Looks Like Another Serial Killer

List of Famous Black Serial Killers

Here's a surprising look at the average serial killer
Black serial killers over represented:
From 1990 to 2010, the most recent year of data in the project, 52.1% of US serials killers were white, while 40.3% were black. The numbers don't change much internationally either. Worldwide, 56.2% are white, while 30% are black.


In Rise of the Black Serial Killers: Documenting a Startling Trend, Justin Cottrell expels the myth that serial killers in America are predominately white. On the contrary after sifting through a myriad of newspaper records and books, he's compiled a list of murderers that is equal too or greater than the number of white serial killers from 1860 to present. Few if any have ever heard any of their names or stories, until now. Based on his findings white serial killers have been underrepresented throughout American history when compared to the percentage of the population they represent by a factor of 1.79 on average. On the other hand, black serial killers have been overrepresented 2.68 to 7 times their portion of the population, with a 150 year average of 4.18. Another startling trend he uncovered is black serial killers have never represented less than 26.83% of the number of serial killers in a given decade, despite their overall percentage of the population never exceeding 13.1%. This trend has steadily increased to the point that in our current decade they represent 88.24% of the number of serial killers apprehended since 2010, yet only account for 12.6% of the populace.
More than half of all serial killers are white. Thats a sobering stat.

Not really if you consider the US has been historically mostly "white" in population. So why do you find this sobering? it only seems logical. this is simply a bitch about white people thread. You find it not sobering as others here have just pointed out that Blacks in the US commit serial killings at a higher rate based on their population?
The fact is, most people by far are not serial killers. And many serial killers had serious life problems of some sort. So your attempt to paint Whites by and large as prone to violence based on "Whiteness" is pretty fucking pathetic for someone who claims to be intelligent.

Serial Killers More Likely To Have Autism, Head Trauma, Or Psychosocial Issues — But Not All Who Suffer Are Killers

You see that link there Ascep? now these things that can make people prone to being a killer can affect anyone regardless of race. You see that Asians have one of the lowest rates. Why do you think that would be? probably because they have the most stable family system, and this is based on culture not the color of someones skin.
Its sobering because that means I am probably within a mile or so of a white serial killer. You dont know what youre talking about. I never mentioned the guys race initially. That occurred later on and by someone else then waltky just bumped the thread yesterday. Why dont you ever check before you start talking?

No one has to paint whites as violent. You guys own it. Your culture shows it and your history documents it. Your heroes are violent. You were the first gangsters. You were the first outlaws. You guys love that in the closet gay guy named John Wayne, Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, and other guys that kill up a bunch of people for your viewing pleasure. When there is a mass shooting everyone always says "oh boy another white boy they are going to say had mental issues"..

yet you keep putting out the stat that 54 % of serial killers are white. as if that means something of importance.
54% means that whites are underrepresented by race. Now if 75% of whites were serial killers that would mean something. Feel safe to walk outside today.

And lets not forget, The first Romans were black. They were the ones who fucked up what is known today as Europe. It was their meddling that stirred up otherwise peaceful tribes of white people and taught them militarization. Don't know how you can live with yourself, you belong to a violent race.
The stat that says whites are 54% of the serial killers is very important. It gives a point of emphasis on which to focus our attention as to why serial killers do what they do.

Thats an odd statement. You must be trying to change the topic. The first Romans were Black? Who told you that? The Romans were white and are from europe. Those are your violent people. Hannibal (a black man) went to war against them and came close to defeating them.

54% sheds no light on why people do what they do, it's only a number. Does saying that African Americans are serial killers at a dissproportionate rate for their population help to explain why people do what they do if the 40% figure is correct? No its just a number. The link I posted previously has more to do with as why, Maybe you didnt bother to read that.

Its common knowledge the first Romans were black people, so figure it out. It was their empire building that drew in the white tribes from the North and from the west and caused them to be militarized. Those white "Barbarians" were enslaved by your empire building ancestors and abused. So you see history does repeat it self. As you said before, they taught whites civilization just as they did when Africans invaded Spain.

