Looks like that number ten can is finnaly opened

how is it you will win with ideas the American people are already rejecting?
If he is going to do what I think he is about to do the right hasnt got a chance and Carl Roves permanent majority is about to be faced with a landslide Democratic election.

He played the wimp to force the American people to face who the republicans really were at heart.

Now I hope he takes it to the people hard and heavy to drive home just how morally bankrupt the republican party has become.

If there is a huge American mandate your party will either have to dump the tea party or die.

It's Karl Rove, dimwit. Please have the courtesy to spell the man's name correctly.

And yes, I have met him and had a dinner with him.
Is this like when TM credited Obama for companies that WILL hire IF something happens, maybe… in the future? Or like when Obama saved the countries economy, only to need to do it again, and again...? Maybe it was like when Obama ended the Iraq war, that he gets to end again before election day...

Still waiting for that to happen TM…

This is where you think of some reason your claims didn't work out and then we tell you "we know, we told it wouldn't."

So, TM claims Obama has a can of whopass... Here is me telling TM no Obama does not have a can of whopass... Then TM can attack us and in a month forget she even started the pointless thread where she lied and was proven wrong, again.

In fact is there a person on these boards that not only makes as many predictions as TM but more than that gets all of their predictions wrong like TM? Where has TM ever been right when predicting what "will for sure this time" happen?
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That was a poll of CEOs and NOT my opinion.

Then you guys pulled the debt ceiling mess out.

The CEOs backed off just like the right wanted them to.

Party over country at every turn for you guys
That was a poll of CEOs and NOT my opinion.

Then you guys pulled the debt ceiling mess out.

The CEOs backed off just like the right wanted them to.

Party over country at every turn for you guys

How did the country fair after 8 years of you guys having almost all of the control?
Well I'm not sure what a #10 can of whoopass looks like, but I can almost guarantee he opened it with a can opener made in CHINA. :eusa_whistle:

We all know how well stuff made in CHINA works. :lol:
Well I'm not sure what a #10 can of whoopass looks like, but I can almost guarantee he opened it with a can opener made in CHINA. :eusa_whistle:

We all know how well stuff made in CHINA works. :lol:

The can is invisible, they stopped making that size long ago.

Obama's whoop-ass is equally invisible. TM hopes he finds some soon.
If he is going to do what I think he is about to do the right hasnt got a chance and Carl Roves permanent majority is about to be faced with a landslide Democratic election.

He played the wimp to force the American people to face who the republicans really were at heart.

Now I hope he takes it to the people hard and heavy to drive home just how morally bankrupt the republican party has become.

If there is a huge American mandate your party will either have to dump the tea party or die.

It's Karl Rove, dimwit. Please have the courtesy to spell the man's name correctly.

And yes, I have met him and had a dinner with him.

whoop de fucking doo :lol:
That was a poll of CEOs and NOT my opinion.

Then you guys pulled the debt ceiling mess out.

The CEOs backed off just like the right wanted them to.

Party over country at every turn for you guys

Right. You predicted they would hire and we all told you they wouldn't... You attacked us and in the end we were right.

And remember, it was Obama that made the budget law that got us downgraded, Obama wouldn’t even look at a budget that would balance the deficit put forth by the TP.

It is fact that if the TP budget were passed we would have never been downgraded and we would be well on our way to a balanced budget. To bad Obama held the country hostage for political points that ended up backfiring in his face.
How did the country fair after 8 years of you guys having almost all of the control?

First I'm not a Republican but... if you look the first 6 years of it went pretty good, after the Dems took over the House and Senate it took them about a year and a half to cause the 2008 recession. That's what happens when you run off repeal and instead expand, just like what Obama did and continues to do.

If you want to play this game then we can turn the tables, how is your party doing after 5 /12 years of having the majority of power TM? 6 for Reps, 5 ½ for Dems so far. Unless congress does not count… Then you can’t blame Obama’s failures on Reps/Tea party. Pick, I don’t care.

TM, you are so fun to school.
That was a poll of CEOs and NOT my opinion.

Then you guys pulled the debt ceiling mess out.

The CEOs backed off just like the right wanted them to.

Party over country at every turn for you guys

I have asked you several times to provide a more recent poll, showing Obama is more trusted on the deficit.
Can you... or can you not?

It's a fairly simple question TM.. even one with your limited mental faculties should be able to answer it.

Truthmatters said:
keep it up and you will get banned

In the end TM your prediction is that Obama will attack Republicans, I agree with you there. Where I don’t agree is that you claim the attack will be devastating to Republicans and I base that on the size of the can you claim Obama's shit kicking is in.

Obama has always attacked and placed blame on others, I'm not surprised if that is the tactic he continues to use. Obama has no credible record to run off so deflection and adding to the "noise" and hate will be his only recourse. I just don’t believe it will work this round because people voted for Obama thinking he was going to step into office and clean house, and instead Obama made everything (EVERYTHING) worse.

So go ahead, attack Republicans and watch Obama cut himself deep on the lid, that's what happens when you attack, people attack back in ways you didn't account for and it will hurt Obama more than help him IMO. Most people did not vote for Obama to see him attack Republicans, you might have but most didn't and that is the part of his base ( a large part) that has left him and will not come back.
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Allow me to translate.

To leftists, "opening a can of whoop-ass" means "whining and sniveling incessantly".

So, yes, TM is correct. That's what Obama's doing.

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