Looks like it's over for Ukraine.

You republicans sure are divided on this. One day you're saying we should do something and the next you are isolationists who don't want to get involved.

One things for sure. You don't know shit about geo politics and you're just playing politics with this.

Yes, I would like America to cut it's defense budget in half and not get involved. But then what happens to the rest of the world?

I think Ukraine is more important than Israel to the USA.
Im not a republican jackass. I hate the republican party. Why do we have to go over this every time we talk? Are you brain dead?
My views are consistent. I am against funding other peoples wars. IDC who it is. Its not our fight. And I damn sure shouldnt be working to pay peoples salaries and subsidize businesses in fucking ukraine.
Yeah, Ukraine and Israel.. How different the countries are in all regards and how similar their wars are in some aspects.

Neither of the countries can reach declared goals by military means and both of them rely heavily on foreign aid. As time passes by, a military solution being less possible, military spendings growing more sharply and clear 'exit strategy' still being out of sight.
Did everyone scold the Russian Armed Forces for being ineffective?
In 2 days of fighting for Gaza, the IDF lost 311 killed and released 3 Jewish soldiers, civilian casualties - 8,000. The battle for Mariupol lasted 86 days. UN confirmed the deaths of 1348 civilians. Russian Armed Forces did not announce the losses of soldiers. But liberated - 400 thousand Russians.
So Zelensky just announced the cancellation of elections in Ukraine.
"We must understand that now is the time for a battle on which the fate of the state depends, and not a time for stuffing. I believe that now is not the time for elections"
"Defending western values" :abgg2q.jpg:

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