Were the ancient Romans white? Not on your Life! – by – Oguejiofo Annu | Rasta Livewire

If you have ever looked at the nomadic Massai Tribes there is a great similarity between them and Roman legions. For one, the short sword used is the same shape and size, their use of the red robes matches those of what the Romans once wore, their shields are also the same and Ive seen their hair often matching the helmet crest of Roman soldiers. This has been passed down through the centuries for a reason.
More than half of all serial killers are white. Thats a sobering stat.

Not really if you consider the US has been historically mostly "white" in population. So why do you find this sobering? it only seems logical. this is simply a bitch about white people thread. You find it not sobering as others here have just pointed out that Blacks in the US commit serial killings at a higher rate based on their population?
The fact is, most people by far are not serial killers. And many serial killers had serious life problems of some sort. So your attempt to paint Whites by and large as prone to violence based on "Whiteness" is pretty fucking pathetic for someone who claims to be intelligent.

Serial Killers More Likely To Have Autism, Head Trauma, Or Psychosocial Issues — But Not All Who Suffer Are Killers

You see that link there Ascep? now these things that can make people prone to being a killer can affect anyone regardless of race. You see that Asians have one of the lowest rates. Why do you think that would be? probably because they have the most stable family system, and this is based on culture not the color of someones skin.
Its sobering because that means I am probably within a mile or so of a white serial killer. You dont know what youre talking about. I never mentioned the guys race initially. That occurred later on and by someone else then waltky just bumped the thread yesterday. Why dont you ever check before you start talking?

No one has to paint whites as violent. You guys own it. Your culture shows it and your history documents it. Your heroes are violent. You were the first gangsters. You were the first outlaws. You guys love that in the closet gay guy named John Wayne, Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, and other guys that kill up a bunch of people for your viewing pleasure. When there is a mass shooting everyone always says "oh boy another white boy they are going to say had mental issues"..

yet you keep putting out the stat that 54 % of serial killers are white. as if that means something of importance.
54% means that whites are underrepresented by race. Now if 75% of whites were serial killers that would mean something. Feel safe to walk outside today.

And lets not forget, The first Romans were black. They were the ones who fucked up what is known today as Europe. It was their meddling that stirred up otherwise peaceful tribes of white people and taught them militarization. Don't know how you can live with yourself, you belong to a violent race.
The stat that says whites are 54% of the serial killers is very important. It gives a point of emphasis on which to focus our attention as to why serial killers do what they do.

Thats an odd statement. You must be trying to change the topic. The first Romans were Black? Who told you that? The Romans were white and are from europe. Those are your violent people. Hannibal (a black man) went to war against them and came close to defeating them.

54% sheds no light on why people do what they do, it's only a number. Does saying that African Americans are serial killers at a dissproportionate rate for their population help to explain why people do what they do if the 40% figure is correct? No its just a number. The link I posted previously has more to do with as why, Maybe you didnt bother to read that.

Its common knowledge the first Romans were black people, so figure it out. It was their empire building that drew in the white tribes from the North and from the west and caused them to be militarized. Those white "Barbarians" were enslaved by your empire building ancestors and abused. So you see history does repeat it self. As you said before, they taught whites civilization just as they did when Africans invaded Spain.

Were the ancient Romans white? Not on your Life! – by – Oguejiofo Annu | Rasta Livewire

If you have ever looked at the nomadic Massai Tribes there is a great similarity between them and Roman legions. For one, the short sword used is the same shape and size, their use of the red robes matches those of what the Romans once wore, their shields are also the same and Ive seen their hair often matching the helmet crest of Roman soldiers. This has been passed down through the centuries for a reason.
40% is a much lower number than 54%. Its simple math. White men are the largest demographic that makes up serial killers. Thats where you look to find the cause. If you want to know why people voted for someone you dont question the group that voted in the second highest bracket. You go to the first and highest bracket. There you will find something thats common to them.

