
[ame=]Teenage photographer Will Nicholls captures the world's creatures - YouTube[/ame]

26 March 2014 Last updated at 00:09 GMT

Will Nicholls started taking pictures of wildlife when he was just 12 years old.
Still only 19, the native of north-east England has travelled all over the UK and as far as Cambodia and Nepal in his mission to become a wildlife documentary maker.
BBC News joined Will on a shoot in the Cairngorms, as he shared some of his favourite footage and memorable moments, and explained why it is so important for us humans to pay attention to all the species with which we share the planet.


You would think that the sound of 400 dogs would be louder, wilder, like a small tornado touching down. But there's a hush here as Sasha Pecic falls to the ground and the dogs surround him.

"Touch me. Throw the ball to me. Pass me a treat." You can almost hear the thoughts of the dogs.

As Sasha makes his way through the pack at this unique, free-run dog sanctuary in Serbia, he responds to the dogs personally. He calls each by name and tells them how beautiful they are, how loved they are. Sasha remembers the broken bones and emotional wounds each dog arrived with. And he is most alive when he sees the healing come full circle.

The dogs follow Sasha across the pasture area, as he goes about cleaning for the morning. They follow him as he collects beds for cleaning, as he empties the garbage, and as he unloads sacks of food. One has to wonder, would the dogs follow this man to the ends of the earth? After all, this is the one soul on earth who saw the value in each of these dogs during their time of homelessness. He saw past their patches of missing fur and broken teeth. He wasn't frightened by their inquisitive stare or their upsetting injuries. He simply got down on his knees, took each face into his hands and said, "Come with me"

Today, the Harmony Fund has sent another month's supply of food to Sasha's sanctuary which is deeply dependent on our aid. It's because of those of you out there reading this now, that we're able to collect the funds to provide food and veterinary care and utilities here. To be honest, there are months where it's not easy.

To help us feed the dogs as Sasha's shelter in Serbia, we would be ever so grateful if you'd help us here:
►►► Help Feed & Care for 400 Dogs in Serbia

To protect Finnish reindeer and avoid traffic accidents they spray paint their antlers with glow-in-the-dark paint. Reindeer are not hunted, but while they roam freely for most of the year, they are owned like cattle. The antlers glow only in car headlights. If you drive in Lapland you cannot avoid seeing these animals around roadsides in large flocks.

Reindeers on the Road - Finland Lapland Enontekiö - YouTube


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