LOL! Man made global warming being blamed for missing wreckage.....


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
One Reason It May Be Harder to Find Flight 370: We Messed Up the Currents | Mother Jones

One Reason It May Be Harder to Find Flight 370: We Messed Up the Currents
How climate change factors into the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight.

Scientists say man-made climate change has fundamentally altered the currents of the vast, deep oceans where investigators are currently scouring for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight, setting a complex stage for the ongoing search for MH370. If the Boeing 777 did plunge into the ocean somewhere in the vicinity of where the Indian Ocean meets the Southern Ocean, the location where its debris finally ends up, if found at all, may be vastly different from where investigators could have anticipated 30 years ago.

The search of 8,880 square miles of ocean has yet to turn up signs of the missing flight.

Even if the fragments captured in satellite images are identified as being part of the jet, which Malaysian officials say deliberately flew off course on March 8, investigators coordinated by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority will still have an enormous task to locate remaining parts of the plane and its flight recorders. Among the assets deployed in the search—including a multinational array of military and civil naval resources—are data modelers, whose task will be reconciling regional air and water currents with local weather patterns to produce a possible debris field. "Data marker buoys" are being dropped into the ocean to assist in providing "information about water movement to assist in drift modeling," John Young from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority told a press conference in Canberra on Thursday.

While longer-term climate shifts are unlikely to play into day-to-day search and rescue efforts, these large climate-affected currents—among them the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the world's most powerful ocean system—are an essential factor in oceanographers' understanding of the literal undercurrents of search operations.


They can say how far the current moved the wreckage only if they know the exact spot of the crash.

Liberals are so dumb fuck stupid.
Searchers get lucky...
China: Debris Matches Colors of Missing Jet
March 29, 2014 — Chinese planes have spotted objects in the Indian Ocean bearing the same colors as the missing Malaysia Airlines jet.
Investigators, however, say those objects and others that have been pulled from the water cannot be confirmed as debris from the jet. Vessels from six nations, including China and Australia, scoured the southern Indian Ocean Saturday in stepped-up efforts to locate a missing Malaysian jet 21 days after it disappeared on a flight to Beijing. Malaysia's acting transport minister, Hishamuddin Hussein, is trying to reassure families of the missing passengers and crew that the international team deployed on the sea and in the skies remained committed to the search.

With the search for missing Malaysia Air Flight 370 now entering its fourth week, Hishamuddin Hussein says all 26 nations involved remained committed to the task despite the frustrating lack of any definite evidence showing what happened to the plane. The search currently is centered about 1,600 kilometers southwest of Perth, Australia, in the Indian Ocean's Southern Corridor — a band of open water circling the globe where high winds and waves are common.

On Saturday during an emotional meeting with families of the passengers and crew from flight MH370 Hishamuddin reassured relatives there would be no let-up in the search. "They know that it's not just a Malaysian effort; it's a global effort. They know [the search is] in the Southern Corridor. Australia is taking the lead. We've got the latest P8 Poseidon and Orion [planes] up there. We've got a Chinese aircraft — the latest, never seen outside the [country] before — landing in Perth; 26 nations working together," he said.


Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370 search area as of March 28, 2014

Australia's Maritime Safety Authority said eight aircraft flew over the search area Saturday, including a Chinese Air Force Ilyushin IL-76, three Australian air force P3 Orions and aircraft from Japan and New Zealand. ​The new search area followed "credible leads" of a possible crash site for the Boeing 777 jetliner, based on new data showing the plane had been traveling faster than earlier estimated, so it would have exhausted its fuel supply sooner and if — as is now believed — it plunged into the sea late early on March 8.

As six or more ships began traveling through the new search area Saturday, the Chinese news agency Xinhua said spotters aboard Chinese planes sighted three objects bobbing in the water near each other — one white, one red and one orange — that could be from the Malaysian airliner. The current search area has an overall size of 319,000 square kilometers. Malaysia's Hishamuddin says there is little to no hope that anyone survived the plane's plunge into some of the most desolate waters in the world's oceans, but that he pledged to the families that the search would go on, and that he would "hope against hope" for positive results.


