This is why only idiots talk about succession

I hear it all the time, especially from Texans. But in reality it could be from any redneck in any other southern state. But then again I have heard it in Utah and Idaho.
"We don't need no fed! We'd be better off without a cenralized federal gub-mint."
Yeah sucker, until the next Cat-4 hurricane comes ashore in your state....then suddenly a national federation looks pretty damned good doesn't it, especially when it comes to asking for help....i.e. MONEY?

Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene is begging the federal government to urgently “send the funds” to help the American southeast recover in the wake of Hurricane Helene, even though she herself stood in the way of eemergency relief funds just last week.

funny comment since Biden and Harris have ignored the people whose lives were destroyed by the hurricane last week. Trump visited and brought supplies, Biden/Harris were sleeping on the beach or collecting money in California.
I hear it all the time, especially from Texans. But in reality it could be from any redneck in any other southern state. But then again I have heard it in Utah and Idaho.
"We don't need no fed! We'd be better off without a cenralized federal gub-mint."
Yeah sucker, until the next Cat-4 hurricane comes ashore in your state....then suddenly a national federation looks pretty damned good doesn't it, especially when it comes to asking for help....i.e. MONEY?

Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene is begging the federal government to urgently “send the funds” to help the American southeast recover in the wake of Hurricane Helene, even though she herself stood in the way of eemergency relief funds just last week.

Yes, the next category 4 hurricane to hit Idaho will make them all regretful, no doubt


As far as escaping fascism, you can't do that without an army to force the issue. There is no way the DNC will give up control of any state in the union.
Good God. These people make threads and can't even spell simple words.
Ok, so I misspelled a word. Sue me. It was late at night and I typed the wrong word into my phone.
Did that somehow fuck up your understanding of the thread?
It is too late to edit the spelling now but I can retype the correct word for you if it will help your understanding.
Is this something you need?
Ok, so I misspelled a word. Sue me. It was late at night and I typed the wrong word into my phone.
Did that somehow fuck up your understanding of the thread?
It is too late to edit the spelling now but I can retype the correct word for you if it will help your understanding.
Is this something you need?
That is not a misspelling. It's not they're versus their.
if the ho and the idiot win, there could be an secession, revolution or reconstruction in some form, will it be violent? hopefully not since we have the military and the police and all the guns. The libs would lose very quickly if the chose to make it violent.
How bout you keep your fake $$ and stick it up your trans ass, commie.

View attachment 1020321

Secession is not a perfect remedy, but it is better than living under perpetual commie rule by the filthy dems.
Hey dumb-shit, why are you showing photos of Nazi atrocities during The Holocaust here while calling me a "commie?"
Could it be because you don't even know the difference between the two?
You didn't even know the difference.
Be that as it may you haven't answered my question.
Do you need me to now spell the correct word for you in order to assist with this apparent reading comprehension issue you are struggling with?
Even an average reader can usually infer the intended meaning of most text even when spelling errors and/or word substitutions occur.
This does not seem to be the case with you.
Let me help you.

The INCORRECT word I used in this thread title was
1a: the order in which or the conditions under which one person after another succeeds to a property, dignity, title, or throne
b: the right of a person or line to succeed
c: the line having such a right

2a : the act or process of following in order : sequence
b(1): the act or process of one person's taking the place of another in the enjoyment of or liability for rights or duties or both
: the act or process of a person's becoming beneficially entitled to a property or property interest of a deceased person
: the continuance of corporate personality
: unidirectional change in the composition of an ecosystem as the available competing organisms and especially the plants respond to and modify the environment

3a: a number of persons or things that follow each other in sequence
b: a group, type, or series that succeeds or displaces another

when in fact the word I SHOULD have used was
1: withdrawal into privacy or solitude : retirement

2: formal withdrawal from an organization

So now that we are clear that yes, I do know the difference between these two words but I just made an error in typing too quickly last night and mispelled the word I intended to use......let's get back to the subject:
It is ridiculous for people like MTG (and others) to constantly badmouth and want to shut down in a cheap political stunt, the very federal government that she (and they) are now running to begging for handouts.
if the ho and the idiot win, there could be an secession, revolution or reconstruction in some form, will it be violent? hopefully not since we have the military and the police and all the guns. The libs would lose very quickly if the chose to make it violent.
So you're counting on a Military coup d'état against a lawful CiC. Keep hoping, it will be funnier that way.
I hear it all the time, especially from Texans. But in reality it could be from any redneck in any other southern state. But then again I have heard it in Utah and Idaho.
"We don't need no fed! We'd be better off without a cenralized federal gub-mint."
Yeah sucker, until the next Cat-4 hurricane comes ashore in your state....then suddenly a national federation looks pretty damned good doesn't it, especially when it comes to asking for help....i.e. MONEY?

Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene is begging the federal government to urgently “send the funds” to help the American southeast recover in the wake of Hurricane Helene, even though she herself stood in the way of eemergency relief funds just last week.

I agree, there’s no such thing as secession. However, you’re forgetting one thing…if the states weren’t having to send money to the federal government, they’d have the money to deal with a cat 4 hurricane in their state, plus neighboring states could assist if they so chose.

Probably the most inefficient means of doling out money is for the state to give it to the federal government, and then have the federal government hand it back to the states.
I agree, there’s no such thing as secession. However, you’re forgetting one thing…if the states weren’t having to send money to the federal government, they’d have the money to deal with a cat 4 hurricane in their state, plus neighboring states could assist if they so chose.

Probably the most inefficient means of doling out money is for the state to give it to the federal government, and then have the federal government hand it back to the states.
Your pretense is that NC “gives” the same amount of money as they receive.

I hear it all the time, especially from Texans. But in reality it could be from any redneck in any other southern state. But then again I have heard it in Utah and Idaho.
"We don't need no fed! We'd be better off without a cenralized federal gub-mint."
Yeah sucker, until the next Cat-4 hurricane comes ashore in your state....then suddenly a national federation looks pretty damned good doesn't it, especially when it comes to asking for help....i.e. MONEY?
States have money too.

I used to think of it as pretty implausible. But then I visited the state house in Texas in Austin, and saw the state seal on floor of the entryway. It has all the national flags that Texas has flown over the years - "six flags over Texas". It seemed to express the attitude - "We're with the US, for now. We'll see how it goes."
Then you and yours should stop thinking that way
Indeed. The two-party nonsense has many of us convinced that our worst enemies come from within. It's kinda bonkers, and doesn't reflect reality. We have much more in common than we have dividing us.
Indeed. The two-party nonsense has many of us convinced that our worst enemies come from within. It's kinda bonkers, and doesn't reflect reality. We have much more in common than we have dividing us.

I used to think that way as well. I am really not so sure that is the case any longer.
Your pretense is that NC “gives” the same amount of money as they receive.


Overall for disasters? My point is, if they were allowed to keep their money, they wouldn’t need to rely on the government for most of this stuff.

If I read this right, NC pays in more than it takes. If i read it right.

They paid in 107 and got 28 million?

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