Losing a friendship over politics

Why would someone want to be friends with you that votes against their (and every other middle class workers) best interest? You're the enemy.

Because Barry has been so good for the middle class....:cuckoo:

The GOP has blocked every effort to raise the minimum wage.

You stupid fuck....what does the minimum wage have to do with the middle class?
Other than if you raise it it screws em over since they now have to pay more for everyday products.
You have the mental acuity of a turnip....

How doesn't raising the minimum wage help the middle class?

If you haven't noticed, between 1970 and today prices have gone up much more than wages, so if you want to blame wages for price hikes you're sorrily mistaken.

The very idea that you think the middle class gets paid min wage tells me all I need to know about your intelligence.

The very idea that you don't think the middle class wouldn't get a pay raise if minimum wage increases tells me all I need to know about your intelligence.
You know................I have a solution for this.

Since you were friends, you obviously know their address. And, the reason that this is still bugging you is that you don't have any closure with it.


Write a letter telling your friend how you feel about losing the friendship, ask what happened, and end the letter by telling them that if they don't want to contact you, you understand, and that the letter was your way of getting closure.

If there's still any friendship left in them, they will want closure as well and will contact you. If they don't, then they have no friendship left in them, and you have closure that way as well.
------------------------------------- the above advice is just kissing azz . The liberal and you both know how to contact each other and the 'liberal' is not interested LBears .

Liberals and sane folks don't tend to like sociopaths.
Because Barry has been so good for the middle class....:cuckoo:

The GOP has blocked every effort to raise the minimum wage.

You stupid fuck....what does the minimum wage have to do with the middle class?
Other than if you raise it it screws em over since they now have to pay more for everyday products.
You have the mental acuity of a turnip....

How doesn't raising the minimum wage help the middle class?

If you haven't noticed, between 1970 and today prices have gone up much more than wages, so if you want to blame wages for price hikes you're sorrily mistaken.

The very idea that you think the middle class gets paid min wage tells me all I need to know about your intelligence.

The very idea that you don't think the middle class wouldn't get a pay raise if minimum wage increases tells me all I need to know about your intelligence.

The fact that you think prices wouldnt go up tells me you're an idiot.
You fools want to pay a burger flipper fifteen bucks an hour,the same pay as a nurse coming out of school. Which would bring that nurses opening salary to thirty bucks an hour.
Then comes the experienced nurse who would then want sixty bucks and hour.....so on and so forth all the way up the line.
Do you really believe this domino effect wouldnt cause massive increases in costs? Thus driving up costs for everyone?
You know................I have a solution for this.

Since you were friends, you obviously know their address. And, the reason that this is still bugging you is that you don't have any closure with it.


Write a letter telling your friend how you feel about losing the friendship, ask what happened, and end the letter by telling them that if they don't want to contact you, you understand, and that the letter was your way of getting closure.

If there's still any friendship left in them, they will want closure as well and will contact you. If they don't, then they have no friendship left in them, and you have closure that way as well.
------------------------------------- the above advice is just kissing azz . The liberal and you both know how to contact each other and the 'liberal' is not interested LBears .

Liberals and sane folks don't tend to like sociopaths.

So you you have problems with self loathing.....
It is extremely rude to discuss politics and religion with anyone other than immediate intimate friends or relatives, or on message boards, like this. I live in an extremely red community, and almost everyone here understands , as an adult should, that you don't do that. I have blocked my sister-in-law's emails over this, and I have adjusted Facebook to make posts from certain friends invisible to me. I am single, and i dropped two dating partners in 9 months due to their forwarding to me rabid RW emails. i never post anything political on Facebook, nor forward emails. I expect the same courtesy. In my red community, there are a few people who are so clueless about this common courtesy that they feel it is OK to bring these thing up in conversations, simply because they assume that everyone down here feels the same way that they do. I'm not going to argue with them , or clue them in. I simply avoid them.

I feel the same way about religion. I am an atheist, and if I had a sudden urge to find religion, I would go to church. I don't want it shoved in my face, otherwise.
You know................I have a solution for this.

