Looks Like Ford Is Feeling The Heat

You do know the dumbass George W started the bailout program for the Government motors?

It was a bridge-loan and has been repaid in full.
There was no reason for it, except be a nanny to some fucked up union. Typical socialist government involvement where they do not belong. Progressives are nothing but a bunch of fuck ups
Still, no one can explain how t rump will spawn more uneducated white men to win the election

Anyone , Anyone?

he's out of inventory ... RW's can't get old enough, stupid enough,fast enough to elect his sorry ass.
Reagan is rolling in his grave over this. Which I must admit amuses me somewhat.

You need to change your cartoon. Bush is one of you Clinton supporters now.
I've heard that from a couple of you rubes now. You guys can't seem to grasp the point of it.

Let me guess, you're one of the stupid people that voted twice for Dubya and are voting for Dump now?
GM is dead
ISIS is alive......
GM Reports Third Consecutive Year of Record Global Sales
You mean gM....
You do know the dumbass George W started the bailout program for the Government motors?

It was a bridge-loan and has been repaid in full.
There was no reason for it, except be a nanny to some fucked up union. Typical socialist government involvement where they do not belong. Progressives are nothing but a bunch of fuck ups

Trump has made no secret about his interest in courting the union vote. After the AFL-CIO last month endorsed Clinton, Trump promised to “fight harder for American workers than anyone ever has.”

“I believe their members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for [Clinton],” Trump added.

that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ fucked up union nanny ?
GM Reports Third Consecutive Year of Record Global Sales

I'm a native Detoiter and pleased as I can be that GM is once again building world-class cars. The Detroit auto industry is very important to our defense needs as they proved in WW2. What I can't stomach are those who laud Bush and Obama for leading them through the bankruptcy but drive a fucking Hundai or Toyoda....two-faced losers.
You mean gM?
You mean gM?

The Bank of Tokyo funds the entire jap car industy's R&D and the same thing is happening in South Korea...so who's government run and who ain't?
The federal government of any free country should not be involved in any private enterprise in any way, they're shitty at it should stay the fuck out.
There was no reason for it, except be a nanny to some fucked up union. Typical socialist government involvement where they do not belong. Progressives are nothing but a bunch of fuck ups

No reason for saving our auto industry? I fully supported the bailout...ask around and see if I'm a progressive.
There was no reason for it, except be a nanny to some fucked up union. Typical socialist government involvement where they do not belong. Progressives are nothing but a bunch of fuck ups

No reason for saving our auto industry? I fully supported the bailout...ask around and see if I'm a progressive.
Fact remains that the government should not have done what they've done its just the typical nanny state bullshit. Socialism pushing its way onto citizens makes for a weak country.
My fact shot over your head...it landed way behind you, try to go find it...:lol:

We're the ONLY country producing automobiles that is NOT government supported. You know that Ford would have fallen along with GM and Chrysler if they'd bit the dust, right? The parts suppliers would have gone broke leaving Ford jewed, screwed, and tattooed. And then consider paying over a million employees and business failures around the car plants unemployment benefits and food stamps for 2 or 3 years...taxpayers turned into welfare recipients. It's the only thing Obama did for all the wrong reasons that turned out good.
The Trumpsters sure live in a fantasy world.
Fact: Trump has his clothing line made in Mexico and China. Maybe his hats should say, "Make Mexico and China Great Again." But then thats old news and facts that the Trumpsters ignore as they suck up Trump's BS.
And then there is the fact that Trump has opted to use Chinese steel and aluminum for construction materials for two of his last three projects. There goes Trump, shitting on American workers again.
How Trump Ditched U.S. Steel Workers in Favor of China
Do I think Trumpsters will care? Of course they won't. Their convictions, like Trumps are paper thin (and the paper was made in China too).
My fact shot over your head...it landed way behind you, try to go find it...:lol:

