Long Live The Arab Spring

Sherri has made an interesting statement She has stated that since a bit less than 10% of the jews of Iran of "PRE ISLMAICIST PIG REVOLUTION" -----a community which is in Iran for more than 2500 years has not yet fled------then it must be true that there is no problem for jews in Iran of course her statement also proves that there was never any problem for arab muslims in Israel either in fact less than for jews in Iran In fact Sherri's statement makes her an extreme holocaust denier since more than 10% of the jews of germany DID SURVIVE her chosen program

good news----the biafran and armenian and hindu genocides never happened either according to Sherri In fact nothing is happening anywhere except noble peaceful demonstrations for peace especially the tens of thousands of poison nail bombs that she favors which have no function other than than the liquefacation of children's brains which according to Sherri are stored in SOUTHERN LEBANON for the LOVE OF JESUS. ----oh I forgot when Israelis object to the Iranian gift to sourthern Iran-------they are expressing hatred for Jesus who would have LOVED THOSE NAIL BOMBS
Sherri is a Jew hating pig that has associations with Iranian anti semetic Muslims. Her Iranian "friends" that used to abuse Jews in Iran! are now finding themselves drinking Iranian Jewish piss from well to do successful Iranians. All the while they put up this facade that they "like" Jews. So she vents out her hate on this board. She has admitted to this. Some of the posters have googled her name to find that she's a dedicated Jew hater that frequents other hate sites.
Sherri has made an interesting statement She has stated that since a bit less than 10% of the jews of Iran of "PRE ISLMAICIST PIG REVOLUTION" -----a community which is in Iran for more than 2500 years has not yet fled------then it must be true that there is no problem for jews in Iran of course her statement also proves that there was never any problem for arab muslims in Israel either in fact less than for jews in Iran In fact Sherri's statement makes her an extreme holocaust denier since more than 10% of the jews of germany DID SURVIVE her chosen program

good news----the biafran and armenian and hindu genocides never happened either according to Sherri In fact nothing is happening anywhere except noble peaceful demonstrations for peace especially the tens of thousands of poison nail bombs that she favors which have no function other than than the liquefacation of children's brains which according to Sherri are stored in SOUTHERN LEBANON for the LOVE OF JESUS. ----oh I forgot when Israelis object to the Iranian gift to sourthern Iran-------they are expressing hatred for Jesus who would have LOVED THOSE NAIL BOMBS
Sherri is a Jew hating pig that has associations with Iranian anti semetic Muslims. Her Iranian "friends" that used to abuse Jews in Iran! are now finding themselves drinking Iranian Jewish piss from well to do successful Iranians. All the while they put up this facade that they "like" Jews. So she vents out her hate on this board. She has admitted to this. Some of the posters have googled her name to find that she's a dedicated Jew hater that frequents other hate sites.

The ugly face of the Zionazi...
Troubles with brain function? Infected with Islamic ideology?

I have no interest in any dogma
No, but you just blamed the Syrian massacres on Jews. It can't get any lower than this. You're just a fucking Jew hating lunatic, brainwashed by Islamic ideology. Get mental help before you harm yourself or others.

actually it was CIA and Mossad...I do not consider either of these entities to be ...the Jews
I have no interest in any dogma
No, but you just blamed the Syrian massacres on Jews. It can't get any lower than this. You're just a fucking Jew hating lunatic, brainwashed by Islamic ideology. Get mental help before you harm yourself or others.

actually it was CIA and Mossad...I do not consider either of these entities to be ...the Jews
Wow, the CIA or Mossad are dropping bombs on entire villages in Syria? The CIA or Mossad are shooting missiles at residential buildings or driving those tanks and helicopters that have so far killed over 23,000 Syrians?

