Los Angeles city council votes to look for impeachable info on Trump

This is so funny. The last election 16% of all those eligible to vote cared enough to show up and vote. Why? Because the City Council is so lazy that they can't get anything done.

Los Angeles has a bottled water department. Two people take commercial bottled water, soak the labels off and paste on LA City labels. That's their full time job.

We have an official writing department. Two people are official calligraphers and write official documents in calligraphy when there is a need for official documents and proclamations.

In my memory, every Mayor and City Council had vowed to do something about the potholes. Not one has EVER done anything. Oh yes, raise taxes to pay for fixing potholes.

If the Los Angeles City is on the impeach Trump job, you can rest assured that there will never be any impeaching Trump. I feel more secure already.
This is so funny. The last election 16% of all those eligible to vote cared enough to show up and vote. Why? Because the City Council is so lazy that they can't get anything done.

Los Angeles has a bottled water department. Two people take commercial bottled water, soak the labels off and paste on LA City labels. That's their full time job.

We have an official writing department. Two people are official calligraphers and write official documents in calligraphy when there is a need for official documents and proclamations.

In my memory, every Mayor and City Council had vowed to do something about the potholes. Not one has EVER done anything. Oh yes, raise taxes to pay for fixing potholes.

If the Los Angeles City is on the impeach Trump job, you can rest assured that there will never be any impeaching Trump. I feel more secure already.
wouldnt you think that they would find even one reason to impeach maxine waters?
This is so funny. The last election 16% of all those eligible to vote cared enough to show up and vote. Why? Because the City Council is so lazy that they can't get anything done.

Los Angeles has a bottled water department. Two people take commercial bottled water, soak the labels off and paste on LA City labels. That's their full time job.

We have an official writing department. Two people are official calligraphers and write official documents in calligraphy when there is a need for official documents and proclamations.

In my memory, every Mayor and City Council had vowed to do something about the potholes. Not one has EVER done anything. Oh yes, raise taxes to pay for fixing potholes.

If the Los Angeles City is on the impeach Trump job, you can rest assured that there will never be any impeaching Trump. I feel more secure already.
wouldnt you think that they would find even one reason to impeach maxine waters?

She is black. She will die in office and then her corpse will serve. Unless her corpse is serving already.
Not a wise move really. You have Sanctuary Cities which could lead to funding cuts and possibly charges for violating federal laws, and you are in a state that Trump has zero chance of winning and no political benefit to capitulate to, so what do they do? They turn the relationship between city and president into a political gunfight in which they are trying to usurp his democratically elected power.
Kalifornia is living proof why I support mass genocide!

Why on Earth would they waste money that will end in failure?

Wait it is not their money!
L.A. City Council backs effort to investigate Trump for impeachable offenses
Los Angeles city council votes to look for impeachable info on Trump

they got extra money for sht like that because everything is bliss out here

Dog and pony show, that's what Democrats do. Their constituents are stupid enough to believe they really mean business. They think their council has the resources to find things the Democrat party in Washington couldn't find because stupid people vote in stupid leaders.

Kind of reminds me of when our city wanted to sue gun manufacturers for all the murders we have. Don't blame their leadership for not doing something bout it, blame the guns. The Mayor of Cleveland is running for reelection again. Recently, the city decided to waste a million dollars on a dirt track park. Why? Because the Mayor's grandson got busted by the cops a couple of times for riding his dirt bike in the street. So now he got the city council to spend a million dollars for his grandson instead of spending that money for more police and police cars, and the stupid people of Cleveland will vote him right back in again.
People in Los Angeles sift through your garbage looking for identify theft information, MS-13 gangs run amok, they have much bigger problems than Trump.

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