Looks like Humana is next to go

United didn't leave, they simply started offering under a different name. But yes, I feel sorry for companies that mismanage and can't turn a profit.
The Republicans can't complain if this thing falls apart.

All we had to do was expand the existing Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage program to all. The blending of public and private that already works.

Instead, we're still stuck with SEVEN (7) different delivery/payment systems that STILL don't directly communicate with each other, a shit "health care system" that continues to decay, and the very real possibility that single payer will have to replace all of it.

This is what happens when political parties don't cooperate. A pox, once again, on both parties.

You can't manage a system that is unsustainable.
I don't know how they really thought this would be sustainable.

The first huge red flag should have been the ridiculous deductibles.

Making the insurance companies supplementary to foundational coverage would have lifted a massive cost monkey off their backs, and it would have opened up dozens of millions of new clients for them.
You can't manage a system that is unsustainable.
I don't know how they really thought this would be sustainable.

The first huge red flag should have been the ridiculous deductibles.

Making the insurance companies supplementary to foundational coverage would have lifted a massive cost monkey off their backs, and it would have opened up dozens of millions of new clients for them.

Agreed. We were going to get Obamacare at any cost. When Snow sold out the party all bets were then off.

You can't manage a system that is unsustainable.
I don't know how they really thought this would be sustainable.

The first huge red flag should have been the ridiculous deductibles.

Making the insurance companies supplementary to foundational coverage would have lifted a massive cost monkey off their backs, and it would have opened up dozens of millions of new clients for them.

It wasn't supposed to be sustainable.
This was just the first bill passed to force the process along.
It is basically holding America hostage to compel reform, so we don't get stuck with this nobody wants.

Until it is corrected or replaced, all the taxpayers forced to pay for it yell about it, pressuring for change.
One side is pushing for Single Payer and Universal Care.
The other is pushing for Free Market, States rights and cutting out the federal govt and mandates.

That's why I think we are heading for separate systems by party. Because one side wants to fund prochoice and right to health care. The other wants to fund free market and right to life.

Like two different religious denominations, they need to separate and fund their own agenda.
Let members and citizens choose their own affiliations to fund and participate in.
And stop pushing such onesided agenda through govt, when half the nation believes the other creed.
Anyone see the irony in Mac asking the government step in to solve a corporate problem?

So the government mandates what a company has to do mandates what it must charge and it's the business's fault it can't turn a profit?

Government fucktards never have to worry about turning a profit which is why they should stay out of private business
You can't manage a system that is unsustainable.
I don't know how they really thought this would be sustainable.

The first huge red flag should have been the ridiculous deductibles.

Making the insurance companies supplementary to foundational coverage would have lifted a massive cost monkey off their backs, and it would have opened up dozens of millions of new clients for them.

It wasn't supposed to be sustainable.
This was just the first bill passed to force the process along.
It is basically holding America hostage to compel reform, so we don't get stuck with this nobody wants.

Until it is corrected or replaced, all the taxpayers forced to pay for it yell about it, pressuring for change.
One side is pushing for Single Payer and Universal Care.
The other is pushing for Free Market, States rights and cutting out the federal govt and mandates.

That's why I think we are heading for separate systems by party. Because one side wants to fund prochoice and right to health care. The other wants to fund free market and right to life.

Like two different religious denominations, they need to separate and fund their own agenda.
Let members and citizens choose their own affiliations to fund and participate in.
And stop pushing such onesided agenda through govt, when half the nation believes the other creed.
Two wholly separate systems would be madness.

The Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system would:
  • Replace our current 7-system fucking joke of a "system"
  • Streamline foundational care to include preventive & diagnostic care and prevent small problems from become large & expensive
  • Free insurers of the massive administrative costs of low-end care such as doc visits, preventive & diagnostic care
  • Open up millions and millions of new clients for the insurance companies
  • Maintain free market innovation & competition
  • Take a massive cost/administrative monkey off the back of American business, making it more competitive globally virtually overnight
  • Be completely personal and portable
  • Maintain simplicity for consumers by offering them the current standardized menu of plan options
  • Save consumers money by offering plans that don't require coverage for services they don't need
  • Create an entire new industry of preventive/diagnostic health care centers
On and on. It's all sitting there, waiting to be expanded, but the two parties have their heads up their ass because it's evidently nice & warm & comfy up there.
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One should never expect government capable of fixing ANYTHING.
I find that weird because HUMANA was poised to make a killing off of this fascism.
Hell, I remember shortly after that abomination got passed, they flooded the airwaves with ads and commercials.
ObamaCare should be repealed period. It is a forced program leaving people no free choice in the matter and penalizing people who fail or refuse to buckle under and purchase a coverage plan. The rules, regulations, and massive amounts of "paperwork" (or data input) placed on doctors and their medical staff have caused a tremendous loss of perfectly good physicians. My physicians are fully aware of my feelings on the subject - I don't even want to go to a physician anymore - and probably to my detriment, I no longer give up anymore information about myself than I absolutely have to. I feel like my medical care is no longer a private and protected matter between me and my physician, but an open matter to every government agency there is. Good riddance to the program, I say.
Another huge insurer says it ain't worth it:

Humana expects to bolt Health Care Market following United Health Care exit in 2016

The GOP comes up with nothing, the Dems give us this ridiculous pig of a law.

Thanks folks, great job.

Good. Opens the market for smaller, more competitive insurers.
Or a monopoly..

Not if we go by the "wisdom" that the PPACA is a failure and everybody's running away from it as fast as they can.

The Big Guys doing just that will be an interesting test of whether or not that's true.
ObamaCare should be repealed period. It is a forced program leaving people no free choice in the matter and penalizing people who fail or refuse to buckle under and purchase a coverage plan. The rules, regulations, and massive amounts of "paperwork" (or data input) placed on doctors and their medical staff have caused a tremendous loss of perfectly good physicians. My physicians are fully aware of my feelings on the subject - I don't even want to go to a physician anymore - and probably to my detriment, I no longer give up anymore information about myself than I absolutely have to. I feel like my medical care is no longer a private and protected matter between me and my physician, but an open matter to every government agency there is. Good riddance to the program, I say.

You forgot death panels.
All we had to do was expand the existing Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage program to all. The blending of public and private that already works.

"All we had to do" was pass Medicare-for-all? Where exactly would one have found the votes for that?

Incremental change will almost always win out over giant structural changes like what you're suggesting.
Anyone see the irony in Mac asking the government step in to solve a corporate problem?

So the government mandates what a company has to do mandates what it must charge and it's the business's fault it can't turn a profit?

Government fucktards never have to worry about turning a profit which is why they should stay out of private business

Yep, nominated it for the rightwinger aware (the most retarded statement of the day).

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