Looks Like Barry Hasn't Had Enough Of Interfering In U.S. Elections...'Watergate Part 3', Anyone?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
As the entire 2016 Obama Administration election scandal - involving the Obama administration Obstructing Justice to keep the DNC's hand-picked 2016 Presidential Candidate out of prison and a collaborated Conspiracy (consisting of the WH, DOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI) to deny the GOP candidate the election win / WH and plot to affect a treasonous political COUP to oust him if he should win - continues to be exposed, Barry has re-surfaced....and it doesn't look like any of the exposure regarding his last attempted U.S. election meddling has affected his appetite for meddling in U.S. elections.

Inside Obama’s secret meetings with 2020 contenders

Still the reluctant leader of the Democratic Party, Obama has been providing counsel to Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and other presidential hopefuls.

:p 'Reluctant' Leader? Obama was known for being a controlling leader as President, so there is little doubt about who orchestrated / directed the 2016 election scandal that included Cabinet members, Directors, Deputy Directors, and agents within his top Intel Collecting and Law Enforcement agencies.

'Barack Obama has in recent months met with at least nine prospective 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Deval Patrick, pulling them in for one-on-one sessions at his Washington office.'

The question is WHY would THEY be willing to meet with HIM?!

The details about his administrations crimes in an attempt to keep Hillary out of prison, keep her in the race, help her win the 2016 Presidency, to keep Trump from winning, and to stage a coup afterwards should he win continues to come out. Despite the mascot for the Democrats being a 'Donkey', Obama's obvious involvement, and more likely leading the effort, in the crimes is the un-spoken proverbial 'Elephant in the room'. I would think for no other reason than this right now Democrats would want to stay away from Barry. Then again, he was able to get away with so many violations of both Constitution and Law during his time in the WH they probably want to know how to do it. ('Be black...and the 1st Black President'...is pretty much out...but Warren is attempting to be the 1st 'Native American 'INDIAN'. :p )

I am especially surprised to see Socialist and 2016 'Screwing-Victim' Bernie Sanders on the list of politicians willing to kiss the 'Don's ring' (or ass). Obama, Hillary, and the DNC - which Hillary BOUGHT after Barry left it $24 million in debt - completely screwed Sanders and his supporters out of the nomination in 2016, so you could see why him meeting with Obama is a slight mystery.

In the later part of his days in the WH, most Democrats wanted nothing to do with Obama campaigning for them. So, why now? Why seek his help NOW?
-- Vulnerable Democrats Run Away From Obama

"Obama so far has avoided direct conflict with President Donald Trump — save for a few public statements criticizing his moves attempting to dismantle the Iran nuclear deal, Obamacare and the protection program for Dreamers, though without naming Trump."

Yeah, Barry has been exposed as preferring to remain in the shadows while his treasonous Cabinet and Agency members execute the scheme / Conspiracies against the President; however, Trump's systematic dismantling of Obama's 'Legacy' has caused him to speak out a few times. Obama's criticism of Trump's handling of his Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty disappeared, as did he, after it was reported Barry had lied and was trying to give Iran access to the US financial system.
-- The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access to the US financial system

"But Obama is concerned about how his own party is responding, and how it can be best positioned to win in the midterms and in the next presidential cycle to beat back the president and his politics."

The Democrats are 'shell-shocked' by the massive economic and otherwise success of President Trump, leaving them almost nothing to campaign on for the Mid-Terms except to adopt Trump's policies / views and promising even MORE of them, as one Democratic party Senator Contender has chosen to do.

Barry is depressed by seeing his Legacy wiped out and wants to do something to derail the 'Trump Train', whose approval ratings / job satisfaction numbers have surpassed both his and Reagans'. Protecting a criminal Hillary from prison and keeping her in the race, throwing the might of his entire Cabinet and Intel and Law Enforcement Agencies in an attempt to pull off the Mother of All Watergates' to prevent Trump from winning and then to affect a coup to oust Trump once he won should he do so did not work.

Having experience in interfering in numerous nations' elections and governance (Egypt, Libya, Syria, Israel...and the US) - despite his LOSING record (Libya - Win, Egypt - Temp Win, Syria - Fail, Israel - Fail, U.S. - FAIL) Obama is still the most experienced Democrat for the job of giving advice and guidance on how Democrats should proceed in 2020.

Before corruption, scandal, crimes, 'politics of personal destruction', Obstruction, rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, 'buying the DNC', collaborating with foreign spies and the Russians, and executing never-ending political witch hunts, the process used to be SO simple.

Politicians used to tell us what THEY believed, what their ideology was, what their plan was for making things better, and told you why they thought you should vote for them. If they had to go negative people realized it was because they had nothing good to say and nothing good to offer. Now corruption, scandal, crimes, Obstruction, personally destroying the other candidates' lives, sedition, and treason have become part of the process....par of what remains of 'Hope and Change' / Obama's criminal administration's Legacy.....IMO.
He wears his skin color like a suit of armor but what he fails to realize is that suit of armor won't hold out everything....
He will be brought up on charges if he doesn't back off....I do not see A Donald J Trump allowing him to skate.....

Obama isn't President anymore. Don't you think it's time to stop being so obsessed with him?
Nope. That's you projecting


Doc....breathed take a breath.....buuuuuuaaaahahahahaha
He wears his skin color like a suit of armor but what he fails to realize is that suit of armor won't hold out everything....
He will be brought up on charges if he doesn't back off....I do not see A Donald J Trump allowing him to skate.....

I might be mistaken, but being 'Black' isn't an accepted legal defense for Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, and Treason....

...but what the hell do I know?! I didn't think IGNORANCE OF THE LAW was a legal defense for breaking the law until Obama FBI Director Comey declared he was not recommending Hillary for indictment for her crimes because SHE WAS TOO STUPID to know she was breaking the law.

Obama isn't President anymore. Don't you think it's time to stop being so obsessed with him?
Not until he is in prison....Retroactively impeached or both......

Ah, lying Russian trolls. Proof positive that Trump colluded with and continues to collude with and do Putin’s bidding.

There is no such thing as “retroactive impeachment”. If you were an American, you’d know that.

Obama, and all of the democratic forces of the West are now going to destroy Putin’s New World Order. Putin has no economic power and he’s in trouble economically.

He needs to destroy America’s economy in order to take over Europe. So far his plan is working. Trump is destroying the trade alliances that made America wealthy, and the military alliances that kept Russia in check.

Putin’s money is well spent. The mistake you assholes make is sitting back and thinking that the rest of the world will let it happen.
Ah, lying Russian trolls. Proof positive that Trump colluded with and continues to collude with and do Putin’s bidding.


BULLDOG please do not continue to post weird stuff or the doc will reclass this to The Rubber Room!

It does take a special chutzpah for Hussaine to conspire to attack our democracy while his current attack is ongoing in the form of Democrats, the Swamp, the MSM, and Mueller.
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