Looks Like Another Serial Killer

White people and their historical blood lust :puke:

Lol you need to get educated. The only race that serials kills higher than it percent of the population is African Americans. 20% to 15%.

5 Myths about Serial Killers and Why They Persist [Excerpt]

Furthermore, the Blacks commit far more per capita non-serial murders. In fact remove all the blacks from America and our homicide rate would mirror Europe.

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Per Capita = white boy denial :laugh:

Yes per capita, because when you only make up 15% of the country it matters.

Just as it matter that negros commit more than 50% of the crime in this country but more whites are shot by cops then blacks!

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So here's the deal, according to the 2010 census, about 63% of the population is white, and according FBI stats they commit about 50% of the serial killings, and about 12% of of the popularion of this country are blacks, while they commit about 40% of serial killings. And this doesn't even take into account all the other murders bank robberies, felonies, etc. which blacks overwhelmingly commit.
No the deal is that white people commit over half of serial killings and lead in virtually ever crime category known to mankind. Check the FBI stats and they are trying to fudge it in white peoples favor.
Ha ha ha "FBI is trying to fudge it in favor of whites". Keep playing that violin.
White people and their historical blood lust :puke:

Lol you need to get educated. The only race that serials kills higher than it percent of the population is African Americans. 20% to 15%.

5 Myths about Serial Killers and Why They Persist [Excerpt]

Furthermore, the Blacks commit far more per capita non-serial murders. In fact remove all the blacks from America and our homicide rate would mirror Europe.

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Per Capita = white boy denial :laugh:
Yeah. That math thing... The bane of the Negros existence...
Math says 54% of all serial killing are done by caucasoid. Thats more than half. What is making you caucasoids such blood thirsty creatures?
I have been watching the case of the guy that kidnapped a girl, chained her up and killed her boyfriend. This nutcase looks like he has done this before. I wonder how a registered sex offender can get away with doing this stuff? Wasnt someone watching him?

South Carolina serial killer? Another body found on property - CNN.com

"Investigators combing a South Carolina farm over the weekend found what the owner allegedly told them was hidden there: a body."


List of Famous Black Serial Killers

Here's a surprising look at the average serial killer
Black serial killers over represented:
From 1990 to 2010, the most recent year of data in the project, 52.1% of US serials killers were white, while 40.3% were black. The numbers don't change much internationally either. Worldwide, 56.2% are white, while 30% are black.


In Rise of the Black Serial Killers: Documenting a Startling Trend, Justin Cottrell expels the myth that serial killers in America are predominately white. On the contrary after sifting through a myriad of newspaper records and books, he's compiled a list of murderers that is equal too or greater than the number of white serial killers from 1860 to present. Few if any have ever heard any of their names or stories, until now. Based on his findings white serial killers have been underrepresented throughout American history when compared to the percentage of the population they represent by a factor of 1.79 on average. On the other hand, black serial killers have been overrepresented 2.68 to 7 times their portion of the population, with a 150 year average of 4.18. Another startling trend he uncovered is black serial killers have never represented less than 26.83% of the number of serial killers in a given decade, despite their overall percentage of the population never exceeding 13.1%. This trend has steadily increased to the point that in our current decade they represent 88.24% of the number of serial killers apprehended since 2010, yet only account for 12.6% of the populace.
More than half of all serial killers are white. Thats a sobering stat.
You illiterate fool, even though there are far less blacks in the US they commit about 40% of the serial killing not only in the US but also the world. Go learn some basic math, you moron
My math says that 54% is more than half. Again for the mathematically challenged thats 1 in 2 people that qualify as serial killers are white boys. Mind you they are at the top of food chain economically so why are they doing this? What is their trigger?
Serial killers of all races have many common traits, but the most common is that they were "raised" by one parent. As in deadbeat dads or not knowing who your dad is, is prevalent in the black community.
I have been watching the case of the guy that kidnapped a girl, chained her up and killed her boyfriend. This nutcase looks like he has done this before. I wonder how a registered sex offender can get away with doing this stuff? Wasnt someone watching him?

South Carolina serial killer? Another body found on property - CNN.com

"Investigators combing a South Carolina farm over the weekend found what the owner allegedly told them was hidden there: a body."


List of Famous Black Serial Killers

Here's a surprising look at the average serial killer
Black serial killers over represented:
From 1990 to 2010, the most recent year of data in the project, 52.1% of US serials killers were white, while 40.3% were black. The numbers don't change much internationally either. Worldwide, 56.2% are white, while 30% are black.


