Trump defends himself on his ‘look at her face!’ slam on Fiorina

Well, if Rolling Stone says it?...

Seriously, Rolling Stone has been busted several times for lying and fabricating stories. So what are many so quick to believe everything it reports? Is it just a case of desperately wanting to believe?
Trump has confirmed the statement is accurate on at least two major network interviews. FOX and CNN.
Ayup which also confirms the stupidity of the people that think your face isn't a part of your persona.

Your face is NOT a part of your persona--(meaning character).

You Trump supporters are as S.T.U.P.I.D as Trump is. The shoe fits here.
Yes it is moron. You've never heard of a frown? WTF is wrong with you retards?
Your question indicates you do not know the meaning of the word persona. A frown is an indication of a mood or emotion. It gives no clue whatsoever as to a persona unless it is a constant or prevalent indication of a sad mood or expression of emotion. Hence, a facial expression would have to be constant or prevalent to indicate a persona.
Mean can be both mean..........and funny.
It was a joke but to paraphrase the men in Black, "the left has no sense of humor that we are aware of". Remember the racist cartoon depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a slave mammy? Trump kind of pales in comparison to the left's ability to use race and gender as an insult.

You're a real dumb ass to believe that Trump going after only one woman-doesn't insult EVERY woman in this country. They'll cross party lines to swift kick him in the nuts.

And since women are the majority voters in this country at 54% they've already put their heels up his ass--HE'S DONE.

Rolling Stone has proven to be a phony in the journalism business.
Nothing they report can be taken with any trust. It's going to have to come from somewhere else. If they want to report on music, I'll read. But that's it anymore.

Can you read? The opt's post says that Trump ADMITTED saying those things--Da--Duh.
And how were they meant? There appears to be a discrepancy. Or is that not a consideration for you?
It was a joke but to paraphrase the men in Black, "the left has no sense of humor that we are aware of". Remember the racist cartoon depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a slave mammy? Trump kind of pales in comparison to the left's ability to use race and gender as an insult.
The people making fun of Condi Rice were not asking for the job of President of the United States. Trump is a Presidential candidate. He is not applying for a job as a TV reality show host. Well, maybe he thinks they are the same.

Yeap--I think he does think they're the same--obviously his supporters think the same. It's just a T.V. show.

Oreo's so dumb he thinks a smile isn't part of your persona.
Well, if Rolling Stone says it?...

Seriously, Rolling Stone has been busted several times for lying and fabricating stories. So what are many so quick to believe everything it reports? Is it just a case of desperately wanting to believe?
Trump has confirmed the statement is accurate on at least two major network interviews. FOX and CNN.
Ayup which also confirms the stupidity of the people that think your face isn't a part of your persona.

Your face is NOT a part of your persona--(meaning character).

You Trump supporters are as S.T.U.P.I.D as Trump is. The shoe fits here.
Yes it is moron. You've never heard of a frown? WTF is wrong with you retards?
Your question indicates you do not know the meaning of the word persona. A frown is an indication of a mood or emotion. It gives no clue whatsoever as to a persona unless it is a constant or prevalent indication of a sad mood or expression of emotion. Hence, a facial expression would have to be constant or prevalent to indicate a persona.
And here's another dumb fuck to raise his hands and tell us your face has nothing to do with your persona. Libtards... yes they really are this dumb.
Ah Rolling Stone, a paragon of virtue. Didn't they just get busted for lying again? Why believe anything Rolling Stone says? And who actually still reads it anyway? It hasn't been relevant in years. I guess getting caught lying is a way it can be in the news again. The old 'There is no such thing as Bad Publicity' routine.

Well, If Trump saying he said it isnt enough proof for you then...:eusa_wall:

Who's reporting that Trump said this? I rest my case.

Fox and CNN lol...they used video of Trump's own mouth saying it was true. Lmao
Just setting you straight. And per usual you cannot take the heat.

