Looks like the infamous Vindman will be doing the duffle bag drag

Dirty pool.

tRump and co. are vindictive scumbags.

He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
That's a lie.

which part? I have so much info in my posts you need to be specific
Well, Creepy Crepitus (CC) IS a bit dim.
He was only removed from the White House and given his old job back. He didn't lose anything. A President needs to be surrounded by people that support him.

Trump needs to be surrounded by people who are willing to lie for him

Vindman is like that weasel kid in school that always kissed the teachers ass behind closed doors. What good is having people that despise you working against your goals? You can't have that.

Vindman was unwilling to cover for Trumps lies
The rest of Republicans have no problem with it

Watch Vindman before and during his testimony. He looked like a kid trying to stop from pissing himself he was so excited to testify against the President.
He is a decorated military officer who was called to testify in front of Congress

He did his duty
He did his duty to the Coup attempt...............to the military.............Hope the faggot likes his new duty in Antartica..............Enjoy.
Vindman.......,you’re fired
He is still active duty serving his country

He was part of the coup.

Dummy do you even understand what the word coup means?

IT DOES NOT mean due Constitutional process put in place to hold President accountable to Congress.
A Bunch of Traitors come up with a Insurance Policy to cover up the ILLEGAL Shit they have been doing for years, and their abuse of powers................Weaponizing Federal Agencies ..................to UNDO the Vote of 63 MILLION Americans.

Yeah...........Dem Fucking Traitors .....like this SOB who was LEAKING Classified meetings that were not authorized to be released under Executive Powers.....

Like this SOB who testified AFTER BEING ORDERED NOT TO...........The President ordered depts not to testify UNLESS THE DEMS went to court........................that WASN'T A REQUEST.............

Oh back to the left being a bunch of TRAITORS........yeah.......they are.
The purge is beginning!

The White House is weighing a plan to dismiss Alexander Vindman from the National Security Council after he testified in President Donald Trump’s impeachment inquiry, preparing to position the move as part of a broader effort to shrink the foreign policy bureaucracy, two people familiar with the matter said.

The White House intends to portray any house-cleaning as part of a downsizing of the NSC staff, not retaliation, according to the people.

Some of the officials being targeted for removal from the NSC would be reassigned because they’re perceived as being disloyal to the president, three people familiar with the matter said on condition of anonymity owing to the sensitivity of personnel moves.
Good riddance. Next they should NAME the fake whistle. Or Weasel ,as the case may be. Eric Ciaramella is his name..

Not just name him. He should be prosecuted.

Each and every traitorous scum who was involved in the failed coup should be tried and executed by firing squad. I would give 10 years pay to be on the firing squad.

Would it kill you to learn what the word coup actually means before you idiots throw it around?

A bunch of dumb ass chickens in a cage......................laying eggs.............

Back on topic.........Vidman and the left are a bunch of TRAITORS............When you don't get your way you come up with BS LIES to cover your crimes........Like all the Politicians making a fortune in Ukraine.............but OH THAT ISN'T A CRIME TO YOU..........Nor the IRS doing RECTAL EXAMS on Conservative groups......ignore the Fast and Furious BS giving guns to Cartels.........

All that shit didn't bother you LEFTIST SCUM BAGS.

Hey deplorable fuckhole how many Purple Hearts were you awarded for defending this country?
At least I spent my senior trip in Vietnsm. And didn't get a purple heart for SPLINTERS as John Kerry did...and you. Little coward?

So none then. Ok now go fuck yourself and your disgusting vitriol against a decorated vet who put his job on the line when he saw our President conducting a corrupt operation in Ukraine and faithfully followed the protocol to report it.

You want to keep your government accountable? Then you ought to be rooting for Vinman and others that step up to do the right thing.

Hey deplorable fuckhole how many Purple Hearts were you awarded for defending this country?
At least I spent my senior trip in Vietnsm. And didn't get a purple heart for SPLINTERS as John Kerry did...and you. Little coward?

