
Extreme nostalgia from this picture.

I once had a "tuxedo" cat like that one. His name was Jack and he was a smart little fellow. I would sit him like that in a corner of the sofa and he would stay just like that for as much as an hour. Just sit there with his forepaws folded. I believe he was emulating humans.

He also would try to turn the knob on the kitchen door when he wanted to go out.
sweet ( :

dogs and gar fish. How do you post big pictures ?

Puzzling that they're showing up small. They're normal size on your harddrive?

I don't do attachments. Guess I could try one as a test. I usually just get the Cheezburger address or my Photobucket address and use IMG tags.

Testing ... does this enlarge to full size? edit: yes it seems to enlarge correctly when I click on it.


  • $funny-pictures-cat-is-not-a-marshmallow.jpg
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