Seriously dude...do you want me to help you locate a mental health professional in your area? You sound seriously psychotic.
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Sherri has made an interesting statement She has stated that since a bit less than 10% of the jews of Iran of "PRE ISLMAICIST PIG REVOLUTION" -----a community which is in Iran for more than 2500 years has not yet fled------then it must be true that there is no problem for jews in Iran of course her statement also proves that there was never any problem for arab muslims in Israel either in fact less than for jews in Iran In fact Sherri's statement makes her an extreme holocaust denier since more than 10% of the jews of germany DID SURVIVE her chosen program

good news----the biafran and armenian and hindu genocides never happened either according to Sherri In fact nothing is happening anywhere except noble peaceful demonstrations for peace especially the tens of thousands of poison nail bombs that she favors which have no function other than than the liquefacation of children's brains which according to Sherri are stored in SOUTHERN LEBANON for the LOVE OF JESUS. ----oh I forgot when Israelis object to the Iranian gift to sourthern Iran-------they are expressing hatred for Jesus who would have LOVED THOSE NAIL BOMBS
Sherri is a Jew hating pig that has associations with Iranian anti semetic Muslims. Her Iranian "friends" that used to abuse Jews in Iran! are now finding themselves drinking Iranian Jewish piss from well to do successful Iranians. All the while they put up this facade that they "like" Jews. So she vents out her hate on this board. She has admitted to this. Some of the posters have googled her name to find that she's a dedicated Jew hater that frequents other hate sites.

The ugly face of the Zionazi...
Zzzzzzzzzz. Did I hit a nerve somewhere? Are you the male version of Sherri? Oh I forgot, that would be a YES, you too have Muslim "associations".
Sherri is a Jew hating pig that has associations with Iranian anti semetic Muslims. Her Iranian "friends" that used to abuse Jews in Iran! are now finding themselves drinking Iranian Jewish piss from well to do successful Iranians. All the while they put up this facade that they "like" Jews. So she vents out her hate on this board. She has admitted to this. Some of the posters have googled her name to find that she's a dedicated Jew hater that frequents other hate sites.

The ugly face of the Zionazi...
Zzzzzzzzzz. Did I hit a nerve somewhere? Are you the male version of Sherri? Oh I forgot, that would be a YES, you too have Muslim "associations".

Attacking other posters is all we can expect from some posters here.

They simply have no substantive arguments to make.
The ugly face of the Zionazi...
Zzzzzzzzzz. Did I hit a nerve somewhere? Are you the male version of Sherri? Oh I forgot, that would be a YES, you too have Muslim "associations".

Attacking other posters is all we can expect from some posters here.

They simply have no substantive arguments to make.
Sherri, goh bokhor jendeh kolfat. Find out what that means from your Muslim buddies. Ha ha ha!
I give all due credit to Israel for just staying out of the Arab Spring party.
Now over 15,000 dead in Arab Spring revolutions killing each other within their own countries. What greater contribution to peace, mankind & civilization?
They strive to excel!

Zionists discussing "contributions to peace, mankind and civilization" no less? Is this level of willful delusion a necessary characteristic of pathological Zionism?

jealousy and bitterness oozes from your every pore
Now over 15,000 dead in Arab Spring revolutions killing each other within their own countries. What greater contribution to peace, mankind & civilization?
They strive to excel!

Zionists discussing "contributions to peace, mankind and civilization" no less? Is this level of willful delusion a necessary characteristic of pathological Zionism?
It is obvious that we have another Jew hater onboard now. I imagine this anti-Semite doesn't realize that there are some Israelis who have gone into Syria to help the people in need. So you just concentrate on Arabs killing Arabs in this Arab Spring so you can give us the totals when it is all over..

What a wonderful gesture on our part it would be to at least send body bags.

They strive to excel!

Zionists discussing "contributions to peace, mankind and civilization" no less? Is this level of willful delusion a necessary characteristic of pathological Zionism?
It is obvious that we have another Jew hater onboard now. I imagine this anti-Semite doesn't realize that there are some Israelis who have gone into Syria to help the people in need. So you just concentrate on Arabs killing Arabs in this Arab Spring so you can give us the totals when it is all over..

LMAO! Oh Lord is this guy funny. Hey Sundowner did you hear the one about "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land." Heh Heh.

Now over 15,000 dead in Arab Spring revolutions killing each other within their own countries. What greater contribution to peace, mankind & civilization?
They strive to excel!

Zionists discussing "contributions to peace, mankind and civilization" no less? Is this level of willful delusion a necessary characteristic of pathological Zionism?

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