So none then. Ok now go fuck yourself and your disgusting vitriol against a decorated vet who put his job on the line when he saw our President conducting a corrupt operation in Ukraine and faithfully followed the protocol to report it.
BS.........After all your BS you couldn't even come up with a Statute of violation in law...........Straight down party lines on the vote both times......

Ray Charles can see how political it was.................You lost and you are LOSING VOTERS.........poor thing.

Hey deplorable fuckhole how many Purple Hearts were you awarded for defending this country?
At least I spent my senior trip in Vietnsm. And didn't get a purple heart for SPLINTERS as John Kerry did...and you. Little coward?

So none then. Ok now go fuck yourself and your disgusting vitriol against a decorated vet who put his job on the line when he saw our President conducting a corrupt operation in Ukraine and faithfully followed the protocol to report it.
BS.........After all your BS you couldn't even come up with a Statute of violation in law...........Straight down party lines on the vote both times......

Ray Charles can see how political it was.................You lost and you are LOSING VOTERS.........poor thing.

GAO finding is that Trump’s admin broke the law in holding without adequate reason Congressionally approved aid.

So yes, I certainly can.

Hey deplorable fuckhole how many Purple Hearts were you awarded for defending this country?
At least I spent my senior trip in Vietnsm. And didn't get a purple heart for SPLINTERS as John Kerry did...and you. Little coward?

So none then. Ok now go fuck yourself and your disgusting vitriol against a decorated vet who put his job on the line when he saw our President conducting a corrupt operation in Ukraine and faithfully followed the protocol to report it.
BS.........After all your BS you couldn't even come up with a Statute of violation in law...........Straight down party lines on the vote both times......

Ray Charles can see how political it was.................You lost and you are LOSING VOTERS.........poor thing.

GAO finding is that Trump’s admin broke the law in holding without provided reason Congressionally approved aid.
BS..............and if you wanted that evidence you should have done it in the House.........You voted for it in the House........PARTY LINES.......without it......so the evidence should have been enough huh.

Tough titty.........Your little COUP FAILED.........and you will lose in November.......ENJOY.

Hey deplorable fuckhole how many Purple Hearts were you awarded for defending this country?
At least I spent my senior trip in Vietnsm. And didn't get a purple heart for SPLINTERS as John Kerry did...and you. Little coward?

So none then. Ok now go fuck yourself and your disgusting vitriol against a decorated vet who put his job on the line when he saw our President conducting a corrupt operation in Ukraine and faithfully followed the protocol to report it.
BS.........After all your BS you couldn't even come up with a Statute of violation in law...........Straight down party lines on the vote both times......

Ray Charles can see how political it was.................You lost and you are LOSING VOTERS.........poor thing.

GAO finding is that Trump’s admin broke the law in holding without adequate reason Congressionally approved aid.

So yes, I certainly can.
Ran by the Democrats.

Hey deplorable fuckhole how many Purple Hearts were you awarded for defending this country?
At least I spent my senior trip in Vietnsm. And didn't get a purple heart for SPLINTERS as John Kerry did...and you. Little coward?

So none then. Ok now go fuck yourself and your disgusting vitriol against a decorated vet who put his job on the line when he saw our President conducting a corrupt operation in Ukraine and faithfully followed the protocol to report it.
BS.........After all your BS you couldn't even come up with a Statute of violation in law...........Straight down party lines on the vote both times......

Ray Charles can see how political it was.................You lost and you are LOSING VOTERS.........poor thing.

GAO finding is that Trump’s admin broke the law in holding without adequate reason Congressionally approved aid.

So yes, I certainly can.
I would question every ribbon and medal the cocksucker pollutes his uniform with.
Hey deplorable fuckhole how many Purple Hearts were you awarded for defending this country?
At least I spent my senior trip in Vietnsm. And didn't get a purple heart for SPLINTERS as John Kerry did...and you. Little coward?