Black people taught the Greeks who in turn educated the Romans. There may have been a few Black roman emperors but the population was mainly whites from europe. I will look at your link and let you know if its rational or credible.
Not really if you consider the US has been historically mostly "white" in population. So why do you find this sobering? it only seems logical. this is simply a bitch about white people thread. You find it not sobering as others here have just pointed out that Blacks in the US commit serial killings at a higher rate based on their population?
The fact is, most people by far are not serial killers. And many serial killers had serious life problems of some sort. So your attempt to paint Whites by and large as prone to violence based on "Whiteness" is pretty fucking pathetic for someone who claims to be intelligent.

Serial Killers More Likely To Have Autism, Head Trauma, Or Psychosocial Issues — But Not All Who Suffer Are Killers

You see that link there Ascep? now these things that can make people prone to being a killer can affect anyone regardless of race. You see that Asians have one of the lowest rates. Why do you think that would be? probably because they have the most stable family system, and this is based on culture not the color of someones skin.
Its sobering because that means I am probably within a mile or so of a white serial killer. You dont know what youre talking about. I never mentioned the guys race initially. That occurred later on and by someone else then waltky just bumped the thread yesterday. Why dont you ever check before you start talking?

No one has to paint whites as violent. You guys own it. Your culture shows it and your history documents it. Your heroes are violent. You were the first gangsters. You were the first outlaws. You guys love that in the closet gay guy named John Wayne, Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, and other guys that kill up a bunch of people for your viewing pleasure. When there is a mass shooting everyone always says "oh boy another white boy they are going to say had mental issues"..

yet you keep putting out the stat that 54 % of serial killers are white. as if that means something of importance.
54% means that whites are underrepresented by race. Now if 75% of whites were serial killers that would mean something. Feel safe to walk outside today.

And lets not forget, The first Romans were black. They were the ones who fucked up what is known today as Europe. It was their meddling that stirred up otherwise peaceful tribes of white people and taught them militarization. Don't know how you can live with yourself, you belong to a violent race.
The stat that says whites are 54% of the serial killers is very important. It gives a point of emphasis on which to focus our attention as to why serial killers do what they do.

Thats an odd statement. You must be trying to change the topic. The first Romans were Black? Who told you that? The Romans were white and are from europe. Those are your violent people. Hannibal (a black man) went to war against them and came close to defeating them.

54% sheds no light on why people do what they do, it's only a number. Does saying that African Americans are serial killers at a dissproportionate rate for their population help to explain why people do what they do if the 40% figure is correct? No its just a number. The link I posted previously has more to do with as why, Maybe you didnt bother to read that.

Its common knowledge the first Romans were black people, so figure it out. It was their empire building that drew in the white tribes from the North and from the west and caused them to be militarized. Those white "Barbarians" were enslaved by your empire building ancestors and abused. So you see history does repeat it self. As you said before, they taught whites civilization just as they did when Africans invaded Spain.

Were the ancient Romans white? Not on your Life! – by – Oguejiofo Annu | Rasta Livewire

If you have ever looked at the nomadic Massai Tribes there is a great similarity between them and Roman legions. For one, the short sword used is the same shape and size, their use of the red robes matches those of what the Romans once wore, their shields are also the same and Ive seen their hair often matching the helmet crest of Roman soldiers. This has been passed down through the centuries for a reason.
40% is a much lower number than 54%. Its simple math. White men are the largest demographic that makes up serial killers. Thats where you look to find the cause. If you want to know why people voted for someone you dont question the group that voted in the second highest bracket. You go to the first and highest bracket. There you will find something thats common to them.

Black people taught the Greeks who in turn educated the Romans. There may have been a few Black roman emperors but the population was mainly whites from europe. I will look at your link and let you know if its rational or credible.

Its simple math? by high school you should have gotten past simple math and been into algebraic equations. You can always take a remedial course at night school but seriously, 40 % of total serial killers when the ethnic group they are coming from represent 15% of the total population is much more disturbing, if your concerned about it, which I guess you are for posting this thread.
Really pointing fingers at who does the most really doesnt address any of the real issues which are probably common among all serial killers regardless of their race. Serial killers are just a symptom of society but also as I did mention, they are in parts of Africa as well. Its just much easier to get away with it there because of isolation and infrastructure and lack of reporting.
Its sobering because that means I am probably within a mile or so of a white serial killer. You dont know what youre talking about. I never mentioned the guys race initially. That occurred later on and by someone else then waltky just bumped the thread yesterday. Why dont you ever check before you start talking?

