LOLOL....two old white racist, debating who loves negro's more!!

Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
2020 ELECTION[/paste:font]
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
Bloomberg said the president is the one who has divided the country "with racist appeals and hateful rhetoric."

I never thought I'd see the day, two rich white mf's arguing over who loves and loathe black people the hates us for kneeling, the other hates us for killing and stealing....LOLOLO...this shit is too fuckin funny for words!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Are you kidding? This is why I think some of you people live in a fairy world. I've been watching white Democrats attack and accuse each other of racism constantly.

White Democrats have been playing black people, like they were tools for ages. I still remember Hillary Clinton, going to a black church, and started 'talkin lik' she was black person, and everyone celebrated her diversity. Even the audience of the black church where she was, was cheering her, while she was covertly mocking them the whole time.

The lady hasn't had a hard day in her life of living off the tax of working people... and there she was talking down to an entire church of black people, pretending she understood how hard life is for common people.

You people want to laugh at this, and yet we've been laughing at you people for decades.

Nancy Pelosi is accused of being racists.
Forbes is now accused of being racists.
And all these people have been claiming to be for the black people for ages. And they keep voting for them, which is why they are all still poor, and broken. Too bad they never learn.
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
2020 ELECTION[/paste:font]
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
Bloomberg said the president is the one who has divided the country "with racist appeals and hateful rhetoric."

I never thought I'd see the day, two rich white mf's arguing over who loves and loathe black people the hates us for kneeling, the other hates us for killing and stealing....LOLOLO...this shit is too fuckin funny for words!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Are you kidding? This is why I think some of you people live in a fairy world. I've been watching white Democrats attack and accuse each other of racism constantly.

White Democrats have been playing black people, like they were tools for ages. I still remember Hillary Clinton, going to a black church, and started 'talkin lik' she was black person, and everyone celebrated her diversity. Even the audience of the black church where she was, was cheering her, while she was covertly mocking them the whole time.

The lady hasn't had a hard day in her life of living off the tax of working people... and there she was talking down to an entire church of black people, pretending she understood how hard life is for common people.

You people want to laugh at this, and yet we've been laughing at you people for decades.

Nancy Pelosi is accused of being racists.
Forbes is now accused of being racists.
And all these people have been claiming to be for the black people for ages. And they keep voting for them, which is why they are all still poor, and broken. Too bad they never learn.
Hey pot meet kettle, you got a billionaire white president, who would rather hire illegals than pay you the white man a decent wage, who goes on these Klan tangents pretending to be blue collar, fooling you suckers that he's all in for you, yet spends our tax dollars golfing all fuckin day and sitting on his fat ass tell me, who's using who?
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
2020 ELECTION[/paste:font]
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
Bloomberg said the president is the one who has divided the country "with racist appeals and hateful rhetoric."

I never thought I'd see the day, two rich white mf's arguing over who loves and loathe black people the hates us for kneeling, the other hates us for killing and stealing....LOLOLO...this shit is too fuckin funny for words!! LOLOLOLOLOL
Good pic of the two BILLIONAIRES. Bloomberg really IS short, isn't he?
I betcha, if both of these men piled all their money in a stack, Mike would not only top Trump, he'd be able to look through that mop and see what he was thinking...just sayin LOLOLO
I'm not really going to give an opinion about racism or whatever, but I will say this.

It always bothers me that people say someone is "UnAmerican or Unpatriotic" because they do exactly what the Constitution allows them to do, peaceably protest or exercise their freedom of speech or expression in the way they choose. While I wouldn't personally do it, if someone chooses to kneel during the National Anthem as their form of protest, then that is exactly the kind of freedom we celebrate in America, and while someone may not agree with it, that doesn't make it less American. We should celebrate our ability to disagree with our government and public officials without getting executed.

Blocking roadways is not peaceable which happens at most modern day protests!
STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): Rudy, when you were mayor, stop and frisk used extensively here --

RUDY GIULIANI: I started it.

DOOCY: You started here in New York City --

GIULIANI: With Bill Bratton.

DOOCY: Yesterday, Donald Trump was asked about it at the black church in Cleveland, he was asked, “what do you think about -- what would stop black-on-black crime in Chicago?” And he said stop and frisk.

Well, they stopped it here in New York because there were complaints that it was racist.

