Looks Like Another Serial Killer

in real life i have known 4 murderers

In my life I have only known 2 people that had to kill.

1 cracker that caught his step-dad raping his sister, and my cousin's kid.

My cousin's kid had a cop-killer bust into the house he was working on and he had a firearm ready.

He killed the cop-killer. He still went through hell afterwards.

He's still alive, there's that.

1 cracker walked in on his stepdad raping his sister violently, he killed him. IDK how, but he did.

I ain't mad at him.

The End.
I have been watching the case of the guy that kidnapped a girl, chained her up and killed her boyfriend. This nutcase looks like he has done this before. I wonder how a registered sex offender can get away with doing this stuff? Wasnt someone watching him?

South Carolina serial killer? Another body found on property - CNN.com

"Investigators combing a South Carolina farm over the weekend found what the owner allegedly told them was hidden there: a body."

Look at the tits on that waste of space. There are many serial killers out there we know nothing about, there's a new show coming on I think A&E that'sgoing to be about serial killers that live amongst us. Can't remember the title but it looks pretty good.
I think I remember the FBI saying there were like 30 to 40 active serial killers at the moment out in the public.

I assume you posted this to further claim that white men are dangerous.

5 Myths about Serial Killers and Why They Persist [Excerpt]

Myths have been debunked. Not all serial killers are men. Nearly 2 out of 10 are women. Not all are white. White serial killers get the headlines because the gutless media is too afraid to report the crimes of blacks. But blacks are the only racial group that commits more serial murders than their overall populations (commit 20% of the serial murders, but make up 15% of population). In fact blacks make up for the lower serial murders caused by Asians.

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You make an ass of yourself as usual but since you went there you have a small problem. More than half of serial killers are white males. Please explain why?
You can't possibly be that ignorant and stupid. You are funning us, right? 75% 0f the population as a whole makes up 52% of the serial killer population means that they make up less of the population of the serial killer population as a percentage.

More than half of every population is going to be whites. They make up 75 of the population.
"White [male] serial killers get the headlines because" they commit most of the serial killings and in America.

Blacks per capita commit more killings per race.

Alt Right Jews commit per capita more killings per than other 'religious' groupings.
Where did you got this statistic? from your ass or your elbow? Alt right jews commit zero offenses, because they are 0.0000000000000000000 of the population.
Somebody was trying to tell us whites only make up 63% of the population, which is a lie.
"White [male] serial killers get the headlines because" they commit most of the serial killings and in America.

Blacks per capita commit more killings per race.

Alt Right Jews commit per capita more killings per than other 'religious' groupings.
Where did you got this statistic? from your ass or your elbow? Alt right jews commit zero offenses, because they are 0.0000000000000000000 of the population.
You have not Roudy and his buddies. They are far alt right neo-con Jews. They are the crazie of the Jewish population, nuttier than even Trumpettes.
"White [male] serial killers get the headlines because" they commit most of the serial killings and in America.

Blacks per capita commit more killings per race.

Alt Right Jews commit per capita more killings per than other 'religious' groupings.
Where did you got this statistic? from your ass or your elbow? Alt right jews commit zero offenses, because they are 0.0000000000000000000 of the population.
You have not Roudy and his buddies. They are far alt right neo-con Jews. They are the crazie of the Jewish population, nuttier than even Trumpettes.
They are right wing, they may even be racist, but they are not alt right. Alt right won't let them in, and thinks murdering them is a good idea. Not a good place for jews to be.
"White [male] serial killers get the headlines because" they commit most of the serial killings and in America.

Blacks per capita commit more killings per race.

Alt Right Jews commit per capita more killings per than other 'religious' groupings.
Where did you got this statistic? from your ass or your elbow? Alt right jews commit zero offenses, because they are 0.0000000000000000000 of the population.
You have not Roudy and his buddies. They are far alt right neo-con Jews. They are the crazie of the Jewish population, nuttier than even Trumpettes.
They are right wing, they may even be racist, but they are not alt right. Alt right won't let them in, and thinks murdering them is a good idea. Not a good place for jews to be.
Tell that to Bannon. Yeah, you have some 'reformed' Alt Right Jews the Alt Right likes. Roudy is one of them.
"White [male] serial killers get the headlines because" they commit most of the serial killings and in America.

Blacks per capita commit more killings per race.

