Looks Like Another Serial Killer

75% of the population contributes 52% of the serial killers. for what it is worth
It really burn's Asclepias's black ass that his people are so prone to violence. he's always looking for a way to turn the tables and claim it's white folks who are the real problem. If this killer was black, he wouldn't have made a thread about him.

But how would he be upet when the numbers show whites are the gold medalist in the serial killer category

You have a problem with percentages of the population, don't you.
Nope. 54% of serial killers were white men. Thats more than half of all serial killings.
75% of the population contributes 52% of the serial killers. for what it is worth
It really burn's Asclepias's black ass that his people are so prone to violence. he's always looking for a way to turn the tables and claim it's white folks who are the real problem. If this killer was black, he wouldn't have made a thread about him.

But how would he be upet when the numbers show whites are the gold medalist in the serial killer category

You have a problem with percentages of the population, don't you.

No, but you have a problem owning what everyone knows is true.
White people and their historical blood lust :puke:

its historical with all humans don't be in denial. When Africans want to do this they can just join the boku haram, kill and rape and imprison all they want, only its not called being a serial killer.If your driving in western Kenya in the border regions, you better hope your taxi shuttle doesnt get robbed, because likely you will either be killed or raped or both and it doesnt matter if your a man or a woman. it happens. Historically not only do humans have bloodlust, they are also hypocrites.
White people and their historical blood lust :puke:

Remember, you're the one who brought up race.

African-Americans comprise the largest racial minority group among serial killers, representing approximately 20 percent of the total. Significantly, however, only white, and normally male, serial killers such as Ted Bundy become popular culture icons.

Serial Killer Myth #6: They Are All White.
Jakey don't get credit?
White people and their historical blood lust :puke:

its historical with all humans don't be in denial. When Africans want to do this they can just join the boku haram, kill and rape and imprison all they want, only its not called being a serial killer.If your driving in western Kenya in the border regions, you better hope your taxi shuttle doesnt get robbed, because likely you will either be killed or raped or both and it doesnt matter if your a man or a woman. it happens. Historically not only do humans have bloodlust, they are also hypocrites.

Yeah, just whites take the opportunity more often than all other races ever.
75% of the population contributes 52% of the serial killers. for what it is worth
It really burn's Asclepias's black ass that his people are so prone to violence. he's always looking for a way to turn the tables and claim it's white folks who are the real problem. If this killer was black, he wouldn't have made a thread about him.

But how would he be upet when the numbers show whites are the gold medalist in the serial killer category

Apparently you're really stupid so I'm not going to bother arguing with you about percentages.
White people and their historical blood lust :puke:

its historical with all humans don't be in denial. When Africans want to do this they can just join the boku haram, kill and rape and imprison all they want, only its not called being a serial killer.If your driving in western Kenya in the border regions, you better hope your taxi shuttle doesnt get robbed, because likely you will either be killed or raped or both and it doesnt matter if your a man or a woman. it happens. Historically not only do humans have bloodlust, they are also hypocrites.

Yeah, just whites take the opportunity more often than all other races ever.

were all entitled to our opinion.
Yet we be 70% of the population.

We is under represented!

If there was ever a clear sign of anti-black bias it's the media choosing not to report on black serial killers as much as they do the white ones.

Yeah, they also don't report on Siamese twins as much as regular twins.

Not because it doesn't happen as much but because the media is sooo bias!
White people and their historical blood lust :puke:

its historical with all humans don't be in denial. When Africans want to do this they can just join the boku haram, kill and rape and imprison all they want, only its not called being a serial killer.If your driving in western Kenya in the border regions, you better hope your taxi shuttle doesnt get robbed, because likely you will either be killed or raped or both and it doesnt matter if your a man or a woman. it happens. Historically not only do humans have bloodlust, they are also hypocrites.
When whites want to do something they just change the definition. For example killing off most of the NA's doesnt count as a holocaust cause....well "murica"
When whites want to do something they just change the definition. For example killing off most of the NA's doesnt count as a holocaust cause....well "murica"

Everyone here who participated in the genocide of Native americans raise your hand.

What? Nobody?

But how would he be upet when the numbers show whites are the gold medalist in the serial killer category
Because they don't?
But they do. They have lapped everyone else.

We have better reporting of these events in the US than you have in most third world countries, so honestly, I have to say ALL people contain these bad traits. I know you wont agree, but I have several friends in Kenya, for over 15 years and I have heard plenty of what goes on over there and in Tanzania and Uganda, people end up found decapitated, or poisoned or killed more often than you would think, is it done for petty jealousies or for blood lust, I don't really know, but i also know that over there, witch doctors are hired quite often to kill rivals, and thats not exactly coming from brotherly love. I understand why you don't like white people, thats been pretty well documented by your posts, and getting back at whites who post bad stuff about black people is probably fair play. But I just dont agree there is something genetic that makes one race more violent than the next. It's about culture and circumstances mostly in my opinion. Take a look at what the Commanches did to the Apaches in the 1700s, they slaughtered them, man woman and children, and even tortured children and babies. How is this possible for someone with so much melanin in their skin?? please explain that. it had nothing to do with whites at that time. Most of the documentation known about that was done by the Spaniards who had started to set up missions in that area, and they also got their ass kicked by the Comanches right off the bat.
No One Is Saying Whites Only share This Trait But Nice try. This us like saying sure squirrels and birds both fly when there is only one trmype of squirrel that flie's and most birds fly. But using the tactic of levels font count I can say both are guilty of flying.
But you represent more than half of all serial killers. Arent you concerned?
Yeah, they should be shot. Tortured first, then shot.

Why arent you concerned about your race of 10% committing half of all murders.
I dont think youre really concerned at the fact that whites are 54% of all serial killings. Since 54% is less than 10% it appears you have your priorities in the wrong place. You (especially being white) should be more concerned about the 54% instead of asking me about the 10%

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