GIULIANI: I started it for the same reason that Donald Trump is talking about. I started it in 1994. We had had years of 2,200 murders, 7 murders a day. Numbers, we're talking about war zone murders and shootings. And during my tenure, I brought murder down 65 percent, and Michael Bloomberg brought it down another -- ultimately, between the two of us, 85 percent. And I used stop, question, and frisk not as much as Mike [Bloomberg] and Ray Kelly did. I used it about 80, 90, 100 times a year. They had gone to 4 or 500. And here's what it is, it's stop, question, and frisk. Totally justified by the United States Supreme Court Decision called Terry v. The United States. And it says, if a police officer has reasonable suspicion to think you're committing a crime, not probable cause, probable cause they can arrest you. Reasonable suspicion is a lesser standard. In other words, if he suspects but doesn't have real reason.

Fox Invites Rudy Giuliani To Defend Trump's Stop And Frisk Proposal

3 now. Its really not funny. Its still going on everyday.

With video, tramp, Giuliani , and Fox news is on it.
There exists a legacy that each generation has a chance to undo and improve upon, and that's a legacy of all black men are considered guilty until proven innocent. For those who grow up lawful and responsive to social moray's, there exist those who do not. Each generation that comes along has a chance to put this all negro's are bad, shit to rest.....unfortunately with each generation the stigma attaches itself and no one seems willing or able to break this spell of negativity surrounding young black men. So cops shoot before asking questions, innocent young men are caught frisk, more than two in a car is considered dangerous and on and on.....At what point will black fathers, black men, say enough is enough and strive to break this nightmare that has haunted us since the boat ride?

I live in a dangerous part of time, I like so many of us dread the summer because we know dead young black people will dominate our news cycle. So to Rudy, to Bloomberg, do what you gotta do. Sadly we can't stop the senseless madness on our own. And yes young white men, kill and yes latino's and asians kill....but no one race suffers more at the hands of their own, that those of black ppl, nobody...our nightmare never improves, it only worsen.

You're a professional victim!!
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
2020 ELECTION[/paste:font]
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
Bloomberg said the president is the one who has divided the country "with racist appeals and hateful rhetoric."

I never thought I'd see the day, two rich white mf's arguing over who loves and loathe black people the hates us for kneeling, the other hates us for killing and stealing....LOLOLO...this shit is too fuckin funny for words!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Actually everyone hates you more.
Not everyone is honest though.
Lets keep this shit real, for real....nobody and I mean nobody loves and worships dark meat more than white ppl. Your women will drop they panties with just a smile from a nigga, a brother puts a ball in a hoop, you mf's go ga ga, he scores a touch down, your beer belly wobbles, Tiger had you mf's with hard on's on the golf course, Pedifile Michael Jackson, had you leaving your babies for overnight slumber parties, To this day, OJ the murderer, is still golfing with you. If Obama had been a single black man, he's still be peeling white trash left over panties off the white house lawn. Black people have made more millionaires out of white ppl than any race on the planet, from slavery to yes, you mf's may hate us...but believe me, its hard to tell.....:abgg2q.jpg:
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
2020 ELECTION[/paste:font]
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
Bloomberg said the president is the one who has divided the country "with racist appeals and hateful rhetoric."

I never thought I'd see the day, two rich white mf's arguing over who loves and loathe black people the hates us for kneeling, the other hates us for killing and stealing....LOLOLO...this shit is too fuckin funny for words!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Actually everyone hates you more.
Not everyone is honest though.
Lets keep this shit real, for real....nobody and I mean nobody loves and worships dark meat more than white ppl. Your women will drop they panties with just a smile from a nigga, a brother puts a ball in a hoop, you mf's go ga ga, he scores a touch down, your beer belly wobbles, Tiger had you mf's with hard on's on the golf course, Pedifile Michael Jackson, had you leaving your babies for overnight slumber parties, To this day, OJ the murderer, is still golfing with you. If Obama had been a single black man, he's still be peeling white trash left over panties off the white house lawn. Black people have made more millionaires out of white ppl than any race on the planet, from slavery to yes, you mf's may hate us...but believe me, its hard to tell.....:abgg2q.jpg:
YOU...…..wanting to keep something REAL. ROFLMFAO

You've been disconnected from reality for decades.
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
2020 ELECTION[/paste:font]
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
Bloomberg said the president is the one who has divided the country "with racist appeals and hateful rhetoric."

I never thought I'd see the day, two rich white mf's arguing over who loves and loathe black people the hates us for kneeling, the other hates us for killing and stealing....LOLOLO...this shit is too fuckin funny for words!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Actually everyone hates you more.
Not everyone is honest though.
Lets keep this shit real, for real....nobody and I mean nobody loves and worships dark meat more than white ppl. Your women will drop they panties with just a smile from a nigga, a brother puts a ball in a hoop, you mf's go ga ga, he scores a touch down, your beer belly wobbles, Tiger had you mf's with hard on's on the golf course, Pedifile Michael Jackson, had you leaving your babies for overnight slumber parties, To this day, OJ the murderer, is still golfing with you. If Obama had been a single black man, he's still be peeling white trash left over panties off the white house lawn. Black people have made more millionaires out of white ppl than any race on the planet, from slavery to yes, you mf's may hate us...but believe me, its hard to tell.....:abgg2q.jpg:
YOU...…..wanting to keep something REAL. ROFLMFAO

You've been disconnected from reality for decades.
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
2020 ELECTION[/paste:font]
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
Bloomberg said the president is the one who has divided the country "with racist appeals and hateful rhetoric."

