Looks Like Antifa Terrorists are Raising $$$ for the Revolution

Never seen white guys commit this kind of senseless murder. Hope they get run over by a truck trying to flee
It is not beyond the sphere of possibility. I’ve been waiting for Antifa to copy Symbonese Liberation Army tactics for some time. This could be it.
I know. I just mean this sort of senseless murder is so rare among whites that it does lead you to believe they're motivated by something else. Leftist politics does seem likely, but anything's possible
They have been described as “black” so that still falls within realm of Antifa.
No, cops kill black people.
Cops protect black communities.
Never seen white guys commit this kind of senseless murder. Hope they get run over by a truck trying to flee
It is not beyond the sphere of possibility. I’ve been waiting for Antifa to copy Symbonese Liberation Army tactics for some time. This could be it.
Why not sell tiki torches?
That means they would have to engage in free market capitalism. Not happening. They just want to live off mommy and daddy’s money...but finance the revolution with drastic action.
Sure, you know where everyone's money comes from. How was your little revolution financed?
Never wanted one. My money was earned from hard work. Take another hit of the bong pot head.
No hon, your little american revolution, you're no revolutionary, you're a swallower/follower.
Never seen white guys commit this kind of senseless murder. Hope they get run over by a truck trying to flee
It is not beyond the sphere of possibility. I’ve been waiting for Antifa to copy Symbonese Liberation Army tactics for some time. This could be it.
I know. I just mean this sort of senseless murder is so rare among whites that it does lead you to believe they're motivated by something else. Leftist politics does seem likely, but anything's possible
Who are america's mass shooters again?
Almost forgot about that. Another good point. These crimes seem well planned out. Another piece of evidence it could be Antifa terrorists.
Never seen white guys commit this kind of senseless murder. Hope they get run over by a truck trying to flee
It is not beyond the sphere of possibility. I’ve been waiting for Antifa to copy Symbonese Liberation Army tactics for some time. This could be it.
I know. I just mean this sort of senseless murder is so rare among whites that it does lead you to believe they're motivated by something else. Leftist politics does seem likely, but anything's possible
They have been described as “black” so that still falls within realm of Antifa.
No, cops kill black people.
Cops protect black communities.
No, they protect capital from the internal colonies capital creates.
Never seen white guys commit this kind of senseless murder. Hope they get run over by a truck trying to flee
It is not beyond the sphere of possibility. I’ve been waiting for Antifa to copy Symbonese Liberation Army tactics for some time. This could be it.
I know. I just mean this sort of senseless murder is so rare among whites that it does lead you to believe they're motivated by something else. Leftist politics does seem likely, but anything's possible
Who are america's mass shooters again?
Almost forgot about that. Another good point. These crimes seem well planned out. Another piece of evidence it could be Antifa terrorists.
Cuz you can't plan shit?
It is not beyond the sphere of possibility. I’ve been waiting for Antifa to copy Symbonese Liberation Army tactics for some time. This could be it.
Why not sell tiki torches?
That means they would have to engage in free market capitalism. Not happening. They just want to live off mommy and daddy’s money...but finance the revolution with drastic action.
Sure, you know where everyone's money comes from. How was your little revolution financed?
Never wanted one. My money was earned from hard work. Take another hit of the bong pot head.
No hon, your little american revolution, you're no revolutionary, you're a swallower/follower.
“Swallower/follower?” OK I’ll let you lead the way on that revolution.
It is not beyond the sphere of possibility. I’ve been waiting for Antifa to copy Symbonese Liberation Army tactics for some time. This could be it.
I know. I just mean this sort of senseless murder is so rare among whites that it does lead you to believe they're motivated by something else. Leftist politics does seem likely, but anything's possible
They have been described as “black” so that still falls within realm of Antifa.
No, cops kill black people.
Cops protect black communities.
No, they protect capital from the internal colonies capital creates.
Oh my fucking God! This is too much...”internal colonies” oh,oh,oh shit! :lmao:
Never seen white guys commit this kind of senseless murder. Hope they get run over by a truck trying to flee
It is not beyond the sphere of possibility. I’ve been waiting for Antifa to copy Symbonese Liberation Army tactics for some time. This could be it.
I know. I just mean this sort of senseless murder is so rare among whites that it does lead you to believe they're motivated by something else. Leftist politics does seem likely, but anything's possible
Who are america's mass shooters again?
Almost forgot about that. Another good point. These crimes seem well planned out. Another piece of evidence it could be Antifa terrorists.
Cuz you can't plan shit?
I plan to vote Trump in 2020. You plan on getting a fucking job? :laughing0301:
It is not beyond the sphere of possibility. I’ve been waiting for Antifa to copy Symbonese Liberation Army tactics for some time. This could be it.
I know. I just mean this sort of senseless murder is so rare among whites that it does lead you to believe they're motivated by something else. Leftist politics does seem likely, but anything's possible
Who are america's mass shooters again?
Almost forgot about that. Another good point. These crimes seem well planned out. Another piece of evidence it could be Antifa terrorists.
Cuz you can't plan shit?
I plan to vote Trump in 2020. You plan on getting a fucking job? :laughing0301:

Nah, retiring, fuck capital.
I know. I just mean this sort of senseless murder is so rare among whites that it does lead you to believe they're motivated by something else. Leftist politics does seem likely, but anything's possible
Who are america's mass shooters again?
Almost forgot about that. Another good point. These crimes seem well planned out. Another piece of evidence it could be Antifa terrorists.
Cuz you can't plan shit?
I plan to vote Trump in 2020. You plan on getting a fucking job? :laughing0301:

Nah, retiring, fuck capital.
How do you retire from doing nothing?
Who are america's mass shooters again?
Almost forgot about that. Another good point. These crimes seem well planned out. Another piece of evidence it could be Antifa terrorists.
Cuz you can't plan shit?
I plan to vote Trump in 2020. You plan on getting a fucking job? :laughing0301:

Nah, retiring, fuck capital.
How do you retire from doing nothing?

