LOL...and the AOC circus begins! Wasting no time going after Pelosi and Schumer

You can have her libs
I'll take her. ;)

Of course you would.
Desperate desperate things

You can have her libs...she's all yours and I am getting out the pop corn now.

OK, I am not a Republican or Democrat, but what am I missing. I have joked regarding AOC as a junior Congresswoman, children should be seen and not heard. Now she becomes a sophomore and I still cannot see the rational appeal. If you wanted a caricature of the far left, I thought she was it. We just had an election moving toward more centrism than fringe left. What am I not understanding about her or have I got it right?
You can have her libs...she's all yours and I am getting out the pop corn now.

>>> Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) says that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) need to vacate their positions in the government and let the younger generation of burgeoning lawmakers take over.<<<​

First of all, there's the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación -- the New Generation which AOC hopes to bring on board.
This is from Mexico of course, but the same thing has been happening in Finland.
This is not a true picture of reality of course. Just like the Democrat party in the USA, there is still a pernicious phenomenon of certain “older men” who are not quite to be taken as fools even if they are just pimps and hidden bosses in a back room rather than real leaders who show their faces in public.
AOC is almost hot, don't know about you but dumb is limp, when her mouth opens she's unattractive.

She thinks she's a star, watch her everywhere and anywhere, she figures she's the hottest and brightest in the world. Honest to God, she thinks she's the brightest star there is.

Video when she was young, which is a shame, because even then her legs sucked or I should say it's all down hill from here. I'll bet she could water ski on those feet too. Perhaps she has a nice ass, but with those legs probably not. OK, so she's hot from the waste up if she keeps her mouth shut. That's her only value.

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For any of you opposed to Communism......that find Ocasio Cortez "attractive"........

There's a few verses in the Bible about the attractiveness of pure Evil
You can have her libs...she's all yours and I am getting out the pop corn now.

I was channel hopping today, and twice on different channels AOC was trying to get Democrats to vote in Georgia "So we (Democrats) don't have to negotiate" (with Republicans). I put implied parties in parentheses.

That's what communism is all about. A central committee decides all so they do not have to trouble themselves with the little people.

The reason why I am against communism is because tyrants are developed under its system to the point of non-representation of various local needs, the development of revenge instead of any rule of law, engenderment of too much power in hard-of-hearing kingpins, which devalues the commoner. It ultimately requires killing masses of people due to the buildup in leadership that forgets that men should be equally powerful as a priority, not a fantasy created at whim.

Communism like this is antithesis to our democratic republic as envisioned by the Founders of representational governance based on the Constitution created to make America great.

May God bless America always.
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