Looks like the GOP is headed toward yet another embarrassing failure in governing

When Republicans lose the House, The Senate, the majority of the Governorship's, a big chunk of State Senate seats across the country and do it in less than 8 years. Then I'll call it an embarrassment of Governance
When Republicans lose the House, The Senate, the majority of the Governorship's, a big chunk of State Senate seats across the country and do it in less than 8 years. Then I'll call it an embarrassment of Governance

Dem's don't wish to discuss how they lost the support of the American people.
The Republican senators who will decide tax reform: Where they stand

Two senators have said they will not vote for the bill in its current form. A few others expressed disappointment towards the bill without giving an answer on what their vote will be.

What’s worse, is that if concessions are made in the bill to appease these senators, it may change other “yeses” to “noes”.

How about you cons just admit how terrible the GOP is at governing? If this fails, Trump will be the first modern president to not achieve any major legislation working with congress for his first year in office.

Another failure!!?? Haven't you heard? Trump has accomplished more in 10 months than any other president in history!!!!

He said so, it must be true!!
My gut says the bill will pass, but I'd prefer it did not.

It's unclear to me whether the "deficit hawks" who oppose the current bill will be more moved by (or countenance being perceived so) the need for a political "win" than they will be by their commitment to curtailing deficit spending.
When Republicans lose the House, The Senate, the majority of the Governorship's, a big chunk of State Senate seats across the country and do it in less than 8 years. Then I'll call it an embarrassment of Governance

Dem's don't wish to discuss how they lost the support of the American people.

The American people voted for HRC.

She lost 30 states and Trump became the president.

You said people in your previous post, now you switched to states. Why is that?

I mean I know why you switched. And you know why you switched. But it will be fun to watch you contort yourself to not have to answer the question.
The Republican senators who will decide tax reform: Where they stand

Two senators have said they will not vote for the bill in its current form. A few others expressed disappointment towards the bill without giving an answer on what their vote will be.

What’s worse, is that if concessions are made in the bill to appease these senators, it may change other “yeses” to “noes”.

How about you cons just admit how terrible the GOP is at governing? If this fails, Trump will be the first modern president to not achieve any major legislation working with congress for his first year in office.
Well if Republicans refuse this bill because of flaws and garbage in it, at least they show more integrity than passing it just to look like they got something done.

Which is more than I can say for Obama and Dems passing the ACA crap to claim credit for refirming health care. They also just gave more handouts to corporate interests while charging taxpayers more in costs and losses on our side.

The difference between the two is Democrats were more willing to sell us out for political points, to benefit themselves at public expense. Republicans are more willing to commit political harikari and kill their careers over bad bills.
That's fucking hilarious. Because passing ACA did NOT gain any political points. It lost a lot of them. You dumb bitches have bragged about that for years. The ACA was passed because a majority of people felt it was right.

Meanwhile, republicans passed repeal 61 times under Obama. But once they could actually repeal it... they didn't. Proving it was all about party over country.

Dear TheOldSchool
When Republicans lose the House, The Senate, the majority of the Governorship's, a big chunk of State Senate seats across the country and do it in less than 8 years. Then I'll call it an embarrassment of Governance

Dem's don't wish to discuss how they lost the support of the American people.

The American people voted for HRC.

She lost 30 states and Trump became the president.

You said people in your previous post, now you switched to states. Why is that?

I mean I know why you switched. And you know why you switched. But it will be fun to watch you contort yourself to not have to answer the question.

:itsok: people in 30 states kicked Hillary to the curb, told her to go to hell, told liberals to fuck off, and voted Trump president, including people in 3 blue states.
When Republicans lose the House, The Senate, the majority of the Governorship's, a big chunk of State Senate seats across the country and do it in less than 8 years. Then I'll call it an embarrassment of Governance

Dem's don't wish to discuss how they lost the support of the American people.

The American people voted for HRC.

She lost 30 states and Trump became the president.

You said people in your previous post, now you switched to states. Why is that?

I mean I know why you switched. And you know why you switched. But it will be fun to watch you contort yourself to not have to answer the question.

:itsok: people in 30 states kicked Hillary to the curb, told her to go to hell, told liberals to fuck off, and voted Trump president, including people in 3 blue states.

I thought this was a nation of 50 states made up of people. Is it not?
When Republicans lose the House, The Senate, the majority of the Governorship's, a big chunk of State Senate seats across the country and do it in less than 8 years. Then I'll call it an embarrassment of Governance

Dem's don't wish to discuss how they lost the support of the American people.

The American people voted for HRC.