See also:

Australia hopeful as more items pulled from sea
Mar 30,`14 -- Australia's prime minister said Sunday he was hopeful a clue will emerge soon to narrow the hunt for Flight 370, as more objects are pulled from the southern Indian Ocean and checked to see if they are part of the plane that went missing more than three weeks ago.
But so far, even though more ships are scouring the area off western Australia, none of the recovered items has been connected to the Malaysia Airlines plane that crashed March 8 with 239 people on board. "My understanding from this morning is that there has been no discrete debris associated with the flight," Australian Navy Commodore Peter Leavy told reporters Sunday. In Sydney, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott described the "intensifying search effort" as positive because objects "have been recovered from the ocean."

The Australian Maritimes Safety Authority said 10 planes took part in the search Sunday, leaving in staggered times from the western city of Perth. Eight ships were on the scene, including the Australian navy supply ship HMAS Success, which is to store any wreckage found. The ships are trying to locate and identify the objects sighted by aircraft over the past two days. Leavy, the commander of the search task force, said the operation was made more difficult because the particular area being combed is in a shipping lane littered with potentially more floating objects.


An object floats in the southern Indian Ocean in this picture taken from a Royal New Zealand Air Force P-3K2 Orion aircraft searching for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, Saturday, March 29, 2014. A warship with an aircraft black box detector was set to depart Australia on Sunday to join the search for the missing Malaysian jetliner, a day after ships plucked objects from the Indian Ocean to determine whether they were related to the missing plane. None were confirmed to be from the plane, leaving searchers with no sign of the jet more than three weeks after it disappeared.

AMSA said there were light showers and low cloud in the area, but not enough to disrupt the search, which is about 2 1/2 hours flying time from Perth, allowing the planes five hours of searching time before they have to return to base. Among the objects spotted over the last day were three by a Chinese Ilyushin IL-76 plane that were white, red and orange, according to a report from China's official Xinhua News Agency said. The missing Boeing 777's exterior was red, white, blue and gray. In Kuala Lumpur, several dozen Chinese relatives of passengers on Flight 370 arrived Sunday to demand to meet top officials for more information about what happened to the airliner.

Two-thirds of the 227 passengers aboard the plane en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur were Chinese, and Beijing has urged Malaysia to be more open about the investigation. One of the relatives, who gave only his surname, Xu, said that the relatives want to meet officials "at the very highest levels." Newly analyzed satellite data shifted the search zone on Friday, raising expectations that searchers may be closer to getting physical evidence that the plane crashed into the Indian Ocean. The change came after analysts determined that the Boeing 777 may have been traveling faster than earlier estimates and would therefore have run out of fuel sooner.

With all the satellites and software the world has...
We have no idea which way the currents go?.....

I'm waiting for some dumbass Liberal to come out and say global warming/earh cooling/weather changing/climate control changing or whatever the fuck they call it these days caused the crash.
With all the satellites and software the world has...
We have no idea which way the currents go?.....

I'm waiting for some dumbass Liberal to come out and say global warming/earh cooling/weather changing/climate control changing or whatever the fuck they call it these days caused the crash.

Ironically ... it must have been the emissions from the plane itself that changed the currents. Yeah ... that's the ticket!

[ame=]Jon Lovitz Appears as the Pathological Liar on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show - YouTube[/ame]
I though it was Obama's fault...:eek:

After thinking about it you may be right, after all the emissions from air force one they admitted into the atmosphere, from all their vast vacations. Even the dog can be blamed since he needs his own plane also.
I though it was Obama's fault...:eek:

After thinking about it you may be right, after all the emissions from air force one they admitted into the atmosphere, from all their vast vacations. Even the dog can be blamed since he needs his own plane also.


Note: emissions can't speak, they are emitted not admitted into the atmosphere.

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