I never thought I'd see the day, two rich white mf's arguing over who loves and loathe black people the hates us for kneeling, the other hates us for killing and stealing....LOLOLO...this shit is too fuckin funny for words!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Actually everyone hates you more.
Not everyone is honest though.
Lets keep this shit real, for real....nobody and I mean nobody loves and worships dark meat more than white ppl. Your women will drop they panties with just a smile from a nigga, a brother puts a ball in a hoop, you mf's go ga ga, he scores a touch down, your beer belly wobbles, Tiger had you mf's with hard on's on the golf course, Pedifile Michael Jackson, had you leaving your babies for overnight slumber parties, To this day, OJ the murderer, is still golfing with you. If Obama had been a single black man, he's still be peeling white trash left over panties off the white house lawn. Black people have made more millionaires out of white ppl than any race on the planet, from slavery to yes, you mf's may hate us...but believe me, its hard to tell.....:abgg2q.jpg:

We did breed ya'll into some good afletes, axe N.E. body
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
2020 ELECTION[/paste:font]
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
Bloomberg said the president is the one who has divided the country "with racist appeals and hateful rhetoric."

I never thought I'd see the day, two rich white mf's arguing over who loves and loathe black people the hates us for kneeling, the other hates us for killing and stealing....LOLOLO...this shit is too fuckin funny for words!! LOLOLOLOLOL

butthurt h.jpg
Last edited:
I'm not really going to give an opinion about racism or whatever, but I will say this.

It always bothers me that people say someone is "UnAmerican or Unpatriotic" because they do exactly what the Constitution allows them to do, peaceably protest or exercise their freedom of speech or expression in the way they choose. While I wouldn't personally do it, if someone chooses to kneel during the National Anthem as their form of protest, then that is exactly the kind of freedom we celebrate in America, and while someone may not agree with it, that doesn't make it less American. We should celebrate our ability to disagree with our government and public officials without getting executed.
Put it this way, every single time black people form a sense of self awareness and display it before the public, if white people don't like it, it becomes a mainstream issue...from civil rights protests to black lives matter to kneeling....unless we get the seal of approval from white folk, its an unamerica, go back to africa bull horn call. I do however agree with your sentiments
I'm not really going to give an opinion about racism or whatever, but I will say this.

It always bothers me that people say someone is "UnAmerican or Unpatriotic" because they do exactly what the Constitution allows them to do, peaceably protest or exercise their freedom of speech or expression in the way they choose. While I wouldn't personally do it, if someone chooses to kneel during the National Anthem as their form of protest, then that is exactly the kind of freedom we celebrate in America, and while someone may not agree with it, that doesn't make it less American. We should celebrate our ability to disagree with our government and public officials without getting executed.
It’s disrespectful and stupid to show disdain towards people who help pay you millions to play a game.
Guess what, black people helped get you millions when we was picking cotton for free and I don't recall from my history lessons any of you white mf's showing any of them ppl respect. I along with a whole host of hard working black folk, pay civil servants salaries, Trumps salary, Mitch and Lindsey's salary and last I looked, I don't see no respect for my black ass coming from any of these white mf's, so miss me on this respect shit....oh and by the way, he's your guy showing respect for america:
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
2020 ELECTION[/paste:font]
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
Bloomberg said the president is the one who has divided the country "with racist appeals and hateful rhetoric."

I never thought I'd see the day, two rich white mf's arguing over who loves and loathe black people the hates us for kneeling, the other hates us for killing and stealing....LOLOLO...this shit is too fuckin funny for words!! LOLOLOLOLOL
Good pic of the two BILLIONAIRES. Bloomberg really IS short, isn't he?
So was James Madison. But neither Madison or Bloomberg are/were fat like donnie. (And I'll guess their hands are/were bigger too)
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
2020 ELECTION[/paste:font]
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
Bloomberg said the president is the one who has divided the country "with racist appeals and hateful rhetoric."

I never thought I'd see the day, two rich white mf's arguing over who loves and loathe black people the hates us for kneeling, the other hates us for killing and stealing....LOLOLO...this shit is too fuckin funny for words!! LOLOLOLOLOL
Trump doesn’t Pander only Democrats
He don't need to pander, you brain dead bastards would follow a skunk with shit shooting out of its ass, if it had a MAGA on. Hile Hitler!!
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
2020 ELECTION[/paste:font]
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
Bloomberg said the president is the one who has divided the country "with racist appeals and hateful rhetoric."

