Looting local businesses & destroying property? REALLY?

But there is no utter outrage from you over their actions. Giving them a pass......because..?
Nice try mr. bigoted fool but it doesn't wash.
Your attempt to whitewash is quite transparent.

Hey mr racists, you still haven't answered why to whites decide to riot and pillage when their sports team looses an important game.Or they win the big championship.
What is your bigoted and biased answer?

Because they're stupid drunk college kids.

That's because they burn a few trash cans, break a couple windows then go home & pass out. Oddly enough they don't return night after night to cause havoc or steal. Vandalism=/=organized nightly mayhem
Your bigotry is becoming more and more thinly veiled all the time.

But there is no utter outrage from you over their actions. Giving them a pass......because..?
Nice try mr. bigoted fool but it doesn't wash.
Your attempt to whitewash is quite transparent.

Because they're stupid drunk college kids.

That's because they burn a few trash cans, break a couple windows then go home & pass out. Oddly enough they don't return night after night to cause havoc or steal. Vandalism=/=organized nightly mayhem
Your bigotry is becoming more and more thinly veiled all the time.

But there is no utter outrage from you over their actions. Giving them a pass......because..?
Nice try mr. bigoted fool but it doesn't wash.
Your attempt to whitewash is quite transparent.

That's because they burn a few trash cans, break a couple windows then go home & pass out. Oddly enough they don't return night after night to cause havoc or steal. Vandalism=/=organized nightly mayhem
He really meant to say, "because they're white."
Your bigotry is becoming more and more thinly veiled all the time.

That's because they burn a few trash cans, break a couple windows then go home & pass out. Oddly enough they don't return night after night to cause havoc or steal. Vandalism=/=organized nightly mayhem
He really meant to say, "because they're white."

Except they're not. Colleges are full of all races as are the parties that get out of control after games.

Nothing justifies the destruction of private property. End of story....Innocent people are losing their godforsaken businesses just because of a bunch of violent racist.

Why won't you go protest in front of the police department and wait for the evidence?

You don't have to be a racist to be involved in a crime of opportunity. Most of those businesses are likely owned by blacks.

sadly, you're probably right. They really don't care how many blacks lose everything and end up dying. Just as long as they can hang it around a white mans neck. Kind of sad.

Apparently you haven't done any research. You would have found out that there are many groups in the black community helping to curb gang violence. You mistake that because they are not 100% successful with "They don't care"

And these are two different issues which in this case. The cop used excessive force with a lot of witnesses. Just because you dont like their skin color doesn't mean they are lying about what happened.
The Black race has, generally about 10-15% lower IQ's than other races.
This is a scientific fact proven repeatedly by impartial scientists.
This is the reason the Black race is not able to become educated even to a standard wherein they are able to accomplish simple tasks to make money AKA working for a living.
The culture of Black on Black violence goes back thousands of years. No matter what country they live in today.
Endemic HPD, no parental positive input, no education, a diet that consists of sugar, salt and fat contributing to endemic diabetes among Blacks, and a culture that extolls misogyny and crime and violence and gangs (just like back in the jungle).
Is it 'racist' to point out facts? Call it what you will.
The facts are found in every inner city populated by Blacks on the planet.
Black on Black violence has always been happening. The ONLY reason people are seeing so much of it now is b/c of social media and cable news.

WTF is wrong with black people?

PROBLEM: Civil rights violated?
SOLUTION: Act like a complete savage.

Do I got it right?

I'm curious as to why you ask "WTF is wrong with black people?"

You didn't ask what is wrong with these rioters. You said what is wrong with black people.
You convict every black person for the crimes of a few
and you wonder how we know you are a racist?????

C'mon. Even YOU can't be THAT stupid.
WTF is wrong with black people?

PROBLEM: Civil rights violated?
SOLUTION: Act like a complete savage.

Do I got it right?

I'm curious as to why you ask "WTF is wrong with black people?"

You didn't ask what is wrong with these rioters. You said what is wrong with black people.
You convict every black person for the crimes of a few
and you wonder how we know you are a racist?????

C'mon. Even YOU can't be THAT stupid.

How many times are you going to repeat yourself? Stop trolling
Crime stats for Ferguson, Mo., for the edification of the Peanut Gallery:

Ferguson Crime Statistics: Missouri (MO) - CityRating.com

I'm still searching, haven't yet found any 'outrage' or 'peaceful protests' over the crime rates and violence yet; I guess it only matters just this one time ...

If I was the chief of police of this city...I'd pull all of my cops off the street for a week. See how much these fuckers really hate the police.

