Looks Like Ford Is Feeling The Heat

Nope. And neither are the investors. The stock price remains healthy in spite of Trump's rants.

Ford shares were selling for around $12 last time I looked.....that's healthy?

GM is at $32...I rest my case.
gM stock has gone nowhere since Obama created it.....
There was no reason for it, except be a nanny to some fucked up union. Typical socialist government involvement where they do not belong. Progressives are nothing but a bunch of fuck ups

No reason for saving our auto industry? I fully supported the bailout...ask around and see if I'm a progressive.
What bailout?

the bailout that Ford didn't need OR use.
Ford needed a bailout?

did they take a dime of tarp money ?

Ford got funds from the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), which is a government program for auto, student, and other consumer loans. These were very low-cost government loans to the tune of $5.9 billion that helped Ford tip-toe past bankruptcy.
No reason for saving our auto industry? I fully supported the bailout...ask around and see if I'm a progressive.
What bailout?

the bailout that Ford didn't need OR use.
Ford needed a bailout?

did they take a dime of tarp money ?

Ford got funds from the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), which is a government program for auto, student, and other consumer loans. These were very low-cost government loans to the tune of $5.9 billion that helped Ford tip-toe past bankruptcy
Ford needed a bailout?
What bailout?

the bailout that Ford didn't need OR use.
Ford needed a bailout?

did they take a dime of tarp money ?

Ford got funds from the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), which is a government program for auto, student, and other consumer loans. These were very low-cost government loans to the tune of $5.9 billion that helped Ford tip-toe past bankruptcy
Ford needed a bailout?

Duh? I keep telling you to either bone up or shut up....
the bailout that Ford didn't need OR use.
Ford needed a bailout?

did they take a dime of tarp money ?

Ford got funds from the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), which is a government program for auto, student, and other consumer loans. These were very low-cost government loans to the tune of $5.9 billion that helped Ford tip-toe past bankruptcy
Ford needed a bailout?

Duh? I keep telling you to either bone up or shut up....
Ford needed a bailout? It's a yes or no question.....
Ford needed a bailout?

did they take a dime of tarp money ?

Ford got funds from the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), which is a government program for auto, student, and other consumer loans. These were very low-cost government loans to the tune of $5.9 billion that helped Ford tip-toe past bankruptcy
Ford needed a bailout?

Duh? I keep telling you to either bone up or shut up....
Ford needed a bailout? It's a yes or no question.....

Why does Ford Motor Company continue to hold onto its $5.9 billion U.S. taxpayer loan at .25% interest, when all other auto manufacturers in the U.S. have already repaid their bailout loans and federal assistance? - Quora
did they take a dime of tarp money ?

Ford got funds from the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), which is a government program for auto, student, and other consumer loans. These were very low-cost government loans to the tune of $5.9 billion that helped Ford tip-toe past bankruptcy
Ford needed a bailout?

Duh? I keep telling you to either bone up or shut up....
Ford needed a bailout? It's a yes or no question.....

Why does Ford Motor Company continue to hold onto its $5.9 billion U.S. taxpayer loan at .25% interest, when all other auto manufacturers in the U.S. have already repaid their bailout loans and federal assistance? - Quora
For needed a bailout? Yes or no....
Ford got funds from the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), which is a government program for auto, student, and other consumer loans. These were very low-cost government loans to the tune of $5.9 billion that helped Ford tip-toe past bankruptcy
Ford needed a bailout?

Duh? I keep telling you to either bone up or shut up....
Ford needed a bailout? It's a yes or no question.....

Why does Ford Motor Company continue to hold onto its $5.9 billion U.S. taxpayer loan at .25% interest, when all other auto manufacturers in the U.S. have already repaid their bailout loans and federal assistance? - Quora
For needed a bailout? Yes or no....

Fuck off.
Trump has no shame....

he chose to manufacture his goods overseas because it made him more profitable to do so and it was all LEGAL.

Yet he tries to shame ford for trying to do the precise legal thing Trump has done for his company, over and over and over and over and over again....all legally.

He's a FRAUD. A do as I say but not as I do kind of guy...
Like Bernie with his taxes? Or Hillary claiming losses with hers? Get da fuk outttta here
Ford got funds from the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), which is a government program for auto, student, and other consumer loans. These were very low-cost government loans to the tune of $5.9 billion that helped Ford tip-toe past bankruptcy
Ford needed a bailout?

