Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

You are a descendant of ilegals. There are no open borders. So shut your mouth.
"ilegals"??????-----Go back and get an education or invest in a dictionary, assuming you can comprehend the written word. Have you ever considered spell check?
This is getting to be fun, you're such an easy target.
Look here BOY, In comparison, I don't give 2 shits about illegal's jobs or no jobs. Unlike you leftist nitwits I care about what you and the illegals are doing and will continue to do to our country and its citizens with this Biden open border fiasco you are so proud of. Stick it!!!!!!
There ya go Trumper

Don’t even try to hide your racism
Look here BOY, In comparison, I don't give 2 shits about illegal's jobs or no jobs. Unlike you leftist nitwits I care about what you and the illegals are doing and will continue to do to our country and its citizens with this Biden open border fiasco you are so proud of. Stick it!!!!!!
Post Biden's open border policy, you fake ass patriotic clowns are a joke. If a war was to pop off today none of you cowards would volunteer or push your son's to volunteer.
Isn't it about three or four same posts in the last couple of weeks? More and more it is evident that liberal Americans are either overt or latent racists who would rather keep blacks separate not quite equal on the political plantation. Why can't we argue that what's good for American Irish or the Spanish or the Jews or the Polish Americans is good for people of color?
So Biden has the lowest unemployment rate in history, but it has nothing to do with him. Now flip that and Trump claimed to have the lowest unemployment rate in history and it was all because of Trump's policy only no one can tell us what they were.
And you said it wasn’t because of Trump it was because of Obama. Cant keep up with your own bullshit?

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