In Rise of the Black Serial Killers: Documenting a Startling Trend, Justin Cottrell expels the myth that serial killers in America are predominately white. On the contrary after sifting through a myriad of newspaper records and books, he's compiled a list of murderers that is equal too or greater than the number of white serial killers from 1860 to present. Few if any have ever heard any of their names or stories, until now. Based on his findings white serial killers have been underrepresented throughout American history when compared to the percentage of the population they represent by a factor of 1.79 on average. On the other hand, black serial killers have been overrepresented 2.68 to 7 times their portion of the population, with a 150 year average of 4.18. Another startling trend he uncovered is black serial killers have never represented less than 26.83% of the number of serial killers in a given decade, despite their overall percentage of the population never exceeding 13.1%. This trend has steadily increased to the point that in our current decade they represent 88.24% of the number of serial killers apprehended since 2010, yet only account for 12.6% of the populace.
More than half of all serial killers are white. Thats a sobering stat.

Yet in that white stat is white Hispanics, therefore 70% of the country is white yet 52% of the serial killers.

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White people and their historical blood lust :puke:

Lol you need to get educated. The only race that serials kills higher than it percent of the population is African Americans. 20% to 15%.

5 Myths about Serial Killers and Why They Persist [Excerpt]

Furthermore, the Blacks commit far more per capita non-serial murders. In fact remove all the blacks from America and our homicide rate would mirror Europe.

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Per Capita = white boy denial :laugh:
Yeah. That math thing... The bane of the Negros existence...
Math says 54% of all serial killing are done by caucasoid. Thats more than half. What is making you caucasoids such blood thirsty creatures?
Please continue to show your lack of proper education.
"White [male] serial killers get the headlines because" they commit most of the serial killings and in America.

Blacks per capita commit more killings per race.

Alt Right Jews commit per capita more killings per than other 'religious' groupings.

Wrong small fry. The reason is the gutless nature of the liberal media and the need for them to distort reality to present a theme.

Alt right Jews? Lol that is a oxymoron to begin with and methink your antisemitic mind made up that stupid stat.

You truly are a mental midget

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I have been watching the case of the guy that kidnapped a girl, chained her up and killed her boyfriend. This nutcase looks like he has done this before. I wonder how a registered sex offender can get away with doing this stuff? Wasnt someone watching him?

South Carolina serial killer? Another body found on property - CNN.com

"Investigators combing a South Carolina farm over the weekend found what the owner allegedly told them was hidden there: a body."


List of Famous Black Serial Killers

Here's a surprising look at the average serial killer
Black serial killers over represented:
From 1990 to 2010, the most recent year of data in the project, 52.1% of US serials killers were white, while 40.3% were black. The numbers don't change much internationally either. Worldwide, 56.2% are white, while 30% are black.


In Rise of the Black Serial Killers: Documenting a Startling Trend, Justin Cottrell expels the myth that serial killers in America are predominately white. On the contrary after sifting through a myriad of newspaper records and books, he's compiled a list of murderers that is equal too or greater than the number of white serial killers from 1860 to present. Few if any have ever heard any of their names or stories, until now. Based on his findings white serial killers have been underrepresented throughout American history when compared to the percentage of the population they represent by a factor of 1.79 on average. On the other hand, black serial killers have been overrepresented 2.68 to 7 times their portion of the population, with a 150 year average of 4.18. Another startling trend he uncovered is black serial killers have never represented less than 26.83% of the number of serial killers in a given decade, despite their overall percentage of the population never exceeding 13.1%. This trend has steadily increased to the point that in our current decade they represent 88.24% of the number of serial killers apprehended since 2010, yet only account for 12.6% of the populace.
More than half of all serial killers are white. Thats a sobering stat.
You illiterate fool, even though there are far less blacks in the US they commit about 40% of the serial killing not only in the US but also the world. Go learn some basic math, you moron
My math says that 54% is more than half. Again for the mathematically challenged thats 1 in 2 people that qualify as serial killers are white boys. Mind you they are at the top of food chain economically so why are they doing this? What is their trigger?

Funny in Black Africa nearly all serial killers and mass murders are black. That is because nearly all inhabitants of Black Africa are Black. Get a clue fucko

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"White [male] serial killers get the headlines because" they commit most of the serial killings and in America.

Blacks per capita commit more killings per race.

Alt Right Jews commit per capita more killings per than other 'religious' groupings.

Wrong small fry. The reason is the gutless nature of the liberal media and the need for them to distort reality to present a theme.

