Zone1 Look Up! For Your Redemption Draweth Nigh

For over 100 years anything having to do with Jesus was destroyed. Churches burned, documents destroyed, Christians speared through the body, dipped in boiling oil and set afire to light walkways, crucified, eaten by animals for entertainment. And still they couldn't stop Christ's words for living forever. Just like He prophesied, by the way.

I do not praise Jews. I fully understand their role in what happened. I also know that they are the descendants of Abraham that God promised to look after. And He keeps His promises. He also made a promise to me:

"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

And we were all blessed. Jesus Christ was a Jew...

those were the followers of the exemplar who never claimed to be a messiah, they were not christians - tortured by those that wrote the 4th century c bible ... liberation theology, self determination is what they tried to destroy.

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