I never thought I'd see the day, two rich white mf's arguing over who loves and loathe black people the hates us for kneeling, the other hates us for killing and stealing....LOLOLO...this shit is too fuckin funny for words!! LOLOLOLOLOL
Trump doesn’t Pander only Democrats
He don't need to pander, you brain dead bastards would follow a skunk with shit shooting out of its ass, if it had a MAGA on. Hile Hitler!!
Why are you so against diverse opinions?? I just listen to hip-hop music on a main stream national station they’re talking about murder they’re talking about drugs they’re talking about women in negative ways they’re talking about racial racism.. Why don’t you ever post about this is it because they’re black why don’t you hold black people to the same standards as you hold white people why are you so racist
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
2020 ELECTION[/paste:font]
Trump calls Bloomberg a 'total racist' over stop and frisk, which the president has supported
Bloomberg said the president is the one who has divided the country "with racist appeals and hateful rhetoric."

I never thought I'd see the day, two rich white mf's arguing over who loves and loathe black people the hates us for kneeling, the other hates us for killing and stealing....LOLOLO...this shit is too fuckin funny for words!! LOLOLOLOLOL
Good pic of the two BILLIONAIRES. Bloomberg really IS short, isn't he?
No, he's standing in one of these.
I'm not really going to give an opinion about racism or whatever, but I will say this.

It always bothers me that people say someone is "UnAmerican or Unpatriotic" because they do exactly what the Constitution allows them to do, peaceably protest or exercise their freedom of speech or expression in the way they choose. While I wouldn't personally do it, if someone chooses to kneel during the National Anthem as their form of protest, then that is exactly the kind of freedom we celebrate in America, and while someone may not agree with it, that doesn't make it less American. We should celebrate our ability to disagree with our government and public officials without getting executed.

Blocking roadways is not peaceable which happens at most modern day protests!
Can't inconvenience drivers, can we? How will trumpanzees get to their fast food places?
STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): Rudy, when you were mayor, stop and frisk used extensively here --

RUDY GIULIANI: I started it.

DOOCY: You started here in New York City --

GIULIANI: With Bill Bratton.

DOOCY: Yesterday, Donald Trump was asked about it at the black church in Cleveland, he was asked, “what do you think about -- what would stop black-on-black crime in Chicago?” And he said stop and frisk.

Well, they stopped it here in New York because there were complaints that it was racist.

GIULIANI: I started it for the same reason that Donald Trump is talking about. I started it in 1994. We had had years of 2,200 murders, 7 murders a day. Numbers, we're talking about war zone murders and shootings. And during my tenure, I brought murder down 65 percent, and Michael Bloomberg brought it down another -- ultimately, between the two of us, 85 percent. And I used stop, question, and frisk not as much as Mike [Bloomberg] and Ray Kelly did. I used it about 80, 90, 100 times a year. They had gone to 4 or 500. And here's what it is, it's stop, question, and frisk. Totally justified by the United States Supreme Court Decision called Terry v. The United States. And it says, if a police officer has reasonable suspicion to think you're committing a crime, not probable cause, probable cause they can arrest you. Reasonable suspicion is a lesser standard. In other words, if he suspects but doesn't have real reason.

Fox Invites Rudy Giuliani To Defend Trump's Stop And Frisk Proposal

3 now. Its really not funny. Its still going on everyday.

With video, tramp, Giuliani , and Fox news is on it.
There exists a legacy that each generation has a chance to undo and improve upon, and that's a legacy of all black men are considered guilty until proven innocent. For those who grow up lawful and responsive to social moray's, there exist those who do not. Each generation that comes along has a chance to put this all negro's are bad, shit to rest.....unfortunately with each generation the stigma attaches itself and no one seems willing or able to break this spell of negativity surrounding young black men. So cops shoot before asking questions, innocent young men are caught frisk, more than two in a car is considered dangerous and on and on.....At what point will black fathers, black men, say enough is enough and strive to break this nightmare that has haunted us since the boat ride?

I live in a dangerous part of time, I like so many of us dread the summer because we know dead young black people will dominate our news cycle. So to Rudy, to Bloomberg, do what you gotta do. Sadly we can't stop the senseless madness on our own. And yes young white men, kill and yes latino's and asians kill....but no one race suffers more at the hands of their own, that those of black ppl, nobody...our nightmare never improves, it only worsen.

You're a professional victim!!
My name is not Horseshit, its Tigerred, idiot!!

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