"Look at that Face!" Fiorina shows class, humor, brains. Trump lacks all three

Carly just put out this add--you can say BYE-BYE Trump--you're going to get DUMPED.

yeah ok, If I remember you predicted every one the Republicans were over with who didn't side with the baby killing industry. Well heck they are going strong. how can that be? :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
Maybe on Wednesday you can explain why she sold tech to Iran when it was ILLEGAL.
Can you elaborate that or any link you can prove of what you are saying?

Here, just so happens I was reading it...

Fiorina's HP Earned Millions From Sales in Iran
bloombergview.com · 2 hours ago
On the campaign trail this year, Carly Fiorina has been a staunch advocate of keeping crippling sanctions on Iran, but under her leadership, Hewlett-Packard…

You have a funny way of spelling Iran. Is "Dubia" the Farsi spelling?
Meh...not the best ad, but not the worst. It doesn't really attack Trump like you imply in your post.

I believe that because she is an outsider like Trump and Carson, so long as she doesn't implode during Weds debate, she will probably enjoy a nice rise in the polls.

I still don't think anyone can stop Trump. He's got too much momentum and charisma.

I know this, a Fiorina/Carson ticket - flipped either direction - would be unstoppable.
'"Look at that Face!" Fiorina shows class, humor, brains. Trump lacks all three'


Fiorina may have class, humor, and brains, but she's wrong on most, if not all, the issues – as is the case with all the other GOP candidates – and consequently has no business being president.

How about that. There actually IS a god, and his name is C. Clayton Jones! I am humbled before you, as you clearly possess godlike omniscience. It is clear to me that you are God since nobody but God would dare to make so many conclusory, absolutist statements.

Surely you must be God, for no human could be THAT much of an asshole!
She nearly took down HP, but it wasn't enough. Now she has her sights set on the entire country.
She nearly took down HP, but it wasn't enough. Now she has her sights set on the entire country.
Yes, Rderp, you have done your writing point. No go away and play in traffic and allow the adults to converse
I didn't like Reagan. He as too left for me. But he was skilled at communicating, and one of the things he did that gave the democrats fits was turn their insults around and make himself stronger with them. when they made an issue of his age he had a birthday cake covered with candles brought out on stage, followed by a guy in a fireman's outfit carrying a extinguisher. He always showed class and an elfish sense of fun.

Fiorina has the same class, brains, and humor.

We need class. Trump is a boor. We need like humor. Trump is petulance. We need brains. Trump offers stupidity ot darwin award levels.

I like this. on wednesday we will be more of this.

Yea you liberals love carly today because she is behind in the polls, If she ever becomes a viable candidate, you will attack her looks, integrety, class and humor like a rabid pack of wolves.

That's not true there are Democrats that like Carly Fiorina. They compliment her. That's what I am saying. If Carly is the nominee--she wins conservatives, independents and Reagan Democrats. She is the female version of Ronald Reagan, even Charles Kraughthammer said that.

She's not some dumb--ass--loud mouth, flip-flopping-- know nothing that thinks he can insult his way to the White House.


The harsh reality is she's polling at a paltry 4%.

She'll need to hit a grand slam at the next debate just to move out of the single digits.

Not quite--LOL She is number 3 right now, and 2 in New Hamshire. She's ahead of Jeb Bush and all the rest. She is surging in the polls that's why she's on the first stage tomorrow night. She's the only one that has budged since the last debate, the rest have gone down or stayed stagnant.

The national polls are really not anything to watch. Donald Trump has 100% name recognition--and when people hear is name they are told to push the Number 2 button. They are pushing the #2 button because they know him from his T.V. shows. If he didn't have that EVERYONE would be laughing and throwing tomato's at him. HE'S a FAKE, and there isn't a conservative bone in his body.

He's really not polling that high with Republicans whom will be making the choice of who the nominee is. He is getting slaughtered on every board I am on, including on Facebook & Twitter. While more & more are looking at Carly Fiorina. She is definitely, without a doubt the best candidate in this race.



Good grief would you look at this ugly face--LOL Just kidding of course.
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Making an error on the Compaq merger was not taking the company down. And her error didn't get people killed like Clinton's error. People didn't like the Compaq merger and it went sideways. The company didn't face bankruptcy once. And definitely not four times. And never from fraud like Trump's.
Making an error on the Compaq merger was not taking the company down. And her error didn't get people killed like Clinton's error. People didn't like the Compaq merger and it went sideways. The company didn't face bankruptcy once. And definitely not four times. And never from fraud like Trump's.

Compaq was once a great company - inventor of the smart phone. But HP did nothing with the tech and allowed Apple to steal it - fucking Apple even took the name, the iPaq became the iPhone and HP didn't even have the brains to sue the shit out of Apple.
I didn't like Reagan. He as too left for me. But he was skilled at communicating, and one of the things he did that gave the democrats fits was turn their insults around and make himself stronger with them. when they made an issue of his age he had a birthday cake covered with candles brought out on stage, followed by a guy in a fireman's outfit carrying a extinguisher. He always showed class and an elfish sense of fun.

Fiorina has the same class, brains, and humor.

We need class. Trump is a boor. We need like humor. Trump is petulance. We need brains. Trump offers stupidity ot darwin award levels.

I like this. on wednesday we will be more of this.

Compared to Hillary and considering she had cancer and lost all her hair, I think Fiorina looks pretty dang good.

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