So none then. Ok now go fuck yourself and your disgusting vitriol against a decorated vet who put his job on the line when he saw our President conducting a corrupt operation in Ukraine and faithfully followed the protocol to report it.
BS.........After all your BS you couldn't even come up with a Statute of violation in law...........Straight down party lines on the vote both times......

Ray Charles can see how political it was.................You lost and you are LOSING VOTERS.........poor thing.

GAO finding is that Trump’s admin broke the law in holding without adequate reason Congressionally approved aid.

So yes, I certainly can.
I would question every ribbon and medal the cocksucker pollutes his uniform with.

Because you are an asshole politico that long ago traded in you damn mind for party line.
Hey deplorable fuckhole how many Purple Hearts were you awarded for defending this country?
At least I spent my senior trip in Vietnsm. And didn't get a purple heart for SPLINTERS as John Kerry did...and you. Little coward?

So none then. Ok now go fuck yourself and your disgusting vitriol against a decorated vet who put his job on the line when he saw our President conducting a corrupt operation in Ukraine and faithfully followed the protocol to report it.
BS.........After all your BS you couldn't even come up with a Statute of violation in law...........Straight down party lines on the vote both times......

Ray Charles can see how political it was.................You lost and you are LOSING VOTERS.........poor thing.

GAO finding is that Trump’s admin broke the law in holding without adequate reason Congressionally approved aid.

So yes, I certainly can.
I would question every ribbon and medal the cocksucker pollutes his uniform with.
Once Trump loses in November, you will be able to add a Medal of Freedom to his many awards
Trump needs to be surrounded by people who are willing to lie for him

Vindman is like that weasel kid in school that always kissed the teachers ass behind closed doors. What good is having people that despise you working against your goals? You can't have that.

Vindman was unwilling to cover for Trumps lies
The rest of Republicans have no problem with it

Watch Vindman before and during his testimony. He looked like a kid trying to stop from pissing himself he was so excited to testify against the President.
He is a decorated military officer who was called to testify in front of Congress

He did his duty
No he ain't. No he didn't.
The military swears to defend the Constitution not lie for the President
The purge is beginning!

The White House is weighing a plan to dismiss Alexander Vindman from the National Security Council after he testified in President Donald Trump’s impeachment inquiry, preparing to position the move as part of a broader effort to shrink the foreign policy bureaucracy, two people familiar with the matter said.

The White House intends to portray any house-cleaning as part of a downsizing of the NSC staff, not retaliation, according to the people.

Some of the officials being targeted for removal from the NSC would be reassigned because they’re perceived as being disloyal to the president, three people familiar with the matter said on condition of anonymity owing to the sensitivity of personnel moves.
Good riddance. Next they should NAME the fake whistle. Or Weasel ,as the case may be. Eric Ciaramella is his name..

Not just name him. He should be prosecuted.

Each and every traitorous scum who was involved in the failed coup should be tried and executed by firing squad. I would give 10 years pay to be on the firing squad.
He didn’t really fit in anyway. He’s too competent and well informed.

TRANSLATION: Loyal to the Democrats and disloyal to the President and country he swore to serve.

Service members pledge loyalty to the country, not the president. You tipped your hand. He was following his oath. That’s why he was fired.
Naw, oath Says constitution and serving follow orders chain of command. He violated several.

you could post the oath you think he kept
He didn’t really fit in anyway. He’s too competent and well informed.

TRANSLATION: Loyal to the Democrats and disloyal to the President and country he swore to serve.

Service members pledge loyalty to the country, not the president. You tipped your hand. He was following his oath. That’s why he was fired.

Bullshit he didnt follow chain of command, he didnt report it to his CO and then fact that there was nothing to report. And yeah the President can pick who he works with
He also told the Ukraine pm to ignore the president’s policies
Dirty pool.

tRump and co. are vindictive scumbags.

He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
That's a lie.

which part? I have so much info in my posts you need to be specific
Well, it starts at "he" and ends at the question mark.

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