Your stupidity over the Rolling Stones Magazine is exactly how conservatives/tea party work. They came out with a retraction of the story and apologized completely.
But you neglect that part. It doesn't fit into your stupid rhetoric.
Nice try.

You're as dishonest as Rolling Stone. This was an attempted gotcha piece, not journalism. All for the benefit of dishonest, brainwashed political bigots like you.
The story's author framed the comments this way...

"And there, in a nutshell, is Trump's blessing and his curse: He can't seem to quit while he's ahead. The instincts that carried him out to a lead and have kept him far above the captious field are the same ones that landed him in ugly stews with ex-wives, business partners, networks, supermodels and many, many other famous women."
What does tea party have to do with my post? I quoted RS's dishonest framing of Trump's words.
Sorry, I missed that. Which post did you do that in?
Troll on.
Its funny how ignorant you can try to be when you want. Or maybe its just laziness, but your ignorance really shines through more.
A Note to Our Readers | Rolling Stone
We published the article with the firm belief that it was accurate. Given all of these reports, however, we have come to the conclusion that we were mistaken in honoring Jackie's request to not contact the alleged assaulters to get their account. In trying to be sensitive to the unfair shame and humiliation many women feel after a sexual assault, we made a judgment – the kind of judgment reporters and editors make every day. We should have not made this agreement with Jackie and we should have worked harder to convince her that the truth would have been better served by getting the other side of the story. These mistakes are on Rolling Stone, not on Jackie. We apologize to anyone who was affected by the story and we will continue to investigate the events of that evening."
Read on half-wit!

Read more: A Note to Our Readers | Rolling Stone
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook

Your stupidity over the Rolling Stones Magazine is exactly how conservatives/tea party work. They came out with a retraction of the story and apologized completely.
But you neglect that part. It doesn't fit into your stupid rhetoric.
Nice try.

You're as dishonest as Rolling Stone. This was an attempted gotcha piece, not journalism. All for the benefit of dishonest, brainwashed political bigots like you.
The story's author framed the comments this way...

"And there, in a nutshell, is Trump's blessing and his curse: He can't seem to quit while he's ahead. The instincts that carried him out to a lead and have kept him far above the captious field are the same ones that landed him in ugly stews with ex-wives, business partners, networks, supermodels and many, many other famous women."
What does tea party have to do with my post? I quoted RS's dishonest framing of Trump's words.
Sorry, I missed that. Which post did you do that in?
Troll on.
So you really didn't show a quote showing RS framed some kind of dishonest question or framed his response. You were just making that up. It has been a major point of your claims. The basis of your concept in fact. Now you can't remember where you put it or maybe the dog ate it or it flew out the window. Damn that wind.
Trump has confirmed the statement is accurate on at least two major network interviews. FOX and CNN.
Ayup which also confirms the stupidity of the people that think your face isn't a part of your persona.

Your face is NOT a part of your persona--(meaning character).

You Trump supporters are as S.T.U.P.I.D as Trump is. The shoe fits here.
Yes it is moron. You've never heard of a frown? WTF is wrong with you retards?
Your question indicates you do not know the meaning of the word persona. A frown is an indication of a mood or emotion. It gives no clue whatsoever as to a persona unless it is a constant or prevalent indication of a sad mood or expression of emotion. Hence, a facial expression would have to be constant or prevalent to indicate a persona.
And here's another dumb fuck to raise his hands and tell us your face has nothing to do with your persona. Libtards... yes they really are this dumb.
Trump has confirmed the statement is accurate on at least two major network interviews. FOX and CNN.
Ayup which also confirms the stupidity of the people that think your face isn't a part of your persona.

Your face is NOT a part of your persona--(meaning character).

