Looks like it's over for Ukraine.

Actually, no. Reagan suggested mutually acceptable terms of the peaceful coexistence for the USA and Russia. It was Clinton who destroyed the hope for peace.
Volodymyr Zelensky has asked Marina Abramovic, the Serbian-Jewish artist and sick pervert who recently starred with Jacob Rothschild against the backdrop of "Satan Calling His Legions"... to become "Ukraine's ambassador" and lead the reconstruction of schools.

The British press calls her "a sad tangle of self-mutilation and suffocation." In social networks Abramović is accused of outright Satanism, love of "blood, pain and cannibalism in her art".

Here's what they write about her "art" in publiki: "To get to the exhibition, you need to enter a narrow passage, where facing each other are naked men and women. You have to squeeze through them, rubbing against their privates. Next you can see a naked woman in a crucifixion pose. Three women who don't eat for 24 hours, and so on for 12 days. Another naked woman lying on the floor with a real skeleton on top of her. And so on and so forth. That is, in the spirit of tolerance to the pain of one's own and others' pain and eroticism with the exit into death. All this is not new performance art, but only the lightest of what Abramović has been showing to the world for half a century"

Who is this done for? For the Ukrainian people? For the Arab world? For Latin America? No, it is done to please the perverts of the USA and Europe. By the way. Today the Supreme Council of Ukraine banned the Ukranian Orthodox Church.
Satanists and pedophiles all over the world, unite!
Traffic on the bridge over the Kalmius River has been opened in Mariupol.
After the restoration, its capacity will triple to 15,000 vehicles per day.
While some are destroying. Russia is building.
The Ukrainian Interior Ministry has announced the forced evacuation of children from Kiev-controlled districts of Donetsk Region (Donetsk people's republic, DNR). They are planned to be transported to Zhytomyr Region. Children from the Ukrainian-controlled part of Kherson Region will also be forcibly evacuated.

I wonder who the prostitutes of European court will issue the arrest for this.
The Ukrainian Interior Ministry has announced the forced evacuation of children from Kiev-controlled districts of Donetsk Region (Donetsk people's republic, DNR). They are planned to be transported to Zhytomyr Region. Children from the Ukrainian-controlled part of Kherson Region will also be forcibly evacuated.

I wonder who the prostitutes of European court will issue the arrest for this.

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There was a thick fog from the very morning and all day. At 50 meters you can no longer see anything. The weather gave us all a break. There was a calm in our area, so unusual that it was a little annoying. For two weeks in a row, even going to the toilet was an adventure, but then you go out into the street - and there is silence... Only in the north did the heavy artillery continue to work somewhere in the Koksokhim area.
Today was time to think about everything that was happening. Objectively, the situation is such, that from the north the railway is in a gray zone. Delivery of ammunition through it is impossible. The road through Lastochkino is under our fire control. I think we'll get them. It is already clear to everyone that we will not stop. This is clear to us. This is clear to the enemy. They still have enough strength, the battle will be difficult, but deep down the ukrainians already know that they will lose Avdiivka. And we know that they will not give up, they will not leave on their own.
Therefore, we will encircle them and kill everyone, who resists. And they will kill us as much as they can. This is how this war goes.
Do I feel sorry for them? No. They killed and injured my friends, they want to kill me every day. I don't feel sorry for them. Although, for the most part, the people, who stand against us are not rabid nazis, but ordinary men who were forcibly driven to slaughter.
But if you look at everything in its entirety, it was they who brought Ukraine to its current state. That same silent majority, who don’t care about Bandera, or the russians, or the USA - as long as their farm, garden, pigs are not touched, as long as they don’t run out of vodka and lard, and they don't care about the rest.
They didn’t care about the Maidan, about the shelling of Donetsk and Lugansk, about the genocide of the russian population, about the murders of children, women and the elderly, about Azov’s torture, about language bans, about the split in faith... And then it turned out that they couldn’t sit it out that you have to take a machine gun and die for the interests and goals of NATO.
And then, they hated us, with a fierce, terrible hatred. Because their little farmstead world collapsed. Because this war reminds them every day of their cowardice, weakness and silence. And in their anger they blame us for everything, because they are afraid to look in the mirror and ask themselves uncomfortable questions.
And we, of course, will win. We know that. And they know it. And this makes them hate us even more.