Alt Right Jews commit per capita more killings per than other 'religious' groupings.
Where did you got this statistic? from your ass or your elbow? Alt right jews commit zero offenses, because they are 0.0000000000000000000 of the population.
You have not Roudy and his buddies. They are far alt right neo-con Jews. They are the crazie of the Jewish population, nuttier than even Trumpettes.
They are right wing, they may even be racist, but they are not alt right. Alt right won't let them in, and thinks murdering them is a good idea. Not a good place for jews to be.
Tell that to Bannon. Yeah, you have some 'reformed' Alt Right Jews the Alt Right likes. Roudy is one of them.
The Roudies are known as 'Uncle Isaiahs'.
Alt right is not just a pejorative term to be tossed around and used whenever. Using it as such lessons the usefulness. It is the same as Nazi, which has lost its usefulness in debate because it is used inappropriately. In everyone is alt right or nazi, then no one is alt right or nazi.
I have been watching the case of the guy that kidnapped a girl, chained her up and killed her boyfriend. This nutcase looks like he has done this before. I wonder how a registered sex offender can get away with doing this stuff? Wasnt someone watching him?

South Carolina serial killer? Another body found on property - CNN.com

"Investigators combing a South Carolina farm over the weekend found what the owner allegedly told them was hidden there: a body."


List of Famous Black Serial Killers

Here's a surprising look at the average serial killer
Black serial killers over represented:
From 1990 to 2010, the most recent year of data in the project, 52.1% of US serials killers were white, while 40.3% were black. The numbers don't change much internationally either. Worldwide, 56.2% are white, while 30% are black.


In Rise of the Black Serial Killers: Documenting a Startling Trend, Justin Cottrell expels the myth that serial killers in America are predominately white. On the contrary after sifting through a myriad of newspaper records and books, he's compiled a list of murderers that is equal too or greater than the number of white serial killers from 1860 to present. Few if any have ever heard any of their names or stories, until now. Based on his findings white serial killers have been underrepresented throughout American history when compared to the percentage of the population they represent by a factor of 1.79 on average. On the other hand, black serial killers have been overrepresented 2.68 to 7 times their portion of the population, with a 150 year average of 4.18. Another startling trend he uncovered is black serial killers have never represented less than 26.83% of the number of serial killers in a given decade, despite their overall percentage of the population never exceeding 13.1%. This trend has steadily increased to the point that in our current decade they represent 88.24% of the number of serial killers apprehended since 2010, yet only account for 12.6% of the populace.
More than half of all serial killers are white. Thats a sobering stat.
You illiterate fool, even though there are far less blacks in the US they commit about 40% of the serial killing not only in the US but also the world. Go learn some basic math, you moron
My math says that 54% is more than half. Again for the mathematically challenged thats 1 in 2 people that qualify as serial killers are white boys. Mind you they are at the top of food chain economically so why are they doing this? What is their trigger?
Serial killers of all races have many common traits, but the most common is that they were "raised" by one parent. As in deadbeat dads or not knowing who your dad is, is prevalent in the black community.

If thats true why are white guys more than half of all serial killers? Half. Their dads must be really fucked up. Maybe they would be better off if they left them. I know white women tell me their fathers are emotionally distant.
List of Famous Black Serial Killers

Here's a surprising look at the average serial killer
Black serial killers over represented:
From 1990 to 2010, the most recent year of data in the project, 52.1% of US serials killers were white, while 40.3% were black. The numbers don't change much internationally either. Worldwide, 56.2% are white, while 30% are black.


In Rise of the Black Serial Killers: Documenting a Startling Trend, Justin Cottrell expels the myth that serial killers in America are predominately white. On the contrary after sifting through a myriad of newspaper records and books, he's compiled a list of murderers that is equal too or greater than the number of white serial killers from 1860 to present. Few if any have ever heard any of their names or stories, until now. Based on his findings white serial killers have been underrepresented throughout American history when compared to the percentage of the population they represent by a factor of 1.79 on average. On the other hand, black serial killers have been overrepresented 2.68 to 7 times their portion of the population, with a 150 year average of 4.18. Another startling trend he uncovered is black serial killers have never represented less than 26.83% of the number of serial killers in a given decade, despite their overall percentage of the population never exceeding 13.1%. This trend has steadily increased to the point that in our current decade they represent 88.24% of the number of serial killers apprehended since 2010, yet only account for 12.6% of the populace.
More than half of all serial killers are white. Thats a sobering stat.
You illiterate fool, even though there are far less blacks in the US they commit about 40% of the serial killing not only in the US but also the world. Go learn some basic math, you moron
My math says that 54% is more than half. Again for the mathematically challenged thats 1 in 2 people that qualify as serial killers are white boys. Mind you they are at the top of food chain economically so why are they doing this? What is their trigger?
Serial killers of all races have many common traits, but the most common is that they were "raised" by one parent. As in deadbeat dads or not knowing who your dad is, is prevalent in the black community.

