare is in any way comparable to segregation

It's the same Conservative ploy; you didn't want integration any more than you want Obamacare so what do you do? Try to make people afraid of it
The conservative response to anything is to make you afraid of it because they long for the Leave it to Beaver days of the 1950's when times were simple enough for them to understand (to put it one way).
I'm sorry you're afraid of those things. Adults see them as problems that need solutions.
But what can I expect from someone who hasn't yet realized that Tab A goes in Slot B?

Again with your mating habits....

The question you asked...

TGell me how Obamacare is in any way comparable to segregation

It's the same Conservative ploy; you didn't want integration any more than you want Obamacare so what do you do? Try to make people afraid of it
I dont want asparagus either. By your logic segregation, Obamacare and asparagus are all the same.

But the basic fact is that Obamacare is a disaster, and it hasnt even been fully implemented yet. Nor will it. The whole thing is so unworkable it will require exception after exception adn exemption after exemption. That's what happens when you have to pass a bill to know what's in it.
What did you hear her say?


When this scandal first broke I remember hearing the I.R.S. admit they did this I also remember the President calling the I.R.S. actions outrageous. Funny how we have gone from admitting and outrageous to phony.

What's phony is the claim that Obama gave the order.
I have heard no one claim he did I have heard people ask if the whitehouse knew this was going on a fair question and not the same as claiming Obama ordered it.
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Then why do you consistently remark on it as if your opinion matters?

I don't. I don't tell a woman who wants an abortion she shouldn't get one, and I don't tell a woman who wants a baby to get an abortion, even if I think she's in the "too stupid to breed" category.

Oh by the way, if you ever dealt with biblical hermeneutics before, you'll know that Satan was not a son of God.

The Hebrew language is very complex, but in the end, it has inclusive and and exclusive versions of words. For example, the the Hebrew "gam" in this verse is exclusive and is translated to "also" in English. Had you a basic understanding of grammatical structure like I do, you would know that the term "also" is exclusive. It does not make the person part of the group, but that he may have come in accompaniment or apart from the main group. Simple, Joe.

Yes, I know you are. Besides the fact that there are a LOT of different translations that claim that Satan was a "son of God" (Does God have other sons besides Jesus? The bible contradicts itself on that, too.) But here you have Satan, who apparently comes and goes in Heaven as he pleases. He doesn't lay into poor Job until God makes a wager with him.

[I cannot understand why you fall for these lies. But what really gets me is why you twist what the Bible says for your nefarious arguments. Only Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan were brothers (or that Satan was a son of God), last time I checked, the whole of Christianity are not Mormons. That was an exclamation from the Mormon prophets, as it also was an edict from the Mormon Church itself. In the Discourses of Brigham Young, on Pg.53-54 he lets it be known that Lucifer is the second son, the one known as "Son of the Morning." As you very well know, Mormonism is considered not to be part of the Christian faith. Don't get me wrong, Joe, I have nothing against them, but it is what it is. Anyway, guess what Joe? You stereotyped all of us based on what the Mormons believe. How narrow minded can you be, Joe? You know nothing of my faith. Nothing.

Guy, last year, you were willing to turn the whole country over to the Mormon Cult because you hate the black guy so much. Frankly, I think their beliefs are just as silly as yours. It's their mendacity I can't stand.

The whole concept of Satan as a real thing is so silly that you have to laugh at it.

Either God created something clever enough to trick him, in which case, he's not all powerful.


He created Satan knowing damned well what damage he would do to men and their souls and simply didn't care.

Again, neither one makes God look like anything but a douchenoodle.

Then why do you consistently remark on it as if your opinion matters?

I don't. I don't tell a woman who wants an abortion she shouldn't get one, and I don't tell a woman who wants a baby to get an abortion, even if I think she's in the "too stupid to breed" category.

Oh by the way, if you ever dealt with biblical hermeneutics before, you'll know that Satan was not a son of God.

The Hebrew language is very complex, but in the end, it has inclusive and and exclusive versions of words. For example, the the Hebrew "gam" in this verse is exclusive and is translated to "also" in English. Had you a basic understanding of grammatical structure like I do, you would know that the term "also" is exclusive. It does not make the person part of the group, but that he may have come in accompaniment or apart from the main group. Simple, Joe.

Yes, I know you are. Besides the fact that there are a LOT of different translations that claim that Satan was a "son of God" (Does God have other sons besides Jesus? The bible contradicts itself on that, too.) But here you have Satan, who apparently comes and goes in Heaven as he pleases. He doesn't lay into poor Job until God makes a wager with him.

[I cannot understand why you fall for these lies. But what really gets me is why you twist what the Bible says for your nefarious arguments. Only Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan were brothers (or that Satan was a son of God), last time I checked, the whole of Christianity are not Mormons. That was an exclamation from the Mormon prophets, as it also was an edict from the Mormon Church itself. In the Discourses of Brigham Young, on Pg.53-54 he lets it be known that Lucifer is the second son, the one known as "Son of the Morning." As you very well know, Mormonism is considered not to be part of the Christian faith. Don't get me wrong, Joe, I have nothing against them, but it is what it is. Anyway, guess what Joe? You stereotyped all of us based on what the Mormons believe. How narrow minded can you be, Joe? You know nothing of my faith. Nothing.

Guy, last year, you were willing to turn the whole country over to the Mormon Cult because you hate the black guy so much. Frankly, I think their beliefs are just as silly as yours. It's their mendacity I can't stand.

The whole concept of Satan as a real thing is so silly that you have to laugh at it.

Either God created something clever enough to trick him, in which case, he's not all powerful.


He created Satan knowing damned well what damage he would do to men and their souls and simply didn't care.

Again, neither one makes God look like anything but a douchenoodle.

Hate of his policies. But that fact destroys your narrative, doesn't it?
Of course she was trumpeting the Obama serenade.

And then after he slams groups like Americans for Prosperity et al, the IRS mysteriously starts it's witch hunt?

Um, OK


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