Since you were friends, you obviously know their address. And, the reason that this is still bugging you is that you don't have any closure with it.


Write a letter telling your friend how you feel about losing the friendship, ask what happened, and end the letter by telling them that if they don't want to contact you, you understand, and that the letter was your way of getting closure.

If there's still any friendship left in them, they will want closure as well and will contact you. If they don't, then they have no friendship left in them, and you have closure that way as well.
------------------------------------- the above advice is just kissing azz . The liberal and you both know how to contact each other and the 'liberal' is not interested LBears .
Oh suck a bag of dicks n00b
You know................I have a solution for this.

Since you were friends, you obviously know their address. And, the reason that this is still bugging you is that you don't have any closure with it.


Write a letter telling your friend how you feel about losing the friendship, ask what happened, and end the letter by telling them that if they don't want to contact you, you understand, and that the letter was your way of getting closure.

If there's still any friendship left in them, they will want closure as well and will contact you. If they don't, then they have no friendship left in them, and you have closure that way as well.
------------------------------------- the above advice is just kissing azz . The liberal and you both know how to contact each other and the 'liberal' is not interested LBears .
Oh suck a bag of dicks n00b
------------------------------- to heck with the liberal Enemy , kissing azz is never a good thing Dot .
hey '
Hey Pismoe, explaining yourself and asking what may have happened to end the friendship isn't "kissing ass".
--------------------hey 'senor' BSailor , I guess that that is a matter of opinion . I call your advice as kissing azz . You disagree and that's cool . LBears can choose which advice she will take 'senor' .
All I got from the OP was "my friend has done this to me". No introspection. Perhaps "I may have done something to cause a friend to unfriend me" would be more thoughtful?

Not that you would ever understand.

How long have we been friends HT? And I am not sure we agree on anything. :lol:

I know she is a big supporter to the BLM movement and I think ALL lives matter so maybe that is what got her upset..
Maybe she just realized you're a shallow thinker? Someone who just parrots talking points and has no use for critical thinking?

Because saying All Lives Matter is ignorant. Not stupid - ignorant.
I can just the imagine the parade of rw tripe on Loversbears FB Profile.
You know................I have a solution for this.

Since you were friends, you obviously know their address. And, the reason that this is still bugging you is that you don't have any closure with it.


Write a letter telling your friend how you feel about losing the friendship, ask what happened, and end the letter by telling them that if they don't want to contact you, you understand, and that the letter was your way of getting closure.

If there's still any friendship left in them, they will want closure as well and will contact you. If they don't, then they have no friendship left in them, and you have closure that way as well.
------------------------------------- the above advice is just kissing azz . The liberal and you both know how to contact each other and the 'liberal' is not interested LBears .
You're a small, hateful person who, in your misery, wants company.
I had a friend who is a democrat. This week I noticed she unfriended me from facebook. We have been friends for over 20 yrs. Like sisters for many years we raised each other kids but since she lives in another state we dont talk personally that much. Last year she met me in New Orleans for my 50th birthday. It was like old times. With no warning she unfriends me even blocked me on facebook. She also blocked my phone.. She never said why she never messaged me. SHe just did . I do post political stuff but so did she. We both said last year your not going to change my views I wont change yours and we did not even bring up politics on the trip. We never even talk on the phone that much and really havent since I moved from Texas but when we did move and I did call we would just start up where we left off. I am just upset she can just delete me out of her life over politics. I would never unfriend anyone because of their political views. I guess I dont need a friend like this if she is not even woman enough to contact me to tell me I was upsetting her. If I knew it upset her so much I would have just blocked her from my political post..
let me ask...

knowing your girlfriend was part of your facebook circle of friends, and that she and her family were liberals....

Did you act like you do on this board with your arrogant, know it all, demeaning comments about liberals?

Maybe she took your ignorant, demeaning comments personally because you made certain she got them? YOU KNEW she would be reading them... yet you failed to be decent with your comments...you made them nasty is what I can only presume based on your actions/comments here...