Duh? I keep telling you to either bone up or shut up....
Ford needed a bailout? It's a yes or no question.....

Why does Ford Motor Company continue to hold onto its $5.9 billion U.S. taxpayer loan at .25% interest, when all other auto manufacturers in the U.S. have already repaid their bailout loans and federal assistance? - Quora
For needed a bailout? Yes or no....
It wasn't a bailout. But if they didn't get the loan, they might have needed one. The government gave it to them to invest in new age technology because gas guzzlers weren't wanted. Which is why happened to GM.
Never understood the lunacy in bailing out a failing company..
It wasn't a bailout. But if they didn't get the loan, they might have needed one. The government gave it to them to invest in new age technology because gas guzzlers weren't wanted. Which is why happened to GM.
Never understood the lunacy in bailing out a failing company..
I might have won the lottery if I only picked a different number....:lol:

You are correct however, Ford needed no bailout.....
Looks like Ford is worried that Trump might win the Presidency and impose his tariff on their cars made in Mexico and exported into this county. Yes, they certainly do not appear nearly so brash and bold as they were a month or so ago. Losing their American market for their Mexican made vehicles would probably be a death blow to the car maker.

So, let me get this straight.....Ford's CEO met with Trump to call him an idiot for Trump's statements about tariffs, and you and that idiot blogger are assuming that Ford is scared shitless? LOL

Why would he meet with Trump after just stating a couple of weeks ago that Trump shouldn't impose tariffs on his company? Sounds like he's worried to me.
It wasn't a bailout. But if they didn't get the loan, they might have needed one. The government gave it to them to invest in new age technology because gas guzzlers weren't wanted. Which is why happened to GM.
Never understood the lunacy in bailing out a failing company..
I might have won the lottery if I only picked a different number....:lol:

You are correct however, Ford needed no bailout.....
But they most likely would have.
If a company needs the U.S. Government bureaucracy to keep them afloat, then fuck em. Ya feel me?
The OP indicates no changes whatsoever in Ford's plans to optimize their profits by producing small cars in Mexico, where they are much more popular than they are in the US. Yet, the Trumpettes as so desperate for any Trump credibility, the mere fact that Ford talked to Trump indicates to them that Trump's awsome influence has Ford's knees shaking.

Also, for reason's of ignorance, the Trumpettes have no clue as to the downhill chaos that a tariff would cause of independent Ford Dealership across the nation, and their 10's of thousands of employees, as well as Ford suppliers, employees, and stockholders. in fact, they seem to be wringing their hands in glee at the thought of putting hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work by destroying Ford.

But it is all rhetoric, anyway, since the president has no power to slap a tariff on anybody. Somehow, that got lost in Trump's hyperbili.

Let the Mexicans buy the Ford cars. The dealerships can adjust. It is Ford who is putting Americans out of work by moving to Mexico and building a modern plant there. We can do just fine without Ford if they wish to go to Mexico.
Still, no one can explain how t rump will spawn more uneducated white men to win the election

Anyone , Anyone?

Well, he certainly can't get the hordes of uneducated Blacks and Hispanics to vote for him. You ignorant uneducated baboons are totally in the tank for eight more years of Democrat abuse. You fools won't ever get a job.
GM Reports Third Consecutive Year of Record Global Sales

I'm a native Detoiter and pleased as I can be that GM is once again building world-class cars. The Detroit auto industry is very important to our defense needs as they proved in WW2. What I can't stomach are those who laud Bush and Obama for leading them through the bankruptcy but drive a fucking Hundai or Toyoda....two-faced losers.

You do realize that Nissan has plants in this country? Nissan moved manufacturing into the United States, not out of it the way Ford is doing.
Trump has no shame....

he chose to manufacture his goods overseas because it made him more profitable to do so and it was all LEGAL.

Yet he tries to shame ford for trying to do the precise legal thing Trump has done for his company, over and over and over and over and over again....all legally.

He's a FRAUD. A do as I say but not as I do kind of guy...

Well dumbshit, Trump manufacturers nothing anywhere. Like many folks, Trump sells his name.
There was no reason for it, except be a nanny to some fucked up union. Typical socialist government involvement where they do not belong. Progressives are nothing but a bunch of fuck ups

No reason for saving our auto industry? I fully supported the bailout...ask around and see if I'm a progressive.
You are progressive to that extent.

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