If thats true why are white guys more than half of all serial killers? Half. Their dads must be really fucked up. Maybe they would be better off if they left them. I know white women tell me their fathers are emotionally distant.
Again, you an't possible this ignorant and manage to breath on your own. You are trolling. 52% of serial killers vs 75 % 0f general population.

Of course they are half, every thing according to this metric is going to be majority whites.
More than half of all serial killers are white. Thats a sobering stat.
You illiterate fool, even though there are far less blacks in the US they commit about 40% of the serial killing not only in the US but also the world. Go learn some basic math, you moron
My math says that 54% is more than half. Again for the mathematically challenged thats 1 in 2 people that qualify as serial killers are white boys. Mind you they are at the top of food chain economically so why are they doing this? What is their trigger?
Serial killers of all races have many common traits, but the most common is that they were "raised" by one parent. As in deadbeat dads or not knowing who your dad is, is prevalent in the black community.

If thats true why are white guys more than half of all serial killers? Half. Their dads must be really fucked up. Maybe they would be better off if they left them. I know white women tell me their fathers are emotionally distant.
Again, you an't possible this ignorant and manage to breath on your own. You are trolling. 52% of serial killers vs 75 % 0f general population.

Of course they are half, every thing according to this metric is going to be majority whites.
Why are the majority of serial killers white? You own all the resources and you have no stressors. What the fuck is wrong with yall besides your blood lust? According to your logic more than half of the people that have sickle cell should be white then right?

Watch this
List of Famous Black Serial Killers

Here's a surprising look at the average serial killer
Black serial killers over represented:
From 1990 to 2010, the most recent year of data in the project, 52.1% of US serials killers were white, while 40.3% were black. The numbers don't change much internationally either. Worldwide, 56.2% are white, while 30% are black.


In Rise of the Black Serial Killers: Documenting a Startling Trend, Justin Cottrell expels the myth that serial killers in America are predominately white. On the contrary after sifting through a myriad of newspaper records and books, he's compiled a list of murderers that is equal too or greater than the number of white serial killers from 1860 to present. Few if any have ever heard any of their names or stories, until now. Based on his findings white serial killers have been underrepresented throughout American history when compared to the percentage of the population they represent by a factor of 1.79 on average. On the other hand, black serial killers have been overrepresented 2.68 to 7 times their portion of the population, with a 150 year average of 4.18. Another startling trend he uncovered is black serial killers have never represented less than 26.83% of the number of serial killers in a given decade, despite their overall percentage of the population never exceeding 13.1%. This trend has steadily increased to the point that in our current decade they represent 88.24% of the number of serial killers apprehended since 2010, yet only account for 12.6% of the populace.
More than half of all serial killers are white. Thats a sobering stat.
You illiterate fool, even though there are far less blacks in the US they commit about 40% of the serial killing not only in the US but also the world. Go learn some basic math, you moron
My math says that 54% is more than half. Again for the mathematically challenged thats 1 in 2 people that qualify as serial killers are white boys. Mind you they are at the top of food chain economically so why are they doing this? What is their trigger?
Serial killers of all races have many common traits, but the most common is that they were "raised" by one parent. As in deadbeat dads or not knowing who your dad is, is prevalent in the black community.

If thats true why are white guys more than half of all serial killers? Half. Their dads must be really fucked up. Maybe they would be better off if they left them. I know white women tell me their fathers are emotionally distant.
So genius here's a math question for you...if blacks are only 12% of the population in the US and comprise 40% of serial killers, what would it be if there were as many blacks as whites (white are at 63% US population )?
You illiterate fool, even though there are far less blacks in the US they commit about 40% of the serial killing not only in the US but also the world. Go learn some basic math, you moron
My math says that 54% is more than half. Again for the mathematically challenged thats 1 in 2 people that qualify as serial killers are white boys. Mind you they are at the top of food chain economically so why are they doing this? What is their trigger?
Serial killers of all races have many common traits, but the most common is that they were "raised" by one parent. As in deadbeat dads or not knowing who your dad is, is prevalent in the black community.

If thats true why are white guys more than half of all serial killers? Half. Their dads must be really fucked up. Maybe they would be better off if they left them. I know white women tell me their fathers are emotionally distant.
Again, you an't possible this ignorant and manage to breath on your own. You are trolling. 52% of serial killers vs 75 % 0f general population.