She lost 30 states and Trump became the president.

You said people in your previous post, now you switched to states. Why is that?

I mean I know why you switched. And you know why you switched. But it will be fun to watch you contort yourself to not have to answer the question.

:itsok: people in 30 states kicked Hillary to the curb, told her to go to hell, told liberals to fuck off, and voted Trump president, including people in 3 blue states.

lol, what happened to the PEOPLE in your PEOPLE post?
Dem's don't wish to discuss how they lost the support of the American people.

The American people voted for HRC.

She lost 30 states and Trump became the president.

You said people in your previous post, now you switched to states. Why is that?

I mean I know why you switched. And you know why you switched. But it will be fun to watch you contort yourself to not have to answer the question.

:itsok: people in 30 states kicked Hillary to the curb, told her to go to hell, told liberals to fuck off, and voted Trump president, including people in 3 blue states.

I thought this was a nation of 50 states made up of people. Is it not?

Are you a Canadian or something? Do you know how presidents are elected in the USA? :itsok:
Dem's don't wish to discuss how they lost the support of the American people.

The American people voted for HRC.

She lost 30 states and Trump became the president.

You said people in your previous post, now you switched to states. Why is that?

I mean I know why you switched. And you know why you switched. But it will be fun to watch you contort yourself to not have to answer the question.

:itsok: people in 30 states kicked Hillary to the curb, told her to go to hell, told liberals to fuck off, and voted Trump president, including people in 3 blue states.

lol, what happened to the PEOPLE in your PEOPLE post?

Ask a 5th grader to explain it to you dummy I'm not playing your stupid game.
The American people voted for HRC.

She lost 30 states and Trump became the president.

You said people in your previous post, now you switched to states. Why is that?

I mean I know why you switched. And you know why you switched. But it will be fun to watch you contort yourself to not have to answer the question.

:itsok: people in 30 states kicked Hillary to the curb, told her to go to hell, told liberals to fuck off, and voted Trump president, including people in 3 blue states.

I thought this was a nation of 50 states made up of people. Is it not?

Are you a Canadian or something? Do you know how presidents are elected in the USA? :itsok:

So wait, the U.S. isn't made up of 50 states and those states aren't full of people who vote?
She lost 30 states and Trump became the president.

You said people in your previous post, now you switched to states. Why is that?

I mean I know why you switched. And you know why you switched. But it will be fun to watch you contort yourself to not have to answer the question.

:itsok: people in 30 states kicked Hillary to the curb, told her to go to hell, told liberals to fuck off, and voted Trump president, including people in 3 blue states.

I thought this was a nation of 50 states made up of people. Is it not?

Are you a Canadian or something? Do you know how presidents are elected in the USA? :itsok:

So wait, the U.S. isn't made up of 50 states and those states aren't full of people who vote?

Its still funny that Trump whooped your ass. He took on Hillary, the Dem party, the liberal media and crushed you like a bug. :laugh:
My gut says the bill will pass, but I'd prefer it did not.

It's unclear to me whether the "deficit hawks" who oppose the current bill will be more moved by (or countenance being perceived so) the need for a political "win" than they will be by their commitment to curtailing deficit spending.

Dear Xelor
After hearing Mark Levin rant and rave over how contradictory this bill is
to Conservative principles of lowering taxes for everyone and reducing govt,
it seems that if it passes, it may be because it has the added filler pork to feed the corporate hogs.

Similar to how Obama had to buy votes, and "feed the corporate pigs" where the ACA did not
meet the actual goals intended, but just served as "passing something to legitimize
his presidency and claim he effectively did what he promised to do"

CC: TheOldSchool
the difference is
(a) the Democrats PASSED their loaded crap
(b) the Republicans are only trying to GET RID of what Democrats have passed
So they are still acting in a "passive" role of REACTING to what the other group has done.

Even if both sides fail and end up losing office,
it still remains that the Democrats get their crap passed and Republicans are just reacting to that.
If they fail to remove it, they still are going to get kicked out, so they lose either way.

The Democrats are still divided as a party over the Clinton/Sanders workers' split with the unions.
But the damage is already done by Obama. Now both parties are stuck in division where they
can't agree what to replace what with! So the Democrat sword is still stuck in the wound
and there is no united leadership to call to remove it.

This is why you don't pass unconstitutional legislation that the govt had no authority to regulate in the first place.
There is a reason govt is not supposed to regulate areas of personal liberty and decision
because people cannot agree nationally on policies that affect our individual choices that are as DIVERSE as we are.
Mistake to begin with. That's why the Constitution was written to wisely limit the authority of federal govt to keep it OUT of
affairs of people and states decided locally and individually. Big fat duh!