Most of this city would be begging me to come back. They're using this issue to get at whites and that makes them racist.
The Black race has, generally about 10-15% lower IQ's than other races.
This is a scientific fact proven repeatedly by impartial scientists.
This is the reason the Black race is not able to become educated even to a standard wherein they are able to accomplish simple tasks to make money AKA working for a living.
The culture of Black on Black violence goes back thousands of years. No matter what country they live in today.
Endemic HPD, no parental positive input, no education, a diet that consists of sugar, salt and fat contributing to endemic diabetes among Blacks, and a culture that extolls misogyny and crime and violence and gangs (just like back in the jungle).
Is it 'racist' to point out facts? Call it what you will.
The facts are found in every inner city populated by Blacks on the planet.
Black on Black violence has always been happening. The ONLY reason people are seeing so much of it now is b/c of social media and cable news.


Most of the science, I've ever ran across does.
Your bigotry is becoming more and more thinly veiled all the time.

That's because they burn a few trash cans, break a couple windows then go home & pass out. Oddly enough they don't return night after night to cause havoc or steal. Vandalism=/=organized nightly mayhem
He really meant to say, "because they're white."

Big difference between a football riot out of excitement and a riot based on racism. Blacks are doing this as this is the only way they can stick it to the people they hate.
WTF is wrong with black people?

PROBLEM: Civil rights violated?
SOLUTION: Act like a complete savage.

Do I got it right?
you rang the dinner bell for Tank, USMB's :up: resident racist
It's a black family tradition

Blacks murder twice as many whites every year. Also, there was quite a few reports over the past few days of blacks attacking whites. So you're saying that whites are the only ones that are racist? Right, bigot?
Speaking trolls. How many more bigoted hated posts will you put up?

WTF is wrong with black people?

PROBLEM: Civil rights violated?
SOLUTION: Act like a complete savage.

Do I got it right?

I'm curious as to why you ask "WTF is wrong with black people?"

You didn't ask what is wrong with these rioters. You said what is wrong with black people.
You convict every black person for the crimes of a few
and you wonder how we know you are a racist?????

C'mon. Even YOU can't be THAT stupid.

How many times are you going to repeat yourself? Stop trolling
WTF is wrong with black people?

PROBLEM: Civil rights violated?
SOLUTION: Act like a complete savage.

Do I got it right?

I'm curious as to why you ask "WTF is wrong with black people?"

You didn't ask what is wrong with these rioters. You said what is wrong with black people.
You convict every black person for the crimes of a few
and you wonder how we know you are a racist?????

C'mon. Even YOU can't be THAT stupid.

How many times are you going to repeat yourself? Stop trolling

When are you going to answer the question?
You do know the reason. To big of a coward. And when their is no real evidence to support their outlandish claim they resort to insults and vulgarity.

I'm curious as to why you ask "WTF is wrong with black people?"

You didn't ask what is wrong with these rioters. You said what is wrong with black people.
You convict every black person for the crimes of a few
and you wonder how we know you are a racist?????

C'mon. Even YOU can't be THAT stupid.

How many times are you going to repeat yourself? Stop trolling

When are you going to answer the question?
Speaking trolls. How many more bigoted hated posts will you put up?

I'm curious as to why you ask "WTF is wrong with black people?"

You didn't ask what is wrong with these rioters. You said what is wrong with black people.
You convict every black person for the crimes of a few
and you wonder how we know you are a racist?????

C'mon. Even YOU can't be THAT stupid.

How many times are you going to repeat yourself? Stop trolling

The truth is bigoted...The truth shows that blacks commit twice as many murders against whites every single year. They have a lot of nerve to turn this police issue into their own special bitchfest.

So your solution is to stop arresting criminals. :mad: Fighting for safe streets is becoming a bigoted act.
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Care to reveal your source.
But crimes of economic injustice over decades seem to be okay.
And this , I will say, is not a black/white situation.
Not to mention the vast majority of incarcerated people are people of color.
If you don't believe in mathematics, then the facts are fine with you.
But probability says things are skewed.
Frustration sets in and things boil to a point.

Speaking trolls. How many more bigoted hated posts will you put up?

How many times are you going to repeat yourself? Stop trolling

The truth is bigoted...The truth shows that blacks commit twice as many murders against whites every single year. They have a lot of nerve to turn this police issue into their own special bitchfest.

So your solution is to stop arresting criminals. :mad: Fighting for safe streets is becoming a bigoted act.
I'm curious as to why you ask "WTF is wrong with black people?"

You didn't ask what is wrong with these rioters. You said what is wrong with black people.
You convict every black person for the crimes of a few
and you wonder how we know you are a racist?????

C'mon. Even YOU can't be THAT stupid.

How many times are you going to repeat yourself? Stop trolling

When are you going to answer the question?

There is no question to answer. I posted an op and you have acted like a child constantly repeating himself. Nothing but trolling. Off to ignore with you.

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