London Police: Mandate that only 50% of UK cops can be white


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Met police in talks over law change to allow positive discrimination UK news The Guardian

And here we go folks. The London police brass and government want to adjust their laws governing police recruitment so that a white cop can only be recruited/hired IF at the same time 1 non white cop is also hired. They call it a 50/50 rule and its for...well political correctness as usual.

Think about the gradual and inevitable end result. More and more Muslim minorities get hired. Just like the Middle East you will get sleeper cell types and lone wolves....within your police force. They'll have access not only to weapons and training...but, to secured facilities. Access to highly secure databases like license registration and criminal histories...which shows any citizens home address and personal info. They'll have id cards allowing access to restricted areas.

I can go on and on. But this opens the door. Forcing minority candidates through who otherwise wouldnt qualify...yep. Here we go.

London will regret this in a tragic way someday.
June 2013? Did it happen or are you fauxraging for nothing?

The story is just now circulating over here due to the recent terror attacks and new concerns of rradicalism in Europe.

Seems the limp wristed PC crowd wants to force more minorities. ..qualified or not...into police positions. Where weapons and training and access to restricted areas and sensitive information are the daily norm. Underqualified people of any color do not belong in those jobs.
June 2013? Did it happen or are you fauxraging for nothing?

The story is just now circulating over here due to the recent terror attacks and new concerns of rradicalism in Europe.

Seems the limp wristed PC crowd wants to force more minorities. ..qualified or not...into police positions. Where weapons and training and access to restricted areas and sensitive information are the daily norm. Underqualified people of any color do not belong in those jobs.
Circulating where, stormfront.

I notice you didn't answer the question.
June 2013? Did it happen or are you fauxraging for nothing?

The story is just now circulating over here due to the recent terror attacks and new concerns of rradicalism in Europe.

Seems the limp wristed PC crowd wants to force more minorities. ..qualified or not...into police positions. Where weapons and training and access to restricted areas and sensitive information are the daily norm. Underqualified people of any color do not belong in those jobs.
Circulating where, stormfront.

I notice you didn't answer the question.

Circulating in groups who care about security and having ONLY qualified people in our police and military forces. Cop websites for me.

And I dont know if they did it yet. No follow up report. I dont have access to the London Police Departments internal 2015 recruitment strategy manual. But I bet a newly hired unqualified minority at LPD has access to it...along with all sorts of other material and buildings that are far more sensitive and restricted.

People like you are aiding the erosion of security in civilized countries.
Most non-whites can't read so it will be nearly impossible to comply with this policy. Oh i forgot - they will lower the standards for the non-whites. All part of the battle for equality.
Most non-whites can't read so it will be nearly impossible to comply with this policy. Oh i forgot - they will lower the standards for the non-whites. All part of the battle for equality.

Thats happening in America. Eric Holder tried to threaten the Columbus OH police if they didnt lower their standards to help blacks. True. Google it.

But its nowhere near as dangerous here because we dont have a huge population of radical Muslims. England does. And in the US you cant be a cop without first being a citizen. The risk here is very small of the lone wolf radicals getting hires and through the academy.

But in England and Europe as a whole? Very high risk.

In America our concern with lowering standarss to help minorities become cops is simply having dumber cops who otherwise wouldnt cut it to be a cop if not for their skin color getting them free passes through the hiring process and academy training.
Met police in talks over law change to allow positive discrimination UK news The Guardian

And here we go folks. The London police brass and government want to adjust their laws governing police recruitment so that a white cop can only be recruited/hired IF at the same time 1 non white cop is also hired. They call it a 50/50 rule and its for...well political correctness as usual.

Think about the gradual and inevitable end result. More and more Muslim minorities get hired. Just like the Middle East you will get sleeper cell types and lone wolves....within your police force. They'll have access not only to weapons and training...but, to secured facilities. Access to highly secure databases like license registration and criminal histories...which shows any citizens home address and personal info. They'll have id cards allowing access to restricted areas.

I can go on and on. But this opens the door. Forcing minority candidates through who otherwise wouldnt qualify...yep. Here we go.

London will regret this in a tragic way someday.

Mark Duggan. That occurred in 2011. That is where this stems from. I doubt very seriously that many people that frequent this forum even know who that is. For all intensive purposes that predates the issues here.
June 2013? Did it happen or are you fauxraging for nothing?