You Trump supporters are as S.T.U.P.I.D as Trump is. The shoe fits here.
Yes it is moron. You've never heard of a frown? WTF is wrong with you retards?
Your question indicates you do not know the meaning of the word persona. A frown is an indication of a mood or emotion. It gives no clue whatsoever as to a persona unless it is a constant or prevalent indication of a sad mood or expression of emotion. Hence, a facial expression would have to be constant or prevalent to indicate a persona.
And here's another dumb fuck to raise his hands and tell us your face has nothing to do with your persona. Libtards... yes they really are this dumb.
I know the meaning of the word and you don't. If you are so smart, and I am the dumb fuck, how about if you give us a definition of what a persona is and how a face determines personality, character or a public facade of these things.
What Trump and you are trying to sell is that you can judge a person simply by looking at their face.
Since people have a hard time differentiating between a persona and a face, here is the definition of each:



1.the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin.
2.a look or expression on this part:
a sad face. expression or look that indicates ridicule, disgust, etc.; grimace:
The child put on a face when told to go to bed.
4.cosmetics; makeup:
Excuse me while I go to the powder room to put on my face.
5.impudence; boldness:
to have the face to ask such a rude question.
6.outward appearance:
These are just old problems with new faces. The future presented a fair face to the fortunate youth.
7.outward show or pretense, especially as a means of preserving one's dignity or of concealing a detrimental fact, condition, etc.:
Though shamed beyond words, he managed to show a bold face.

the definition of face


noun, plural personae

[per-soh-nee] (Show IPA), personas.
1.a person.
2.personae, the characters in a play, novel, etc.
3.the narrator of or a character in a literary work, sometimes identified with the author.
4.(in the psychology of C. G. Jung) the mask or façade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment and not representing the inner personality of the individual; the public personality (contrasted with anima ).
5.a person's perceived or evident personality, as that of a well-known official, actor, or celebrity; personal image; public role.

the definition of persona

Face means how you look, persona means how you act in certain situations.

Donald the Chump doesn't understand big words, and it's showing in the way he's trying to defend himself.
Poor Donald

Nobody understands what comes out of his mouth. Maybe he needs an interpreter

Last edited:
How many more times is Trump going to get the benefit of the doubt on his "mistatements"?
Ayup which also confirms the stupidity of the people that think your face isn't a part of your persona.

Your face is NOT a part of your persona--(meaning character).

You Trump supporters are as S.T.U.P.I.D as Trump is. The shoe fits here.
Yes it is moron. You've never heard of a frown? WTF is wrong with you retards?
Your question indicates you do not know the meaning of the word persona. A frown is an indication of a mood or emotion. It gives no clue whatsoever as to a persona unless it is a constant or prevalent indication of a sad mood or expression of emotion. Hence, a facial expression would have to be constant or prevalent to indicate a persona.
And here's another dumb fuck to raise his hands and tell us your face has nothing to do with your persona. Libtards... yes they really are this dumb.
Ayup which also confirms the stupidity of the people that think your face isn't a part of your persona.

Your face is NOT a part of your persona--(meaning character).

You Trump supporters are as S.T.U.P.I.D as Trump is. The shoe fits here.
Yes it is moron. You've never heard of a frown? WTF is wrong with you retards?
Your question indicates you do not know the meaning of the word persona. A frown is an indication of a mood or emotion. It gives no clue whatsoever as to a persona unless it is a constant or prevalent indication of a sad mood or expression of emotion. Hence, a facial expression would have to be constant or prevalent to indicate a persona.
And here's another dumb fuck to raise his hands and tell us your face has nothing to do with your persona. Libtards... yes they really are this dumb.
I know the meaning of the word and you don't. If you are so smart, and I am the dumb fuck, how about if you give us a definition of what a persona is and how a face determines personality, character or a public facade of these things.
What Trump and you are trying to sell is that you can judge a person simply by looking at their face.

From websters: Persona: the way you behave, talk, etc., with other people that causes them to see you as a particular kind of person : the image or personality that a person presents to other people.

