Lose To Win


Sep 23, 2010

Liberal media is in a helluva fix. It’s a bitch when they have to sink Hillary Clinton in the primaries because they know she cannot win the general election. To make matters worse for media libs they have nobody to replace HRC —— Her Royal Catastrophe.

Short of stealing the required Electoral College votes, Clinton cannot win with the so-called invincible Democrat party’s get-out-the-vote machine, huge amounts of money pouring in from foreign and American contributors —— and best of all “It’s time for a woman president.” Frankly, Hillary Clinton chosen to break the glass ceiling insults American women. That’s all she has going for her because she has nothing else to offer.

. . . we’re informed she’s planning a tasteful, quiet rollout via video where no questions can or will be asked. An aide announced this week that calling Hillary “Hillary” is now “sexist.” Following that admonition and in light of what we know of her consummate corruption and opacity I think we should call her Madame Ka-Ching.​


Clinton patented the listening tour in her first bid for the Senate. Exactly, what can she talk about this time around? Bottom line: It will be a rollover more than a rollout:

Is it any surprise that the campaign plans what is essentially a listening tour route to the White House?

April 12, 2015
Call Her Madame Ka-Ching
By Clarice Feldman

Articles Call Her Madame Ka-Ching
Some dark horse will jump up front for the dems, just like last time Hillary ran...
It is finally official:

Second shot: Hillary Clinton running again for president

Apr 12, 3:19 PM (ET)
My Way News - Second shot Hillary Clinton running again for president

Oh well, come hell or high water the parasite class will vote for the Democrat; so here is a thought for the majority of Americans:


Making Big Media the issue could, in fact, be precisely the means to truly energize conservative and by making Democrats the obvious toadies of Big Media, to deflate the left in 2016.

Make the Leftist Media the 2016 Issue
By Bruce Walker April 12, 2015

Make the Leftist Media the 2016 Issue

Liberal media is in a helluva fix. It’s a bitch when they have to sink Hillary Clinton in the primaries because they know she cannot win the general election. To make matters worse for media libs they have nobody to replace HRC —— Her Royal Catastrophe.

Short of stealing the required Electoral College votes, Clinton cannot win with the so-called invincible Democrat party’s get-out-the-vote machine, huge amounts of money pouring in from foreign and American contributors —— and best of all “It’s time for a woman president.” Frankly, Hillary Clinton chosen to break the glass ceiling insults American women. That’s all she has going for her because she has nothing else to offer.

. . . we’re informed she’s planning a tasteful, quiet rollout via video where no questions can or will be asked. An aide announced this week that calling Hillary “Hillary” is now “sexist.” Following that admonition and in light of what we know of her consummate corruption and opacity I think we should call her Madame Ka-Ching.​


Clinton patented the listening tour in her first bid for the Senate. Exactly, what can she talk about this time around? Bottom line: It will be a rollover more than a rollout:

Is it any surprise that the campaign plans what is essentially a listening tour route to the White House?

April 12, 2015
Call Her Madame Ka-Ching
By Clarice Feldman

Articles Call Her Madame Ka-Ching
There are some outstanding cremes on the market for that extreme case of butthurt. Good luck to you on medicating your apparently very large problem zone....

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There are some outstanding cremes on the market for that extreme case of butthurt. Good luck to you on medicating your apparently very large problem zone....

To Statistikhengst: The parasite class will soon be demanding your cream by the barrel, and it’s just beginning in this SNL video:

Her Royal Catastrophe even came out of the gate with a Freudian slip:

The campaign's official announcement to reporters, perhaps finished in haste, included an embarrassing mistake in the omission of a key word.

Hillary, it said, has 'fought children and families all her career.'​

By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For Dailymail.com In Des Moines
Published: 08:52 EST, 12 April 2015 | Updated: 21:10 EST, 12 April 2015

Everyday Americans need a champion Wealthy Hillary Clinton finally enters formal race to be president Daily Mail Online
There are some outstanding cremes on the market for that extreme case of butthurt. Good luck to you on medicating your apparently very large problem zone....

To Statistikhengst: The parasite class will soon be demanding your cream by the barrel, and it’s just beginning in this SNL video:

Her Royal Catastrophe even came out of the gate with a Freudian slip:

The campaign's official announcement to reporters, perhaps finished in haste, included an embarrassing mistake in the omission of a key word.

Hillary, it said, has 'fought children and families all her career.'​

By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For Dailymail.com In Des Moines
Published: 08:52 EST, 12 April 2015 | Updated: 21:10 EST, 12 April 2015

Everyday Americans need a champion Wealthy Hillary Clinton finally enters formal race to be president Daily Mail Online

So, you think that a comedy skit show like SNL is real news? Real debate?


So, you think that a comedy skit show like SNL is real news? Real debate?

To Statistikhengst: It is satire about a news event which is fair play in a debate. So what is your idiotic post about “cremes”?

There are some outstanding cremes on the market for that extreme case of butthurt. Good luck to you on medicating your apparently very large problem zone....

I hate to say this, but some in the media might have given Hillary Clinton a bum rap when they accused her of riding on Bill’s coattails. At the very least it is no longer true. Bubba is now riding on her broom if they hope to beat Taqiyya the Liar to the UN. See this thread:

NOTE: If you bother to read the link you’ll notice that USMB updated its format. In the older messages you’ll see that the apostrophe was replaced by #8217. Quotation marks were replaced by #8220 & #8221. Do not ask me why.

Also, I used to call Taqiyya by his middle name —— Hussein. Much to my delight, Hussein annoyed libs almost as much as does Taqiyya the Liar.

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