Looks like I am forced to get the vaccine.

Im not getting one. Im not injecting that experimental technology in my arm.
Why. You don't sound like the sickly type.
Part of the reason why I'm not getting it lol
As you think best, dude. I'll try to let you know if I get any blood clots, kick the bucket, develop weird bruises and boils or my d#ck falls off. However it goes, unlikely I will give you covid at the farmers market downtown on Saturday or catch it from ya. To your good health, sir!:eusa_dance:
I am seeing now you wont be able to board a plane or attend a sporting event without a vaccine card. This is what you call a INDIRECT FORCE

You chose to do those things, you have to decide what your priorities are. I chose not to fly or go to sporting events, but it has nothing to do with the vaccine.

Anyone that wants one can dowload a file blank of the card and print their own.

They'll catch up with that eventually but it will be a while....
I think they will cease to require it before they catch up.

That should be the case, considering we've been flying right along and numbers will ultimately trail off, although the level of mania on this, and the public's willingness to blindly knuckle under and comply has me wondering...
I am seeing now you wont be able to board a plane or attend a sporting event without a vaccine card. This is what you call a INDIRECT FORCE

You chose to do those things, you have to decide what your priorities are. I chose not to fly or go to sporting events, but it has nothing to do with the vaccine.


How can you just eliminate what you like to do??
Im not getting one. Im not injecting that experimental technology in my arm.
Why. You don't sound like the sickly type.
Part of the reason why I'm not getting it lol
As you think best, dude. I'll try to let you know if I get any blood clots, kick the bucket, develop weird bruises and boils or my d#ck falls off. However it goes, unlikely I will give you covid at the farmers market downtown on Saturday or catch it from ya. To your good health, sir!:eusa_dance:
If I ever see you at the farmers market or friendly Frank's, ima say hi!
UNLESS you are a zombie :lol:
It's ironic that American citizens will no doubt be forced into conforming to government standards of conduct in order to go on with their lives while millions of "undocumented" illegals continue to invade the Country without sanctions or scrutiny.
For once we agree. I will probably be forced at some point as well, but I am holding out until forced.

Michelle you and the OP would be far MUCH better off doing what I am going to do,just never travel anywhere by plane.you will be much happier in the end on the way you die if you go this route.I wanto die of natural causes,not by poison,they are called vaccines but all it is is poison they are putting into our bodies designed to kill you off within five years of taking it.

They want it to only kill you off slowly years from now so you cant say the vaccine caused your death only problem is it is backfiring on them because there are cases around the world of many dying within days of taking it even hours.a few cases where they even died immediately within seconds of taking it.

I agree. we don't fly anywhere and we only visit family mostly. My family is in Utah and vegas and my boyfriend's family is California except we got his mother here now and I take care of her for him while he's out of town for work. I prefer to wait and see the long terms effects before I make a choice and I want it to be a choice. We have a 5th wheel and an rv and in the summer the most we do is a pontoon boat with family. Otherwise, I am just at home and I don't really travel or go into any groups that I would expose or be exposed to. I don't oppose all vaccines I just oppose this one on principal that people are shoving it down my throat. I resent that. :lol: I know historically that we can't always trust things that are rushed through.
Yeah when they are requiring you to take vaccines and giving forcing dreconian laws down your throut that your children have to vaccinated to go to school,how much more proof do people need this is fascism and they want to kill us.I feel sorry for your boyfriends family .

I live in the Midwest but as you can see from my user name I wish I lived in california,wished I should say cause all my life I dreamed about living put there but not anymore,I’m glad I’m here the way that state has become a banana republic in the last year.you can’t go walking or biking there even with a mask.they only let you out to go buy grocery’s and a few other things they consider essential.

I have a few friends that grew up here in Kansas where I live and they want to come back and live here now but their spouses familys are there so they can’t.one of my friends his nephews had been playing a year ago to move out there with him but they have tossed those plans down the sewer now. How bout your boyfriends familys are they wanting to get out of there.people are fleeing that state left and right the way it’s a dictatership now.

His family lives in San Jose. His mom lived in Paradise Ca but like Gracie who posts here, his mom's home burned down in the fire and she lives with us now in Utah. California is pretty as far as oceans and mountains but it's overpopulated, overpriced and the traffic sucks. Some of the eating facilities require you to pay to use the restroom to keep junkies and the homeless out. Gross.

I was born in Missouri but have lived the longest in Utah. It's actually pretty safe here. The downside is it's so vanilla in a Mormon way. LOL but I will take that over looting burning and murder.
I could get used to the overpopulated and overpricing and I been there enough times to know as long as you go during the day you are okay with traffic so I would be okay with all that,but when you cannnot even ride a bike or go walking then if that’s not a banana republic,I don’t know what is.
I'll buy a fake card before I have that juice pumped into me.

You're an idiot.

There is not a single covid-19 vaccine that is FDA approved.
And since covid-19 is only endemic to bats, (and maybe pangolins), once gone it can't come back.
There is absolutely no point to a vaccine.
And by the way, you can still get infected and even spread it if you are vaccinated.
It just reduces symptoms and stops you from being a super spreader.
I'll buy a fake card before I have that juice pumped into me.

You're an idiot.

There is not a single covid-19 vaccine that is FDA approved.
And since covid-19 is only endemic to bats, (and maybe pangolins), once gone it can't come back.
There is absolutely no point to a vaccine.
And by the way, you can still get infected and even spread it if you are vaccinated.
It just reduces symptoms and stops you from being a super spreader.

Sounds like a pile of shit to me
I am seeing now you wont be able to board a plane or attend a sporting event without a vaccine card. This is what you call a INDIRECT FORCE

Don't fly and don't go to sporting events then.

You don't have to do either. You have choices in life.
I am seeing now you wont be able to board a plane or attend a sporting event without a vaccine card. This is what you call a INDIRECT FORCE

Don't fly and don't go to sporting events then.

You don't have to do either. You have choices in life.
You have choices too...Like minding your own damn business.
Just go to Publix or Walgreens and give the person $20 (currently the going rate) just to give you the paperwork and not the shot.

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