Alt right Jews? Lol that is a oxymoron to begin with and methink your antisemitic mind made up that stupid stat.

You truly are a mental midget

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I'm interested in the stats on alt right Jews committing murders or serial killings. Perhaps flakeyjake can provide us with some examples.
Buncha hogwash from the know nothings on the right.

We have about 74% whites counting the Caucasian Hispanics.


Some of the posters here have little or no knowledge about the subject.


Among all the 239 eligible killers, 28.03% (N = 67) had definite, highly probable or possible ASD.

Among all the 239 eligible killers, 21.34% (N = 51) had had a definite or suspected head injury.

Out of the 106 killers with ASD and/or head injury 55% (N = 58) had experienced psychosocial stressors.

Multiple and serial murders are rare events that have a very profound societal impact. We have conducted a systematic review, following PRISMA guidelines, of both the peer reviewed literature and of journalistic and legal sources regarding mass and serial killings. Our findings tentatively indicate that these extreme forms of violence may be a result of a highly complex interaction of biological, psychological and sociological factors and that, potentially, a significant proportion of mass or serial killers may have had neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder or head injury. Research into multiple and serial murders is in its infancy: there is a lack of rigorous studies and most of the literature is anecdotal and speculative. Specific future study of the potential role of neurodevelopmental disorders in multiple and serial murders is warranted and, due to the rarity of these events, innovative research techniques may be required.

Neurodevelopmental and psychosocial risk factors in serial killers and mass murderers - ScienceDirect
Here's something more relevant:

Here's a surprising look at the average serial killer

Even excluding these "organizational" serial killers, Aamodt found that 36.2% are white, while 55.1% are black.

Some other interesting statistics that Aamodt determined:

  • The average serial killer has an IQ 94.7. Although various tests measure IQ, a score of 90 to 110 is usually considered "average" intelligence. A serial killer with average IQ is also the most likely to strangle or shoot their victims. Serial killers who have used bombs show, on average, higher IQs, while those who used poison exhibited the lowest.
  • For male serial killers, the average age they first killed at is 27.5, while for females it's a bit older at 31.
  • Overwhelmingly, serial killers haven't served in the military — only 23.9% did. The Army is the branch most likely to include serial killers, while the Coast Guard is the least likely.
  • 85.6% come from homes with at least one biological parent, though their family life was likely unstable. While 70% reported no abuse as children, many wet the bed, tortured animals, and started fires.
  • 40.5% kill for enjoyment, such as lust, thrill, or power, according to Aamodt.
The database has identified 2,624 serial killers in the US, while other countries only claim 1,249. That could lead someone to believe that the US has more serial killers than the rest of the world combined, but that's not necessarily correct.

"It would be more accurate to say that more serial killers have been identified in the US than in the rest of the world combined," Aamodt said. "The murder rate for the US falls about in the middle of the rate for other countries. Thus, it doesn't make sense that the US murder rate is average yet its serial killer rate is by far the top."

Aamodt gathered the information in his database using true-crime books, newspaper articles, prison records, court documents, and other historical sources of information. He started the Serial Killer Information Center in 1992 to provide his students, as well as the media, with accurate information regarding serial killers.
"Surprisingly, only 12.5% of US serial killers in Aamodt's database fit what most consider the typical profile — a white male in his late mid- to late-20s. While 92.3% of US serial killers (94.4% internationally) are male, only 52.1% are white. Only 27% are in their mid- to late-20s."

The author selectively eliminated 87.5% of those who are normally considered to be serial killers in order to come up with his numbers.
FakeyJakey is an idiot. So Asclepias, blacks comprise 14% max of the population, yet commit 40% of serial killings.

Is that ratio higher or lower than the ratio of whites that commit the same crimes?

This last week, I have really noticed some outright dishonesty from liberal posters here. Even when they are confronted with facts, they refuse to acknowlege those facts.
White people and their historical blood lust :puke:

Lol you need to get educated. The only race that serials kills higher than it percent of the population is African Americans. 20% to 15%.

5 Myths about Serial Killers and Why They Persist [Excerpt]

Furthermore, the Blacks commit far more per capita non-serial murders. In fact remove all the blacks from America and our homicide rate would mirror Europe.

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Per Capita = white boy denial :laugh:
Yeah. That math thing... The bane of the Negros existence...
Math says 54% of all serial killing are done by caucasoid. Thats more than half. What is making you caucasoids such blood thirsty creatures?
Something to note, however, is that serial killings account for less than 1% of all murders. Not to say that Europeans (aka whites) have not, throughout history, been a blood thirsty lot.

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