No one has to paint whites as violent. You guys own it. Your culture shows it and your history documents it. Your heroes are violent. You were the first gangsters. You were the first outlaws. You guys love that in the closet gay guy named John Wayne, Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, and other guys that kill up a bunch of people for your viewing pleasure. When there is a mass shooting everyone always says "oh boy another white boy they are going to say had mental issues"..

yet you keep putting out the stat that 54 % of serial killers are white. as if that means something of importance.
54% means that whites are underrepresented by race. Now if 75% of whites were serial killers that would mean something. Feel safe to walk outside today.

And lets not forget, The first Romans were black. They were the ones who fucked up what is known today as Europe. It was their meddling that stirred up otherwise peaceful tribes of white people and taught them militarization. Don't know how you can live with yourself, you belong to a violent race.
The stat that says whites are 54% of the serial killers is very important. It gives a point of emphasis on which to focus our attention as to why serial killers do what they do.

Thats an odd statement. You must be trying to change the topic. The first Romans were Black? Who told you that? The Romans were white and are from europe. Those are your violent people. Hannibal (a black man) went to war against them and came close to defeating them.

54% sheds no light on why people do what they do, it's only a number. Does saying that African Americans are serial killers at a dissproportionate rate for their population help to explain why people do what they do if the 40% figure is correct? No its just a number. The link I posted previously has more to do with as why, Maybe you didnt bother to read that.

Its common knowledge the first Romans were black people, so figure it out. It was their empire building that drew in the white tribes from the North and from the west and caused them to be militarized. Those white "Barbarians" were enslaved by your empire building ancestors and abused. So you see history does repeat it self. As you said before, they taught whites civilization just as they did when Africans invaded Spain.

Were the ancient Romans white? Not on your Life! – by – Oguejiofo Annu | Rasta Livewire

If you have ever looked at the nomadic Massai Tribes there is a great similarity between them and Roman legions. For one, the short sword used is the same shape and size, their use of the red robes matches those of what the Romans once wore, their shields are also the same and Ive seen their hair often matching the helmet crest of Roman soldiers. This has been passed down through the centuries for a reason.
40% is a much lower number than 54%. Its simple math. White men are the largest demographic that makes up serial killers. Thats where you look to find the cause. If you want to know why people voted for someone you dont question the group that voted in the second highest bracket. You go to the first and highest bracket. There you will find something thats common to them.

Black people taught the Greeks who in turn educated the Romans. There may have been a few Black roman emperors but the population was mainly whites from europe. I will look at your link and let you know if its rational or credible.

Its simple math? by high school you should have gotten past simple math and been into algebraic equations. You can always take a remedial course at night school but seriously, 40 % of total serial killers when the ethnic group they are coming from represent 15% of the total population is much more disturbing, if your concerned about it, which I guess you are for posting this thread.
Really pointing fingers at who does the most really doesnt address any of the real issues which are probably common among all serial killers regardless of their race. Serial killers are just a symptom of society but also as I did mention, they are in parts of Africa as well. Its just much easier to get away with it there because of isolation and infrastructure and lack of reporting.
You dont have to do an algebraic equation to know 54% is a lot higher than 40%. Like most white people you are trying to hard to appear intelligent when everyone already knows simplicity is where the real genius is. Youre like the guy that over explains stuff to try and appear smart not knowing everyone is laughing at you because 1+1 is 2 all day long and you dont have multiply .250000 X 8 to get to the correct answer.

Youre deflecting again. We arent talking about Africa. We are talking about the US where whites commit over half of all serial killings. Focus. Dont be that white boy that can only deflect.