How do you make up everything you believe?
my guess is you are correct.

My guess is he is not.

The SLA, like Jones-town, was part of the CIA's tinkering.

They are far more sophisticated these days. The entirety of all the intel. establishment has a multiplicity of tech. which they use across the spectrum of society, and it is not so heavy handed anymore.

OTH, because of the society wide efforts of their methods these days, it is quite probable that the folks that did this deed have reacted poorly to the methods that are employed by the establishment.

Mindwars, you know what resources to do a search on. Do them. Do a cross reference search for "Symbonese Liberation Army MKULTRA mind control" I am sure you will find that Jonestown was all part of those same operations. I wouldn't be too quick to drink the metaphorical/ironic Koolaid on this one. The technology they have today far surpasses anything they had back then. Anyone that watches a TEE VEE, goes to the movies or uses a smart phone is susceptible to intel agency mind control. Why do you think the gun shootings/mass shootings are such a phenomenon these days? Or the partisan bickering, drift toward socialism is beyond the pale? :dunno:

I remember I had a friend that fought in the first Gulf war, he told me how the Iraqi's just had their emotional states basically drop their weapons and surrender. The MSM of course, propagandized the public to believe "shock and awe," but it was in fact S-quad tech. That tech is patented. The emotional disruption that they can feed through EMF in electronic devices, like radio, can disrupt folks logic and thinking to the point of. . . basically, a type of mind control. That's on top of the subliminal which had already existed since the eighties. Once 5G arrives, the shit will get more extreme, and even more confusing.

Most folks viewing it believe the perps. are Hispanic or Asian. Most likely upper middle class due to wearing hipster clothing, skater types. These kids are probably just addicted to violence, fun, drugs/alcohol and chaos, with no moral or ethical grounding. Probably raised by secular humanists . . . . and yeah, probably brainwashed like the SLA. Just a guess though.

The comments are interesting. Unfortunately you can't hear the questions from the press very well. Skip to 13:38 for surveillance footage.

Jonestown and SLA were both Marxist groups...like Antifa. I also agree with “hipster clothing” and this is a pretty affluent area of Virginia.

Of course. You didn't know that the CIA is in bed with the multiple non-profit foundations in this nations, whose goal it is to undermine American culture and merge it with an international technocracy?

Just b/c Jonestown and the SLA were both Marxist groups does not mean they weren't CIA.

Who the hell do you think gave the Soviets and the PRC their advanced military technology? Do you supposed they caught up to us on their own? :auiqs.jpg:

. . . duh.

Thank the Marxists and globalists in the CIA. Fucking double agents would sell their mother.

You should do some research and find out who Barbara Bush's father really is.
I had a hard time finding the video. For some odd reason, YouTube wants to pull this one. They pull a lot of his videos. He mirrors them all over the place. lol

Once 5G arrives, the shit will get more extreme, and even more confusing.

5 'gig' Mr B?



5G - Wikipedia

Episode 358 - The 5G Dragnet - The Corbett Report Podcast

good lord!....we're gonna be the borg !.....~S~

. . those of us who survive that is.

Some believe that there is a positive correlation between the cell phone towers and the incidence of many of the phenomenon that we are experiencing.

i.e. colony collapse in bees, birds and whales and other disruptions in migrating patterns, the increasing incidence in autism, the increasing incidence in mass shootings, etc.

Some believe that it has to do with a disruption in sleep patterns. Some folks may have an increased sensitivity to EMF, and have a decreased ability to go into all stages of sleep, IOW, no ability to enter REM sleep.

These, of course, are not studies that anyone wants to do. . if you read all of the plans the the technocrats have, it would be far better to just disarm everyone, and medically treat problems that arise. . .

So, no longitudinal studies have been done. Or, the ones that have, are suppressed. No peer review. This was one of the concerns of Dr. Jill Stein btw.

RF EMF Exposure Contributing to Violence & School Shootings

How EMF Exposure May Cause Depression, Anxiety & Other Mental Health Issues | DefenderShield

Are You Gambling with Your Health? 5G Crisis Summit Update - BioElectric Shield

The Light Of Truth Chronicles: How 5G and EMF Radiation Impact Your Health – FREE Report

Children and EMFs: What you need to know -- Sott.net

5G and the IOT: Scientific Overview of Human Health Risks - Environmental Health Trust

10 Shocking Facts about the Health Dangers of Wi-Fi
THAT is the whole point of this thread. . . the EMF radiation and the influence of the tech on folks.

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