As for the simplest way to fix tax bills and ending conflict over who pays what for which programs:
the mandates should be made optional, and also allow separate choices of ALL tax policies
that touch on conflicting areas of "political beliefs" so taxpayers have an equal CHOICE of
"which plan to fund." That way, both major parties can manage social programs for their
own members based on AGREED collective taxes and terms, and NOT interfere with other
people's rights and beliefs to organize, run and fund their OWN social programs through their OWN parties.
And just deduct the business or charity expenses from taxes, and manage social programs locally by group or by state.

What I would recommend, based on parties' political beliefs their members may agree to fund voluntarily:
* Let the Democrats deduct investments from taxes to invest in prison and mental health reform
and use those resources and facilities to provide medical education and service programs for "universal health care."
* Let Republicans take on VA reform, and expand those services to provide for veteran, elderly and disabled care.
* The Greens, workers unions and socialists can take on schools and immigration detention to
create workers coops, production facilities, workstudy jobs, and other safe supervised construction
jobs to develop the border as sustainable campus towns combining education, training, jobs and services
for residents enrolled LEGALLY while screening out criminals with records for which they owe restitution.
* Libertarians and Constitutionalists can focus on democratizing a grand jury and grievance process
by which all citizens can access, issue and resolve complaints of govt abuses at all levels from local to national.
In order to finance the corrections and the work in reform, reconstruction and development,
it will take teams to asses the debts and damages done by govt and corporate abuses at taxpayer expense,
and work out fair proportionate settlement plans for wrongdoers to pay back the public costs they incurred,
while holding property and programs as collateral to lend against these debts in order to track the credits
owned to taxpayers, and apply that credit toward financing the corrections and reforms until the debts are paid back.
Trump: I’m not going to benefit from this tax bill.
- The middle class will benefit the most.
- it’s not a tax bill that will help the rich.

And other Xmas fairy tales like a virgin birth.
How about a prophet that says to kill unbelievers? Any complaints about that?

Should we ban all religions who have ancient writings calling for the death of unbelievers then?

For example, Deuteronomy 13:

6 If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 11 Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again.

Read more at Yes, the Bible Does Say to Kill Infidels
You said people in your previous post, now you switched to states. Why is that?

I mean I know why you switched. And you know why you switched. But it will be fun to watch you contort yourself to not have to answer the question.

:itsok: people in 30 states kicked Hillary to the curb, told her to go to hell, told liberals to fuck off, and voted Trump president, including people in 3 blue states.

I thought this was a nation of 50 states made up of people. Is it not?

Are you a Canadian or something? Do you know how presidents are elected in the USA? :itsok:

So wait, the U.S. isn't made up of 50 states and those states aren't full of people who vote?

Its still funny that Trump whooped your ass. He took on Hillary, the Dem party, the liberal media and crushed you like a bug. :laugh:

So crushed that 3 million more Americans voted for another candidate over him. That's some crushing!
You said people in your previous post, now you switched to states. Why is that?

I mean I know why you switched. And you know why you switched. But it will be fun to watch you contort yourself to not have to answer the question.

:itsok: people in 30 states kicked Hillary to the curb, told her to go to hell, told liberals to fuck off, and voted Trump president, including people in 3 blue states.

I thought this was a nation of 50 states made up of people. Is it not?

Are you a Canadian or something? Do you know how presidents are elected in the USA? :itsok:

So wait, the U.S. isn't made up of 50 states and those states aren't full of people who vote?

Its still funny that Trump whooped your ass. He took on Hillary, the Dem party, the liberal media and crushed you like a bug. :laugh:

Aside from the fact Trump lost the popular vote, his margin in the Electoral College isn’t all that high, either. Bottom third.
:itsok: people in 30 states kicked Hillary to the curb, told her to go to hell, told liberals to fuck off, and voted Trump president, including people in 3 blue states.

I thought this was a nation of 50 states made up of people. Is it not?

Are you a Canadian or something? Do you know how presidents are elected in the USA? :itsok:

So wait, the U.S. isn't made up of 50 states and those states aren't full of people who vote?

Its still funny that Trump whooped your ass. He took on Hillary, the Dem party, the liberal media and crushed you like a bug. :laugh:

Aside from the fact Trump lost the popular vote, his margin in the Electoral College isn’t all that high, either. Bottom third.

There was no popular vote to lose idiot, and winning 30 states and over 300 electoral votes is hardly a marginal win. You people are just butthurt sore losers, shocker.

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