Of course they are half, every thing according to this metric is going to be majority whites.
Why are the majority of serial killers white? You own all the resources and you have no stressors. What the fuck is wrong with yall besides your blood lust? According to your logic more than half of the people that have sickle cell should be white then right?

Watch this
Whites commit less serial killings compared to the percentage of the US population they comprise, while blacks commit FOUR TIMES the population they comprise. That's pretty damning.
My math says that 54% is more than half. Again for the mathematically challenged thats 1 in 2 people that qualify as serial killers are white boys. Mind you they are at the top of food chain economically so why are they doing this? What is their trigger?
Serial killers of all races have many common traits, but the most common is that they were "raised" by one parent. As in deadbeat dads or not knowing who your dad is, is prevalent in the black community.

If thats true why are white guys more than half of all serial killers? Half. Their dads must be really fucked up. Maybe they would be better off if they left them. I know white women tell me their fathers are emotionally distant.
Again, you an't possible this ignorant and manage to breath on your own. You are trolling. 52% of serial killers vs 75 % 0f general population.

Of course they are half, every thing according to this metric is going to be majority whites.
Why are the majority of serial killers white? You own all the resources and you have no stressors. What the fuck is wrong with yall besides your blood lust? According to your logic more than half of the people that have sickle cell should be white then right?

Watch this
Whites commit less serial killings compared to the percentage of the US population they comprise, while blacks commit FOUR TIMES the population they comprise. That's pretty damning.
No matter how you word it, whites commit more than half of all serial murders. Focus on your white issues. Find the cause. Dont make excuses.
More than half of all serial killers are white. Thats a sobering stat.
You illiterate fool, even though there are far less blacks in the US they commit about 40% of the serial killing not only in the US but also the world. Go learn some basic math, you moron
My math says that 54% is more than half. Again for the mathematically challenged thats 1 in 2 people that qualify as serial killers are white boys. Mind you they are at the top of food chain economically so why are they doing this? What is their trigger?
Serial killers of all races have many common traits, but the most common is that they were "raised" by one parent. As in deadbeat dads or not knowing who your dad is, is prevalent in the black community.

If thats true why are white guys more than half of all serial killers? Half. Their dads must be really fucked up. Maybe they would be better off if they left them. I know white women tell me their fathers are emotionally distant.
So genius here's a math question for you...if blacks are only 12% of the population in the US and comprise 40% of serial killers, what would it be if there were as many blacks as whites (white are at 63% US population )?
Youre not worth answering until you answer my question. Dont make up word problems. It just makes you look feeble minded.
My math says that 54% is more than half. Again for the mathematically challenged thats 1 in 2 people that qualify as serial killers are white boys. Mind you they are at the top of food chain economically so why are they doing this? What is their trigger?
Serial killers of all races have many common traits, but the most common is that they were "raised" by one parent. As in deadbeat dads or not knowing who your dad is, is prevalent in the black community.

If thats true why are white guys more than half of all serial killers? Half. Their dads must be really fucked up. Maybe they would be better off if they left them. I know white women tell me their fathers are emotionally distant.
Again, you an't possible this ignorant and manage to breath on your own. You are trolling. 52% of serial killers vs 75 % 0f general population.

Of course they are half, every thing according to this metric is going to be majority whites.
Why are the majority of serial killers white? You own all the resources and you have no stressors. What the fuck is wrong with yall besides your blood lust? According to your logic more than half of the people that have sickle cell should be white then right?

Watch this
Whites commit less serial killings compared to the percentage of the US population they comprise, while blacks commit FOUR TIMES the population they comprise. That's pretty damning.
he doesn't care about the facts, his mind is made up
Serial killers of all races have many common traits, but the most common is that they were "raised" by one parent. As in deadbeat dads or not knowing who your dad is, is prevalent in the black community.

If thats true why are white guys more than half of all serial killers? Half. Their dads must be really fucked up. Maybe they would be better off if they left them. I know white women tell me their fathers are emotionally distant.
Again, you an't possible this ignorant and manage to breath on your own. You are trolling. 52% of serial killers vs 75 % 0f general population.

Of course they are half, every thing according to this metric is going to be majority whites.
Why are the majority of serial killers white? You own all the resources and you have no stressors. What the fuck is wrong with yall besides your blood lust? According to your logic more than half of the people that have sickle cell should be white then right?

Watch this
Whites commit less serial killings compared to the percentage of the US population they comprise, while blacks commit FOUR TIMES the population they comprise. That's pretty damning.
he doesn't care about the facts, his mind is made up
The facts are that whites are more than half of all serial killers. Until that changes you can deflect all day but we both know thats the real facts.

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