Looks like Warren


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.
I don't think any dirt will need to be dug up.

Warren will do herself in by speaking.
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
The policy’s you want not what we want. Stock up on tissue nazi boy.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....

Funny, I have not heard a single policy from Pocahontas that I'd want if you shoved bamboo shoots under my nails while pouring boiling oil all over me. Is that why Warren was considered a distant 3rd runner behind Old Man Biden and Crazy Bernie?
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
The policy’s you want not what we want. Stock up on tissue nazi boy.
policies the country wants overwhelmingly, like universal background checks, taxing the rich more tax cuts for the non Rich, investment in infrastructure and training for American workers. Brainwashed functional Idiot.
The plutocracy fears her worst of all. Solid working class values and openly hostile to socialism for the rich.
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
The policy’s you want not what we want. Stock up on tissue nazi boy.
policies the country wants overwhelmingly, like universal background checks, taxing the rich more tax cuts for the non Rich, investment in infrastructure and training for American workers. Brainwashed functional Idiot.

Pocahontas lost the election last week when the audio of Zuckerberg came out where he rails about Pocahontas dismantling big tech. Going to war against Facebook and Google is political suicide.
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
She has policies that blood suckers are going to get. Somehow the peon is going to get screwed over again. Privileged blue collar jobs and groups excepted.
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Do feminists really want to witness the trail of tears?
policies the country wants overwhelmingly, like universal background checks, taxing the rich more tax cuts for the non Rich, investment in infrastructure and training for American workers. Brainwashed functional Idiot.

Meh....from the looks of the last election .....and the 2020 election....

Americans just want less Democrats involved in politics ;)
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....

She has the policies that Communist, anti-American people want.
So 70 to 80% of Americans are communists and anti-american? They believe in a dictatorship that owns all industrial and business question mark you are out of your tiny little brainwashed minds, idiot. Change the channel and read something not published by Rupert Murdoch also dumbass. 30% of the country is totally brainwashed and voting against their own interests every time and believed every hate-filled phony Scandal and misinformation you get from the GOP garbage propaganda machine. Breaking for you stupid Hillary and the Democrats are honest, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere after 35 years of GOP scam tax rates and policies and ridiculous propaganda with never a retraction. But thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence and the stupidest Wars ever, wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure, and the worst brainwashed idiot voters in the modern world.... And now the biggest mobbed up swamp in remembered history....
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....

LOL Yeah like she has a such a solid lock on Wall Street crowd and the NRA bunch is behind her too. She's so likeable and humble, who could not vote for her except maybe the whole dayum country, you idiotic moron.
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
Name them, liar.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
All children vote for Santa Claus.

When she has to explain them to adults she's cooked.

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