How do you behave, talk, etc WITHOUT A FACE MORON? How do you reflect the TYPE OF PERSON YOU ARE IF NOT THROUGH YOUR FACE, YA MORON? How do you judge someone's demeanor? BY LOOKING AT THEIR ASSHOLE?

What persona is someone portraying when they flex their jaw? How about when they give you a great big dumb ass I'm a democrat so I don't understand anything face?
Your face is NOT a part of your persona--(meaning character).

You Trump supporters are as S.T.U.P.I.D as Trump is. The shoe fits here.
Yes it is moron. You've never heard of a frown? WTF is wrong with you retards?
Your question indicates you do not know the meaning of the word persona. A frown is an indication of a mood or emotion. It gives no clue whatsoever as to a persona unless it is a constant or prevalent indication of a sad mood or expression of emotion. Hence, a facial expression would have to be constant or prevalent to indicate a persona.
And here's another dumb fuck to raise his hands and tell us your face has nothing to do with your persona. Libtards... yes they really are this dumb.
Your face is NOT a part of your persona--(meaning character).

You Trump supporters are as S.T.U.P.I.D as Trump is. The shoe fits here.
Yes it is moron. You've never heard of a frown? WTF is wrong with you retards?
Your question indicates you do not know the meaning of the word persona. A frown is an indication of a mood or emotion. It gives no clue whatsoever as to a persona unless it is a constant or prevalent indication of a sad mood or expression of emotion. Hence, a facial expression would have to be constant or prevalent to indicate a persona.
And here's another dumb fuck to raise his hands and tell us your face has nothing to do with your persona. Libtards... yes they really are this dumb.
I know the meaning of the word and you don't. If you are so smart, and I am the dumb fuck, how about if you give us a definition of what a persona is and how a face determines personality, character or a public facade of these things.
What Trump and you are trying to sell is that you can judge a person simply by looking at their face.

From websters: Persona: the way you behave, talk, etc., with other people that causes them to see you as a particular kind of person : the image or personality that a person presents to other people.

How do you behave, talk, etc WITHOUT A FACE MORON? How do you reflect the TYPE OF PERSON YOU ARE IF NOT THROUGH YOUR FACE, YA MORON? How do you judge someone's demeanor? BY LOOKING AT THEIR ASSHOLE?

Capslock won't change the word face into persona.

Nice try tho...
Since people have a hard time differentiating between a persona and a face, here is the definition of each:



1.the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin.
2.a look or expression on this part:
a sad face. expression or look that indicates ridicule, disgust, etc.; grimace:
The child put on a face when told to go to bed.
4.cosmetics; makeup:
Excuse me while I go to the powder room to put on my face.
5.impudence; boldness:
to have the face to ask such a rude question.
6.outward appearance:
These are just old problems with new faces. The future presented a fair face to the fortunate youth.
7.outward show or pretense, especially as a means of preserving one's dignity or of concealing a detrimental fact, condition, etc.:
Though shamed beyond words, he managed to show a bold face.

the definition of face


noun, plural personae

[per-soh-nee] (Show IPA), personas.
1.a person.
2.personae, the characters in a play, novel, etc.
3.the narrator of or a character in a literary work, sometimes identified with the author.
4.(in the psychology of C. G. Jung) the mask or façade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment and not representing the inner personality of the individual; the public personality (contrasted with anima ).
5.a person's perceived or evident personality, as that of a well-known official, actor, or celebrity; personal image; public role.

the definition of persona

Face means how you look, persona means how you act in certain situations.