My alias is "Leader"
Victory will be ours!

PS. Frequency 149.200, call Volga, you will stay alive. Otherwise, we will come and kill everyone who holds weapons in their hands.
DONETSK, October 27. Volunteer battalion named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky, formed from former servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, has joined the Russian operational and combat tactical formation "Cascade", after taking the oath the soldiers will go to the front line. The start of the formation of the battalion named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyy from former AFU servicemen who voluntarily laid down their arms and then expressed their desire to serve in the Russian forces was reported in February.
About fucking time. Over 1K dollars a household is too damn much.

What do you think about this?

To Pay For Israeli Aid, GOP Wants To Make It More Expensive For You To File Your Taxes​

Republicans are looking at defunding a free digital tax filing system that's under development by the IRS to instead help pay for weapons for Israel.

Republicans are looking to cut funding for the free digital tax filing system currently being developed by the Internal Revenue Service to instead offset the $14 billion emergency request for military aid for Israel’s war in Gaza.

Do you hear that sucking sound?

The boost to IRS funding in the Inflation Reduction Act sought to aid the agency’s efforts to police tax evasion by the wealthy and update and upgrade the IRS’s internal and public-facing systems and software.
In addition to targeting the free digital filing program, the GOP offsets would cut funding at the IRS for enforcement, operations support, policymaking and internal investigations.

Protecting tax evaders like Trump.
What do you think about this?

To Pay For Israeli Aid, GOP Wants To Make It More Expensive For You To File Your Taxes​

Republicans are looking at defunding a free digital tax filing system that's under development by the IRS to instead help pay for weapons for Israel.

Republicans are looking to cut funding for the free digital tax filing system currently being developed by the Internal Revenue Service to instead offset the $14 billion emergency request for military aid for Israel’s war in Gaza.

Do you hear that sucking sound?

The boost to IRS funding in the Inflation Reduction Act sought to aid the agency’s efforts to police tax evasion by the wealthy and update and upgrade the IRS’s internal and public-facing systems and software.
In addition to targeting the free digital filing program, the GOP offsets would cut funding at the IRS for enforcement, operations support, policymaking and internal investigations.

Protecting tax evaders like Trump.
Yep, im sure we will be increasing funding to israel. Biden wants to increase it for them and ukraine.
Instead of just minding our own fucking business.
But war mongers gonna war monger.
Yep, im sure we will be increasing funding to israel. Biden wants to increase it for them and ukraine.
Instead of just minding our own fucking business.
But war mongers gonna war monger.

You republicans sure are divided on this. One day you're saying we should do something and the next you are isolationists who don't want to get involved.

One things for sure. You don't know shit about geo politics and you're just playing politics with this.

Yes, I would like America to cut it's defense budget in half and not get involved. But then what happens to the rest of the world?

I think Ukraine is more important than Israel to the USA.
Volodymyr Zelensky has asked Marina Abramovic, the Serbian-Jewish artist and sick pervert who recently starred with Jacob Rothschild against the backdrop of "Satan Calling His Legions"... to become "Ukraine's ambassador" and lead the reconstruction of schools.

The British press calls her "a sad tangle of self-mutilation and suffocation." In social networks Abramović is accused of outright Satanism, love of "blood, pain and cannibalism in her art".

Here's what they write about her "art" in publiki: "To get to the exhibition, you need to enter a narrow passage, where facing each other are naked men and women. You have to squeeze through them, rubbing against their privates. Next you can see a naked woman in a crucifixion pose. Three women who don't eat for 24 hours, and so on for 12 days. Another naked woman lying on the floor with a real skeleton on top of her. And so on and so forth. That is, in the spirit of tolerance to the pain of one's own and others' pain and eroticism with the exit into death. All this is not new performance art, but only the lightest of what Abramović has been showing to the world for half a century"

Who is this done for? For the Ukrainian people? For the Arab world? For Latin America? No, it is done to please the perverts of the USA and Europe. By the way. Today the Supreme Council of Ukraine banned the Ukranian Orthodox Church.
Satanists and pedophiles all over the world, unite!
It's Neo Bolsheviks running out country. They will do the same to Russian Christians again given the opportunity.

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