Looting local businesses & destroying property? REALLY?

The looters only hurt their community. The left gives them a feeling of entitlement that only encourages their actions and worsens the stereotype.
FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Why not start their own businesses. To blame whites for not hiring as many blacks isn't logical, as we damn well know that the public sector hires an out of proportion percentage of them. You seem to excuse all this violence and blaming us for all the problems these people face. I am sorry, but that is fucking bull shit.

Also, blacks cause nearly 50% of all murders. I could also show you how they cause a very high level of both violent and non-violent crimes to end up in prison. What do you want? Do you wish to release criminals onto the streets to kill some more. Is that what you want??? Do you want the police to be disarmed and removed from the streets.

Appears to be your side's argument.
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Your bigotry is becoming more and more thinly veiled all the time.
He really meant to say, "because they're white."

Except they're not. Colleges are full of all races as are the parties that get out of control after games.


Wait a minute...aren't colleges chock full of liberal acolytes? Does that mean that white liberals are prone to riot, loot, burn, and steal if their team loses? Oh, boy, we are in trouble now.
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You don't have to be a racist to be involved in a crime of opportunity. Most of those businesses are likely owned by blacks.

sadly, you're probably right. They really don't care how many blacks lose everything and end up dying. Just as long as they can hang it around a white mans neck. Kind of sad.

Apparently you haven't done any research. You would have found out that there are many groups in the black community helping to curb gang violence. You mistake that because they are not 100% successful with "They don't care"

And these are two different issues which in this case. The cop used excessive force with a lot of witnesses. Just because you dont like their skin color doesn't mean they are lying about what happened.

Doesn't justify becoming a pack of rabid, sub-human scum, either.
Sounds like the police dept in Ferguson is about as crooked as a drunk lightning strike. I hope this effin cop goes down along with some changes in policy regarding the police dept. The more I hear about this the more I am convinced this is more of the same.
Sounds like the rioters also wanted to destroy and screw themselves out of a corner store!
Sounds like the police dept in Ferguson is about as crooked as a drunk lightning strike. I hope this effin cop goes down along with some changes in policy regarding the police dept. The more I hear about this the more I am convinced this is more of the same.

OK, what circumstances would persuade you the police acted lawfully?
Sounds like the police dept in Ferguson is about as crooked as a drunk lightning strike. I hope this effin cop goes down along with some changes in policy regarding the police dept. The more I hear about this the more I am convinced this is more of the same.

OK, what circumstances would persuade you the police acted lawfully?

A video of the kid attacking the officer for talking to him. Anyone that believes the kid attacked the officer inside his car has a screw loose.
Crime stats for Ferguson, Mo., for the edification of the Peanut Gallery:

Ferguson Crime Statistics: Missouri (MO) - CityRating.com

I'm still searching, haven't yet found any 'outrage' or 'peaceful protests' over the crime rates and violence yet; I guess it only matters just this one time ...

If I was the chief of police of this city...I'd pull all of my cops off the street for a week. See how much these fuckers really hate the police.

Most of this city would be begging me to come back. They're using this issue to get at whites and that makes them racist.
Looks like your wrong. Problem in this case seems to be the local police force.
Looting and riots show how police are the only thing keeping people from running amok. When other things are occupying police-attention, and people think they can get away with it, they'll riot, loot, and commit all other crimes.

Fear is the only thing keeping people in line.

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