We're the ONLY country producing automobiles that is NOT government supported. You know that Ford would have fallen along with GM and Chrysler if they'd bit the dust, right? The parts suppliers would have gone broke leaving Ford jewed, screwed, and tattooed. And then consider paying over a million employees and business failures around the car plants unemployment benefits and food stamps for 2 or 3 years...taxpayers turned into welfare recipients. It's the only thing Obama did for all the wrong reasons that turned out good.
No, none of that propaganda would have happened....
The Trumpsters sure live in a fantasy world.
Fact: Trump has his clothing line made in Mexico and China. Maybe his hats should say, "Make Mexico and China Great Again." But then thats old news and facts that the Trumpsters ignore as they suck up Trump's BS.
And then there is the fact that Trump has opted to use Chinese steel and aluminum for construction materials for two of his last three projects. There goes Trump, shitting on American workers again.
How Trump Ditched U.S. Steel Workers in Favor of China
Do I think Trumpsters will care? Of course they won't. Their convictions, like Trumps are paper thin (and the paper was made in China too).
My Trump stuff is made in the USA....so....
My fact shot over your head...it landed way behind you, try to go find it...:lol:

We're the ONLY country producing automobiles that is NOT government supported. You know that Ford would have fallen along with GM and Chrysler if they'd bit the dust, right? The parts suppliers would have gone broke leaving Ford jewed, screwed, and tattooed. And then consider paying over a million employees and business failures around the car plants unemployment benefits and food stamps for 2 or 3 years...taxpayers turned into welfare recipients. It's the only thing Obama did for all the wrong reasons that turned out good.
GM is government owned and government controlled, ford is on the verge of it, and Chrysler is owned by the Italians a socialist country.
Reagan is rolling in his grave over this. Which I must admit amuses me somewhat.

You need to change your cartoon. Bush is one of you Clinton supporters now.
I've heard that from a couple of you rubes now. You guys can't seem to grasp the point of it.

Let me guess, you're one of the stupid people that voted twice for Dubya and are voting for Dump now?
GM is dead
ISIS is alive......
The #2 automaker in the world is now dead? Maybe Toyota will be next
My fact shot over your head...it landed way behind you, try to go find it...:lol:

We're the ONLY country producing automobiles that is NOT government supported. You know that Ford would have fallen along with GM and Chrysler if they'd bit the dust, right? The parts suppliers would have gone broke leaving Ford jewed, screwed, and tattooed. And then consider paying over a million employees and business failures around the car plants unemployment benefits and food stamps for 2 or 3 years...taxpayers turned into welfare recipients. It's the only thing Obama did for all the wrong reasons that turned out good.
No, none of that propaganda would have happened....

Kiss my ass....I know the car business and you don't or don't care to....it ain't about how you bend the sheet-metal or how many speakers the stereo has. My whole family worked in the auto industry....talk your shit to somebody who didn't grow up in Detroit.
Looks like Ford is worried that Trump might win the Presidency and impose his tariff on their cars made in Mexico and exported into this county. Yes, they certainly do not appear nearly so brash and bold as they were a month or so ago. Losing their American market for their Mexican made vehicles would probably be a death blow to the car maker.

So, let me get this straight.....Ford's CEO met with Trump to call him an idiot for Trump's statements about tariffs, and you and that idiot blogger are assuming that Ford is scared shitless? LOL
The OP indicates no changes whatsoever in Ford's plans to optimize their profits by producing small cars in Mexico, where they are much more popular than they are in the US. Yet, the Trumpettes as so desperate for any Trump credibility, the mere fact that Ford talked to Trump indicates to them that Trump's awsome influence has Ford's knees shaking.

Also, for reason's of ignorance, the Trumpettes have no clue as to the downhill chaos that a tariff would cause of independent Ford Dealership across the nation, and their 10's of thousands of employees, as well as Ford suppliers, employees, and stockholders. in fact, they seem to be wringing their hands in glee at the thought of putting hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work by destroying Ford.

But it is all rhetoric, anyway, since the president has no power to slap a tariff on anybody. Somehow, that got lost in Trump's hyperbili.

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