Looks Like Newt is Going to be our Vice Prez...

Which is fantastic, as Trump stomps Hillary's criminal above-the-law ass from here until election day.

And please, let's hear about 20 y/o alleged affairs that Newt had with women assholes - bring 'em. In the same breath, don't forget to share Bill Clinton's proven escapades with little boys aboard the Lolita Express, winging his way to Pedophile Paradise!!

You fucker are going down like a turd in a toilet.


Trump '16

you don't have enough bigoted old white men to win a general election.

and picking the craziest, loser, who was run out of the speakership on a rail isn't going to make up for your fascist bigot of a candidate.

damn, you idiots have zero understanding that you're a minority.:cuckoo:
Newt as their VP choice is almost as precious as picking Palin. Both are delicious to see.....November can't come too soon. Hope the OP survives it without stroking out.

you're very kind.
I dunno. Sometimes it's hard to see Newt's head over the podium.

I'm hoping for Mike "Jesus sent you that Zika baby" Spence

I still think he's going with Christie if Christie isn't indicted

Well, Chirstie doesn't need assistance breathing, nor does he think he speaks directly to, and for, Christ, so that gives him a leg up on his competition ... assuming he can still lift one of his legs.
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Yeah, put Newt on the ticket. Trump had to find someone even older than he is to make himself look fresh. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Newt made a lot of money working for Fannie and Freddie during the housing bubble. I bet that goes over just as well in 2016 as it did in 2012.
Newt Gingrich earned $1.6 million working for Freddie Mac during the housing bubble.

In one of the 2012 debates, he was asked about a $300,000 payment he received from the GSE in 2006, at the height of the bubble. He said he "offered them advice on precisely what they didn’t do" and warned them about the bubble.

That was a lie.

Here is Newt in 2007, just before it all came crashing down, praising the GSEs to the skies:
Market-Based Models Are Key to Transforming U.S. Government to a 21st Century Organization - Freddie Mac

"Certainly there is a lot of debate today about the housing GSEs, but I think it is telling that there is strong bipartisan support for maintaining the GSE model in housing. There is not much support for the idea of removing the GSE charters from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. And I think it's clear why. The housing GSEs have made an important contribution to homeownership and the housing finance system. We have a much more liquid and stable housing finance system than we would have without the GSEs. And making homeownership more accessible and affordable is a policy goal I believe conservatives should embrace. Millions of people have entered the middle class through building wealth in their homes, and there is a lot of evidence that homeownership contributes to stable families and communities. These are results I think conservatives should embrace and want to extend as widely as possible. So while we need to improve the regulation of the GSEs, I would be very cautious about fundamentally changing their role or the model itself."

Newt liked the GSEs so much, he said there should be MORE of them:

"I like the GSE model because it provides a more efficient, market-based alternative to taxpayer-funded government programs. It marries private enterprise to a public purpose. We obviously don't want to use GSEs for everything, but there are times when private enterprise alone is not sufficient to achieve a public purpose. I think private enterprise alone is not going to be able to help the Gulf region recover from the hurricanes, and government will not get the job done in a very effective or efficient manner. We should be looking seriously at creating a GSE to help redevelop this region. We should be looking at whether and how the GSE model could help us address the problem of financing health care. I think a GSE for space exploration ought to be seriously considered - I'm convinced that if NASA were a GSE, we probably would be on Mars today."
"The housing GSEs have made an important contribution to homeownership and the housing finance system."


"Making homeownership more accessible and affordable is a policy goal I believe conservatives should embrace. "


"We have a much more liquid and stable housing finance system than we would have without the GSEs."


Yeah, Newt was trying to replace public housing with "affordable housing." Hopefully, he learned why Newt the Speaker was right and Newt the bleeding heart was wrong...

Get government OUT and CUT CUT CUT that spending - THAT is what worked in the 1990s.
Yeah, Newt was trying to replace public housing with "affordable housing." Hopefully, he learned why Newt the Speaker was right and Newt the bleeding heart was wrong...

Get government OUT and CUT CUT CUT that spending - THAT is what worked in the 1990s.
Newt's a whore. He'd praise Satan if there was a paycheck in it. No wonder Trump is looking at him.
don't forget to share Bill Clinton's proven escapades with little boys aboard the Lolita Express, winging his way to Pedophile Paradise!!

This is a total lie. Thanks for obliterating your integrity and honor in one sentence!

Oh sorry - not onboard
My apologies
Once landed in Thailand, yes

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Yeah, put Newt on the ticket. Trump had to find someone even older than he is to make himself look fresh. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Newt made a lot of money working for Fannie and Freddie during the housing bubble. I bet that goes over just as well in 2016 as it did in 2012.

Ah, Hillary has made 1000 times more than newt in speeches and illegal payoffs from foreign interests

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Can't wait for Newt

I disagree that Trump is going to pick Newt. He said Newt will be involved "in one form or another" To me that says he's not going to pick him.

Scott Brown will be his pick...watch and see ;)
Which is fantastic, as Trump stomps Hillary's criminal above-the-law ass from here until election day.

And please, let's hear about 20 y/o alleged affairs that Newt had with women assholes - bring 'em. In the same breath, don't forget to share Bill Clinton's proven escapades with little boys aboard the Lolita Express, winging his way to Pedophile Paradise!!

You fucker are going down like a turd in a toilet.


Trump '16

you don't have enough bigoted old white men to win a general election.

and picking the craziest, loser, who was run out of the speakership on a rail isn't going to make up for your fascist bigot of a candidate.

damn, you idiots have zero understanding that you're a minority.:cuckoo:

So, if a "white guy" votes for a "white guy" - he's a bigoted "old man". Gotcha.

But if a woman votes for a worn out old hag, she is a "patriot"?

You are a fucking bigoted asshole.

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