BTW I looked at your link and it merits some consideration. I'd have to look further into it.
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Not really if you consider the US has been historically mostly "white" in population. So why do you find this sobering? it only seems logical. this is simply a bitch about white people thread. You find it not sobering as others here have just pointed out that Blacks in the US commit serial killings at a higher rate based on their population?
The fact is, most people by far are not serial killers. And many serial killers had serious life problems of some sort. So your attempt to paint Whites by and large as prone to violence based on "Whiteness" is pretty fucking pathetic for someone who claims to be intelligent.

Serial Killers More Likely To Have Autism, Head Trauma, Or Psychosocial Issues — But Not All Who Suffer Are Killers

You see that link there Ascep? now these things that can make people prone to being a killer can affect anyone regardless of race. You see that Asians have one of the lowest rates. Why do you think that would be? probably because they have the most stable family system, and this is based on culture not the color of someones skin.
Its sobering because that means I am probably within a mile or so of a white serial killer. You dont know what youre talking about. I never mentioned the guys race initially. That occurred later on and by someone else then waltky just bumped the thread yesterday. Why dont you ever check before you start talking?

No one has to paint whites as violent. You guys own it. Your culture shows it and your history documents it. Your heroes are violent. You were the first gangsters. You were the first outlaws. You guys love that in the closet gay guy named John Wayne, Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, and other guys that kill up a bunch of people for your viewing pleasure. When there is a mass shooting everyone always says "oh boy another white boy they are going to say had mental issues"..

yet you keep putting out the stat that 54 % of serial killers are white. as if that means something of importance.
54% means that whites are underrepresented by race. Now if 75% of whites were serial killers that would mean something. Feel safe to walk outside today.

And lets not forget, The first Romans were black. They were the ones who fucked up what is known today as Europe. It was their meddling that stirred up otherwise peaceful tribes of white people and taught them militarization. Don't know how you can live with yourself, you belong to a violent race.
The stat that says whites are 54% of the serial killers is very important. It gives a point of emphasis on which to focus our attention as to why serial killers do what they do.

Thats an odd statement. You must be trying to change the topic. The first Romans were Black? Who told you that? The Romans were white and are from europe. Those are your violent people. Hannibal (a black man) went to war against them and came close to defeating them.

54% sheds no light on why people do what they do, it's only a number. Does saying that African Americans are serial killers at a dissproportionate rate for their population help to explain why people do what they do if the 40% figure is correct? No its just a number. The link I posted previously has more to do with as why, Maybe you didnt bother to read that.

Its common knowledge the first Romans were black people, so figure it out. It was their empire building that drew in the white tribes from the North and from the west and caused them to be militarized. Those white "Barbarians" were enslaved by your empire building ancestors and abused. So you see history does repeat it self. As you said before, they taught whites civilization just as they did when Africans invaded Spain.

Were the ancient Romans white? Not on your Life! – by – Oguejiofo Annu | Rasta Livewire

If you have ever looked at the nomadic Massai Tribes there is a great similarity between them and Roman legions. For one, the short sword used is the same shape and size, their use of the red robes matches those of what the Romans once wore, their shields are also the same and Ive seen their hair often matching the helmet crest of Roman soldiers. This has been passed down through the centuries for a reason.
40% is a much lower number than 54%. Its simple math. White men are the largest demographic that makes up serial killers. Thats where you look to find the cause. If you want to know why people voted for someone you dont question the group that voted in the second highest bracket. You go to the first and highest bracket. There you will find something thats common to them.

Black people taught the Greeks who in turn educated the Romans. There may have been a few Black roman emperors but the population was mainly whites from europe. I will look at your link and let you know if its rational or credible.

"40% is a much lower number than 54%. Its simple math. White men are the largest demographic that makes up serial killers. Thats where you look to find the cause."

Wrong, if your honest about truely looking for a cause, you look at them all. Why would you want to ignore the other 40? The fact that in a majority white country there would be a proportionately equal amount of serial killers or any other type of criminal is nothing unusual.
if you have no concept of what ratio is and are not capable of seeing that there is a much higher RATIO of African americans commiting serial killings based on their population, then by all means, stick to 1+ 1

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