Loony Left Wants To Ban Guns.Fine,Then Lets Ban Home Depot,Lowes & Sporting Goods Stores Too.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:argue::offtopic: And haven't we all heard stories regarding murders and deadly/near fatal accidents caused by power tools and sporting equipment! Remember the guy who was killed having his haircut via nail gun freak accident? And how about those kids getting killed by baseballs/line drives? Harry Reid VS Weight Machine?
You walk into the hardware/tools dept. of any home improvement store and you are surrounded by deadly weapons. And then walk into a sporting goods store, Bats and Golf Clubs are a common choice of weapons(Just ask Tiger Woods).
And last but not least, Cookwear!! scorned and jealous wives don't hesitate to use those large metal spoons and steel pots when they lose their tempers during PMS week! :ack-1:
Remember the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? why didnt the left ban chain saws after that movie came out?
and how about Grocers? if Im right,,its still legal to purchase Pop Tarts and Canned Tuna.

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