I'm sure she thought it was YOU that wanted nothing to do with her, for you to be so callous and inconsiderate while you mouthed off....
I had a friend who is a democrat. This week I noticed she unfriended me from facebook. We have been friends for over 20 yrs. Like sisters for many years we raised each other kids but since she lives in another state we dont talk personally that much. Last year she met me in New Orleans for my 50th birthday. It was like old times. With no warning she unfriends me even blocked me on facebook. She also blocked my phone.. She never said why she never messaged me. SHe just did . I do post political stuff but so did she. We both said last year your not going to change my views I wont change yours and we did not even bring up politics on the trip. We never even talk on the phone that much and really havent since I moved from Texas but when we did move and I did call we would just start up where we left off. I am just upset she can just delete me out of her life over politics. I would never unfriend anyone because of their political views. I guess I dont need a friend like this if she is not even woman enough to contact me to tell me I was upsetting her. If I knew it upset her so much I would have just blocked her from my political post..
let me ask...

knowing your girlfriend was part of your facebook circle of friends, and that she and her family were liberals....

Did you act like you do on this board with your arrogant, know it all, demeaning comments about liberals?

Maybe she took your ignorant, demeaning comments personally because you made certain she got them? YOU KNEW she would be reading them... yet you failed to be decent with your comments...you made them nasty is what I can only presume based on your actions/comments here...

I'm sure she thought it was YOU that wanted nothing to do with her, for you to be so callous and inconsiderate while you mouthed off....
^ that Losersbears65
You know................I have a solution for this.

Since you were friends, you obviously know their address. And, the reason that this is still bugging you is that you don't have any closure with it.


Write a letter telling your friend how you feel about losing the friendship, ask what happened, and end the letter by telling them that if they don't want to contact you, you understand, and that the letter was your way of getting closure.

If there's still any friendship left in them, they will want closure as well and will contact you. If they don't, then they have no friendship left in them, and you have closure that way as well.
------------------------------------- the above advice is just kissing azz . The liberal and you both know how to contact each other and the 'liberal' is not interested LBears .
You're a small, hateful person who, in your misery, wants company.
----------------------------- you and your ilk all sound like emotional BARNEY wusses Synth !!
I had a friend who is a democrat. This week I noticed she unfriended me from facebook. We have been friends for over 20 yrs. Like sisters for many years we raised each other kids but since she lives in another state we dont talk personally that much. Last year she met me in New Orleans for my 50th birthday. It was like old times. With no warning she unfriends me even blocked me on facebook. She also blocked my phone.. She never said why she never messaged me. SHe just did . I do post political stuff but so did she. We both said last year your not going to change my views I wont change yours and we did not even bring up politics on the trip. We never even talk on the phone that much and really havent since I moved from Texas but when we did move and I did call we would just start up where we left off. I am just upset she can just delete me out of her life over politics. I would never unfriend anyone because of their political views. I guess I dont need a friend like this if she is not even woman enough to contact me to tell me I was upsetting her. If I knew it upset her so much I would have just blocked her from my political post..
let me ask...

knowing your girlfriend was part of your facebook circle of friends, and that she and her family were liberals....

Did you act like you do on this board with your arrogant, know it all, demeaning comments about liberals?

Maybe she took your ignorant, demeaning comments personally because you made certain she got them? YOU KNEW she would be reading them... yet you failed to be decent with your comments...you made them nasty is what I can only presume based on your actions/comments here...

I'm sure she thought it was YOU that wanted nothing to do with her, for you to be so callous and inconsiderate while you mouthed off....
^ that Losersbears65
Her family and friends are still my facebook friends. I never posted anything that bad on my facebook page. Just that it was clear i was a republican. Never anything hateful or mean
hateful or mean are matters of OPINION . Take the Trump as example. He says that he will stop or curtail muslim importation into the USA . I say that thats a good idea while liberals would say that i am hateful and mean LBears .
Her family and friends are still my facebook friends. I never posted anything that bad on my facebook page. Just that it was clear i was a republican. Never anything hateful or mean
I SERIOUSLY doubt that given the way you strumpet around here:

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