The story is just now circulating over here due to the recent terror attacks and new concerns of rradicalism in Europe.

Seems the limp wristed PC crowd wants to force more minorities. ..qualified or not...into police positions. Where weapons and training and access to restricted areas and sensitive information are the daily norm. Underqualified people of any color do not belong in those jobs.
Circulating where, stormfront.

I notice you didn't answer the question.

Circulating in groups who care about security and having ONLY qualified people in our police and military forces. Cop websites for me.

And I dont know if they did it yet. No follow up report. I dont have access to the London Police Departments internal 2015 recruitment strategy manual. But I bet a newly hired unqualified minority at LPD has access to it...along with all sorts of other material and buildings that are far more sensitive and restricted.

People like you are aiding the erosion of security in civilized countries.
Thanks for admitting that you were just fauxraging over nothing.
June 2013? Did it happen or are you fauxraging for nothing?

The story is just now circulating over here due to the recent terror attacks and new concerns of rradicalism in Europe.

Seems the limp wristed PC crowd wants to force more minorities. ..qualified or not...into police positions. Where weapons and training and access to restricted areas and sensitive information are the daily norm. Underqualified people of any color do not belong in those jobs.
Circulating where, stormfront.

I notice you didn't answer the question.

Circulating in groups who care about security and having ONLY qualified people in our police and military forces. Cop websites for me.

And I dont know if they did it yet. No follow up report. I dont have access to the London Police Departments internal 2015 recruitment strategy manual. But I bet a newly hired unqualified minority at LPD has access to it...along with all sorts of other material and buildings that are far more sensitive and restricted.

People like you are aiding the erosion of security in civilized countries.
Thanks for admitting that you were just fauxraging over nothing.

Kinda like a person who buys a smoke alarm for a fire that probably wont happen is "fauxraging"?

So do you support lowering standards of police or military for the sole purpose of aquiring a more diverse collection of skin pigments in uniform????

Simple yes or no question.
June 2013? Did it happen or are you fauxraging for nothing?

The story is just now circulating over here due to the recent terror attacks and new concerns of rradicalism in Europe.

Seems the limp wristed PC crowd wants to force more minorities. ..qualified or not...into police positions. Where weapons and training and access to restricted areas and sensitive information are the daily norm. Underqualified people of any color do not belong in those jobs.
Circulating where, stormfront.

I notice you didn't answer the question.

Circulating in groups who care about security and having ONLY qualified people in our police and military forces. Cop websites for me.

And I dont know if they did it yet. No follow up report. I dont have access to the London Police Departments internal 2015 recruitment strategy manual. But I bet a newly hired unqualified minority at LPD has access to it...along with all sorts of other material and buildings that are far more sensitive and restricted.

People like you are aiding the erosion of security in civilized countries.
Thanks for admitting that you were just fauxraging over nothing.

Kinda like a person who buys a smoke alarm for a fire that probably wont happen is "fauxraging"?

So do you support lowering standards of police or military for the sole purpose of aquiring a more diverse collection of skin pigments in uniform????

Simple yes or no question.
No, I don't. And I also don't support assholes that fauxrage over things that haven't happened.
The story is just now circulating over here due to the recent terror attacks and new concerns of rradicalism in Europe.

Seems the limp wristed PC crowd wants to force more minorities. ..qualified or not...into police positions. Where weapons and training and access to restricted areas and sensitive information are the daily norm. Underqualified people of any color do not belong in those jobs.
Circulating where, stormfront.

I notice you didn't answer the question.

Circulating in groups who care about security and having ONLY qualified people in our police and military forces. Cop websites for me.

And I dont know if they did it yet. No follow up report. I dont have access to the London Police Departments internal 2015 recruitment strategy manual. But I bet a newly hired unqualified minority at LPD has access to it...along with all sorts of other material and buildings that are far more sensitive and restricted.

People like you are aiding the erosion of security in civilized countries.
Thanks for admitting that you were just fauxraging over nothing.

Kinda like a person who buys a smoke alarm for a fire that probably wont happen is "fauxraging"?

So do you support lowering standards of police or military for the sole purpose of aquiring a more diverse collection of skin pigments in uniform????

Simple yes or no question.
No, I don't. And I also don't support assholes that fauxrage over things that haven't happened.

So the people in charge there are trying to do something that you said you disagree with. Ya know...the time to be upset is now BEFORE its a done deal. Not after...once its done and irreversable.

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