Looks like Microsoft


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Is really learning to play well with others. And listening to the end users, in this instance pretty much from watching the Edge market share tumble like a boulder rolling down a mountain over the last few years.

The new Edge Chromium to be released January 15th is a radical change for Microsoft and potentially a good thing for end users.

The new Edge browser is faster and more reliable than ever
Still, as it stands, this Chromium version of Edge is already a step forward. It is faster, efficient, cleaner, and comes with support for a wide variety of extensions — not just what Microsoft wants you to use. These are some of the most important things in a modern web browser, and things can only get better from here on out.

MS allowed non-H1-Bs to write code!?
Yup, they're doing it more and more even allowing access for Android and iOS app creators. Cortana will now be an option and is moving in a different direction and Alexa can be installed on Win 10 now if you're into that kind of thing. The MS old guard is gone, the "new kids" at MS are waking up to reality, that's a good thing.
Not a fan.
As stated, this move will likely result in Google having +95% browser share enabling them to basically completely take over how the internet is presented.
They are pretty close to that already.
Perhaps Microsoft is hoping that enough Edge users will go with the default setting of bing doing the searches to increase their abysmal 3% marketshare...but I would say that is the next thing M$ will likely kill. And that gives Google over 99% marketshare worldwide.
Havent had a prob with it. Maybe I'm not enough of a power user to know all the issues.
You do know he's no longer there, yeah he still dabbles in the company from time to time but the new blood has taken over and they don't have the old school arrogance Gates then Ballmer imparted on Microsoft. The new blood actively looks for and typically understands computing trends and are much more receptive to working with the competition than trying to actively destroy the competition.
The times they are a changin'............. Or at least let's hope so.
If MS really gave a hoot in hell about what their customers wanted, they would have continued improving XP.
Dude, really? Why would you use a horse and buggy in this day and age........?
I don't....You know I'm Linux guy.

Notwithstanding that, XP worked great, was totally stable, and people loved it.....Why reinvent the wheel?
If MS really gave a hoot in hell about what their customers wanted, they would have continued improving XP.
Dude, really? Why would you use a horse and buggy in this day and age........?
I don't....You know I'm Linux guy.

Notwithstanding that, XP worked great, was totally stable, and people loved it.....Why reinvent the wheel?

While true, XP was also having trouble keeping up with modern tech. I was reading about adding more hardware and CPU support, was making the existing code bloated.

The reality is, at some point you really do have to start over from scratch. It just is, what it is.

If you really are a Linux guy, then I would assume you know this. When you keep adding and adding and adding to code, with new revision after new revision, you can unfortunately end up with massive encyclopedia of code, where some of the code written by retired programmers, no one has any idea what it does anymore.

Sometimes you need to just start over.

You are right that XP was a good version. I used it up 2013 when I started using Win 7, which I used until 2017.
That said, Windows 10 is better than I expected it to be. So I am not entirely disappointed.
If MS really gave a hoot in hell about what their customers wanted, they would have continued improving XP.
Dude, really? Why would you use a horse and buggy in this day and age........?
I don't....You know I'm Linux guy.

Notwithstanding that, XP worked great, was totally stable, and people loved it.....Why reinvent the wheel?
Same with Win 7 but it's now outdated due to multiple factors just like XP is, the wheel keeps reinventing itself in this instance. Advances in technology and malicious software sees to that.
You know how anti Win 10 I was when it first came out, I'm not so much any more. Yeah I still have some issues with it but Microsoft has made some major changes to their approach and has rolled back much of what was hated about it besides there is 3rd party software that now allows the user much more control. Including update control........
Win 10 is fast and fairly secure, Defender has come a loooooong way though it still needs work. I think Microsoft is finally waking up.
Is really learning to play well with others. And listening to the end users, in this instance pretty much from watching the Edge market share tumble like a boulder rolling down a mountain over the last few years.

The new Edge Chromium to be released January 15th is a radical change for Microsoft and potentially a good thing for end users.

The new Edge browser is faster and more reliable than ever
Still, as it stands, this Chromium version of Edge is already a step forward. It is faster, efficient, cleaner, and comes with support for a wide variety of extensions — not just what Microsoft wants you to use. These are some of the most important things in a modern web browser, and things can only get better from here on out.

I think this is a good deal honestly. It will force both sides to remain competitive.

Anything that operates better in Edge, will naturally be replicated in Chromium. It's safe to assume such replications will filter through Chrome products eventually.

Equally, whatever innovations on the Chrome side, will naturally filter into Edge.

And of course, we can assume that all innovations on either side, will force the rest of the market to maintain parity.

So this can only be a good long term benefit for all customers.

At first I was completely against this, because of my unique dislike of all things Microsoft. But the more I considered the market effects, it is nearly impossible to see how this would be bad.
If MS really gave a hoot in hell about what their customers wanted, they would have continued improving XP.
Dude, really? Why would you use a horse and buggy in this day and age........?
I don't....You know I'm Linux guy.

Notwithstanding that, XP worked great, was totally stable, and people loved it.....Why reinvent the wheel?

While true, XP was also having trouble keeping up with modern tech. I was reading about adding more hardware and CPU support, was making the existing code bloated.

The reality is, at some point you really do have to start over from scratch. It just is, what it is.

If you really are a Linux guy, then I would assume you know this. When you keep adding and adding and adding to code, with new revision after new revision, you can unfortunately end up with massive encyclopedia of code, where some of the code written by retired programmers, no one has any idea what it does anymore.

Sometimes you need to just start over.

You are right that XP was a good version. I used it up 2013 when I started using Win 7, which I used until 2017.
That said, Windows 10 is better than I expected it to be. So I am not entirely disappointed.
I'm a Linux guy because they don't keep reinventing it every time they launch a newer version...With a very few tweaks, they mostly keep the interfaces the same.

My mom has Windoze ∞ on her latest laptop, and it took me several minutes just to find the on/off function....Fuck dat!
If MS really gave a hoot in hell about what their customers wanted, they would have continued improving XP.
Dude, really? Why would you use a horse and buggy in this day and age........?
I don't....You know I'm Linux guy.

Notwithstanding that, XP worked great, was totally stable, and people loved it.....Why reinvent the wheel?

While true, XP was also having trouble keeping up with modern tech. I was reading about adding more hardware and CPU support, was making the existing code bloated.

The reality is, at some point you really do have to start over from scratch. It just is, what it is.

If you really are a Linux guy, then I would assume you know this. When you keep adding and adding and adding to code, with new revision after new revision, you can unfortunately end up with massive encyclopedia of code, where some of the code written by retired programmers, no one has any idea what it does anymore.

Sometimes you need to just start over.

You are right that XP was a good version. I used it up 2013 when I started using Win 7, which I used until 2017.
That said, Windows 10 is better than I expected it to be. So I am not entirely disappointed.
I'm a Linux guy because they don't keep reinventing it every time they launch a newer version...With a very few tweaks, they mostly keep the interfaces the same.

My mom has Windoze ∞ on her latest laptop, and it took me several minutes just to find the on/off function....Fuck dat!
Gnome 2 or Gnome 3? :eusa_whistle:
Bought MSFT about 55,60 points ago ..Love the company and believe their future is bright Little contract from the gov't helps a little

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