“One Violent Day of Policing”?

Whew!!! This a fun thread. Got some, ummm, extreme(?) commentary in this one. Let's do a Country Buffet sampler and pick a little of this, and a little of that. K?

The whole covid fraud/steal was all about Trump telling Barr to reopen 911 and prosecute the Co2 Fraud, which he initially did, then Barr was "gotten to." Covid was used to "slow down" the grand juries...
So, if I read good poster EMH correctly, he is stating that Covid was not real, a fraud, and dreamt up to stop the reopening of the 9/11 investigation?
But, and forgive me for asking poster EMH, well, what about those 1.1 million American deaths?
Or were they crisis actors? And they faked their deaths?
Or that 1.1 million died of something else?
Let's see.....probably died due to fentanyl brought over the border by the 650,000 Chinese soldiers Kamala 'coyote-ed' across the wire?

Poster BillieJean is (per EMH) a:
Terrified, the Zionist Fascist Traitor......
...... a sick genocidal bitch who should be deported, .....no conservative.

........you just love Zionist Fascist Treason and cheer every time Zionist Fascism murders Americans...

So, Billijean, as you can see your fellow MAGAs don't always make good bedfellows.
Some of 'em are.....well, grievance-filled, conspiracy-driven, angry,, and slightly weird. Those types will make America great again?

Count me skeptical.

Derrick Chauvin and his GOON SQUAD exterminate 911 truthers.
And that's another fun one by EMH, i.e., Chauvin et al, killed a whole bunch of people.
Who knew?
Should the forum ask EMH to provide us some names of those truthers that got killed? Hell, provide us the names of some of the killers in Chauvin's Good Squad.
OK, Emh?

As for cities being torched. YES. cities were torched.....
Which cities were "torched"? Meaning burned to the ground. The whole city.
Or does poster CT55 really mean a few buildings got vandalized and arson-ized?
But if not just a handful of buildings then tell us which entire cities got burned up, or burned down. Take your choice.

You should support Kamala and Walz, who are both Jewish
Show the forum, EMH, that you do your homework.

As if a shit for brains motherfucking libturd could ever
Good ol' MAGA-syle responsibly rational adult discourse.
Who is surprised?
After all MAGA's thought-leader is poster EMH. Their poster-child/spokesman.
They think they will make America great again?
Birds of a feather, some say.

You seem to be implying that he was a good guy because the lady may, or may not, have been pregnant.

No, I am pointing out there was NO evidence she was pregnant, and this was a right wing lie. Nor did he have to be a "good guy" for Chauvin to be wrong in choking him to death.

*Impersonating a public works employee
*Forced entry
Except he didn't commit the violence, one of his accomplices did.
For his part in the crime, he went to prison and paid his debt to society.

Case closed.

Against Chauvin, absolutely, which is why he'll spend the next 18 years behind bars hoping to not get shanked in the shower.
Thank you for punching your ticket to the Ignore List. Buh bye.
With no intention to be disrespectful, but.....but I've long believed that only wimps and scaredy-cats put other posters on 'ignore'.
What are they afraid of?
Words by an anonymous contributor to an internet social media site?

How scary.
And how confident. How mucho. Those scaredy cats will never be.
Whew!!! This a fun thread. Got some, ummm, extreme(?) commentary in this one. Let's do a Country Buffet sampler and pick a little of this, and a little of that. K?

So, if I read good poster EMH correctly, he is stating that Covid was not real, a fraud, and dreamt up to stop the reopening of the 9/11 investigation?
But, and forgive me for asking poster EMH, well, what about those 1.1 million American deaths?
Or were they crisis actors? And they faked their deaths?
Or that 1.1 million died of something else?
Let's see.....probably died due to fentanyl brought over the border by the 650,000 Chinese soldiers Kamala 'coyote-ed' across the wire?

Poster BillieJean is (per EMH) a:

So, Billijean, as you can see your fellow MAGAs don't always make good bedfellows.
Some of 'em are.....well, grievance-filled, conspiracy-driven, angry,, and slightly weird. Those types will make America great again?

Count me skeptical.


And that's another fun one by EMH, i.e., Chauvin et al, killed a whole bunch of people.
Who knew?
Should the forum ask EMH to provide us some names of those truthers that got killed? Hell, provide us the names of some of the killers in Chauvin's Good Squad.
OK, Emh?


Which cities were "torched"? Meaning burned to the ground. The whole city.
Or does poster CT55 really mean a few buildings got vandalized and arson-ized?
But if not just a handful of buildings then tell us which entire cities got burned up, or burned down. Take your choice.


Show the forum, EMH, that you do your homework.

Good ol' MAGA-syle responsibly rational adult discourse.
Who is surprised?
After all MAGA's thought-leader is poster EMH. Their poster-child/spokesman.
They think they will make America great again?
Birds of a feather, some say.

The always verbose bloviating asshole, poseur chilliconcrape, strikes again.

What a pantload that chump always is.
Well if criminals wouldn't resist being arrested, there wouldn't be any violence.

Tell that to George Floyd next time you see him.
Floyd wasn’t resisting. He was cuffed, on his belly, with a cop kneeling on his neck.

But yes. This is what Trump would have happen across the country
With no intention to be disrespectful, but.....but I've long believed that only wimps and scaredy-cats put other posters on 'ignore'.
What are they afraid of?
Words by an anonymous contributor to an internet social media site?

How scary.
And how confident. How mucho. Those scaredy cats will never be.
Nobody gives a shit what an asshole like you allegedly “believes.”

Mucho? Really? Damn, you suck at everything.
"What a pantload....."

I've read on this very forum that some believe that prolific poster 'BackAgain' is sorta the doppelgänger of earnest poster 'EMH'. Meaning, they are really the same guy. Just using two ISP's.

I'm not saying that is true, but......but I can see that there is a credible argument to be made they are the same. Which, seems dishonest and deceitful.
Floyd wasn’t resisting. He was cuffed, on his belly, with a cop kneeling on his neck.
But yes. This is what Trump would have happen across the country
This sort of willful ignorance and stupidity is why liberals are consistently wrong on the issues, why liberals are incapable of sound, responsible governance, and why liberals are appropriately despised.
I would go further than just policing. I would do away with jail for misdemeanors completely. Use caning, whipping,and bone breaking. It's not necessary to amputate a shoplifters hands. Just break all the fingers.

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