Looks like it's over for Ukraine.

How will you take it away from Moscow which is already the new owner ?
And who would you send -- all your losing Afghanistan troops , supported by the Mechanised LGBQT Brigade ?
rofl .
These Pansies Couldn't Have Beaten the Panzers

The volunteer army is the reason it has to take the scum of the earth. Only gutless traitors oppose bringing back the draft.
Sure, because they can divert to Israel/ME "funding" to keep that cash moving.

Ukraine's usefulness is what is coming to an end.

When/if that theater expands we won't be seeing Zelensky any longer.
Ukraine is on fire. Russian forces have launched an offensive across the entire front line in their final push before winter. About a hundred combat clashes took place yesterday, one of the most decisive of which is unfolding in Avdiivka. A suburb of occupied Donetsk, Avdiivka fell under the control of pro-Russian militants for three months back in 2014 before it was taken back.
A fortified area near Avdeevka
To understand what exactly Russian fighters are storming:
Media prostitutes at work

The globalists want to control Russia and turn into a globohomo paradise and at the same time flood the country with 25 million Africans. The Neo Bolsheviks, like Nuland, have this centuries old hatred of Russia. They are mad that they didn't genocide every Chtistian there, they sure as fuck tried.
Ukraine is on fire. Russian forces have launched an offensive across the entire front line in their final push before winter. About a hundred combat clashes took place yesterday, one of the most decisive of which is unfolding in Avdiivka. A suburb of occupied Donetsk, Avdiivka fell under the control of pro-Russian militants for three months back in 2014 before it was taken back.
A fortified area near Avdeevka
To understand what exactly Russian fighters are storming:
Russia has lost over 400 pieces of military hardware in 4 days....everything from APC to artillery and tanks and refueling. They have thrown a whole battalion at Andiivka as cannon fodder and lost them all.

Ukraine is winning in this asymmetrical warfare scenario. Each one of those pieces lost is millions of dollars and needed warfare capabilities. It's unsustainable for anyone no matter how big of an army.

This is not big army against big army so it doesn't look like any WW2 scenario of massive land grabs except to Russia....and they just got their bums handed back to them.

Currently in the shell count Ukraine is firing more artillery than Russia. Granted the count is low...but Ukraine has never let up and has had better fire control the whole time with better targeting and restraint.

This is the same as Afghanistan for Russia....they don't have the correct strategies to win against Ukraine. And likely will never attain them. Ukraine has employed a "shoot and scoot" policy down to perfection. The massive size of Russian forces is their downfall especially with the "chain of command" orders needed to do anything.

Russia is losing, they also can't help themselves either and continue to fight.

The death by a thousand paper cuts still ends up with death. And Russia has yet to figure out it is dying.
Splutter , bumble , grunt etc

The death by a thousand paper cuts still ends up with death. And Russia has yet to figure out it is dying.

Probably your most insane post yet .
Every sentence can be 100% reversed and you will then have come back to reality .
Not sure if you are an intentional comedian or just about as misinformed as it is possible to be .

I see your more sensible fellow Trolls, Toomuchbooze and Nazi Winkle have sensibly gone AWOL or are suddenly resorting to different Topics .
There is the clue for you . You are essentially wiped out .
Probably your most insane post yet .
Every sentence can be 100% reversed and you will then have come back to reality .
Not sure if you are an intentional comedian or just about as misinformed as it is possible to be .

I see your more sensible fellow Trolls, Toomuchbooze and Nazi Winkle have sensibly gone AWOL or are suddenly resorting to different Topics .
There is the clue for you . You are essentially wiped out .
Calling me a troll?
That's rich!
Anyone with two mouse clicks can see in a minute you have not made a substantive post with logic and reason ever. Every post you make is a trolling post....it's your signature activity.

One look at the likes you give is also telling...you value no one's opinion but your own. Which should be extremely embarrassing for you....but I doubt it. You don't have the wherewithal to know better.
But just as an FYI it's like urinating your pants in public but being proud of the fact.
Calling me a troll?
That's rich!
Anyone with two mouse clicks can see in a minute you have not made a substantive post with logic and reason ever. Every post you make is a trolling post....it's your signature activity.

One look at the likes you give is also telling...you value no one's opinion but your own. Which should be extremely embarrassing for you....but I doubt it. You don't have the wherewithal to know better.
But just as an FYI it's like urinating your pants in public but being proud of the fact.
You made your own bed . No use bleating and whining because others tell you that you stink .

A smart person knows when they are out of their depth . Unfortunately you also lack that self awareness .

In the areas of Covid , Killer vaccines and the Ukraine conflict you have consistently showed that you are misinformed and ignorant and are an unrepentant Troll .


All of that $$$ wasted, washed, and used to prop up the MIC. That's all folks!

You made your own bed . No use bleating and whining because others tell you that you stink .

A smart person knows when they are out of their depth . Unfortunately you also lack that self awareness .

In the areas of Covid , Killer vaccines and the Ukraine conflict you have consistently showed that you are misinformed and ignorant and are an unrepentant Troll .



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