Donald the Chump doesn't understand big words, and it's showing in the way he's trying to defend himself.
At least Trump didn't claim she was on the rag or was a disgusting pig

Fiorina should take it as a complement
Yes it is moron. You've never heard of a frown? WTF is wrong with you retards?
Your question indicates you do not know the meaning of the word persona. A frown is an indication of a mood or emotion. It gives no clue whatsoever as to a persona unless it is a constant or prevalent indication of a sad mood or expression of emotion. Hence, a facial expression would have to be constant or prevalent to indicate a persona.
And here's another dumb fuck to raise his hands and tell us your face has nothing to do with your persona. Libtards... yes they really are this dumb.
Yes it is moron. You've never heard of a frown? WTF is wrong with you retards?
Your question indicates you do not know the meaning of the word persona. A frown is an indication of a mood or emotion. It gives no clue whatsoever as to a persona unless it is a constant or prevalent indication of a sad mood or expression of emotion. Hence, a facial expression would have to be constant or prevalent to indicate a persona.
And here's another dumb fuck to raise his hands and tell us your face has nothing to do with your persona. Libtards... yes they really are this dumb.
I know the meaning of the word and you don't. If you are so smart, and I am the dumb fuck, how about if you give us a definition of what a persona is and how a face determines personality, character or a public facade of these things.
What Trump and you are trying to sell is that you can judge a person simply by looking at their face.

From websters: Persona: the way you behave, talk, etc., with other people that causes them to see you as a particular kind of person : the image or personality that a person presents to other people.

How do you behave, talk, etc WITHOUT A FACE MORON? How do you reflect the TYPE OF PERSON YOU ARE IF NOT THROUGH YOUR FACE, YA MORON? How do you judge someone's demeanor? BY LOOKING AT THEIR ASSHOLE?

Capslock won't change the word face into persona.

Nice try tho...
Since people have a hard time differentiating between a persona and a face, here is the definition of each:



1.the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin.
2.a look or expression on this part:
a sad face. expression or look that indicates ridicule, disgust, etc.; grimace:
The child put on a face when told to go to bed.
4.cosmetics; makeup:
Excuse me while I go to the powder room to put on my face.
5.impudence; boldness:
to have the face to ask such a rude question.
6.outward appearance:
These are just old problems with new faces. The future presented a fair face to the fortunate youth.
7.outward show or pretense, especially as a means of preserving one's dignity or of concealing a detrimental fact, condition, etc.:
Though shamed beyond words, he managed to show a bold face.

the definition of face


noun, plural personae

[per-soh-nee] (Show IPA), personas.
1.a person.
2.personae, the characters in a play, novel, etc.
3.the narrator of or a character in a literary work, sometimes identified with the author.
4.(in the psychology of C. G. Jung) the mask or façade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment and not representing the inner personality of the individual; the public personality (contrasted with anima ).
5.a person's perceived or evident personality, as that of a well-known official, actor, or celebrity; personal image; public role.

the definition of persona

Face means how you look, persona means how you act in certain situations.

Donald the Chump doesn't understand big words, and it's showing in the way he's trying to defend himself.
That was can't talk without a face
Since people have a hard time differentiating between a persona and a face, here is the definition of each:



1.the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin.
2.a look or expression on this part:
a sad face. expression or look that indicates ridicule, disgust, etc.; grimace:
The child put on a face when told to go to bed.
4.cosmetics; makeup:
Excuse me while I go to the powder room to put on my face.
5.impudence; boldness:
to have the face to ask such a rude question.
6.outward appearance:
These are just old problems with new faces. The future presented a fair face to the fortunate youth.
7.outward show or pretense, especially as a means of preserving one's dignity or of concealing a detrimental fact, condition, etc.:
Though shamed beyond words, he managed to show a bold face.

the definition of face


noun, plural personae

[per-soh-nee] (Show IPA), personas.
1.a person.
2.personae, the characters in a play, novel, etc.
3.the narrator of or a character in a literary work, sometimes identified with the author.
4.(in the psychology of C. G. Jung) the mask or façade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment and not representing the inner personality of the individual; the public personality (contrasted with anima ).
5.a person's perceived or evident personality, as that of a well-known official, actor, or celebrity; personal image; public role.

the definition of persona

Face means how you look, persona means how you act in certain situations.

Donald the Chump doesn't understand big words, and it's showing in the way he's trying to defend himself.
That was can't talk without a face

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