Losing a friendship over politics

Maybe a letter, something people can feel and mull over.when political affiliations take precedence over personal friendships the social structure is out of whack. Unfortunately it is a sign that someone's life is not centered, that they have become a pawn of an ideology and are not thinking for themselves. It sounds like you sincerely care about her, I hope she will recognize how special and rare that kind of person is. Good luck. Alas , advice from strangers is worth what it costs.
The thing is I have not even talked to her on the phone since Aug of last year.. We talked on facebook and I would always very friendly to her. I am just upset that she can just cut ties and not even give me a reason. If she would have private messaged me and said hey your post bother me I would just make sure any political post were not sent to her or even say just unfollow me on facebook. YOu can do that without unfriending them. Its just makes me sad that she can throw a 20 yr friendship over politics.
There was an article on Drudge today about a couple SNL'ers telling CNBC how Democrats are basically more thin skinned. That said, I don't blame someone for not wanting to be friends based on political views if that's what he or she chooses. Often, these choices are made by hasty, ignorant people; but I mean, if someone's politics are that abhorrent, then it can make someone feel like a phony continuing the friendship. That said, I've personally never not been someone's friend based on politics. I think if I did that, I'd just go around hating and accomplishing nothing in the process. I suppose the closest I come to that is not being as inclined to strike up kinships with people whom I am predisposed to think I'd respect less based on their political views.
You know, I can be friends with people that are politically different from me. Matter of fact, I like it when people have different views than me, because it expands MY world view to listen to opposing viewpoints.

Yesterday was funny..................I went to the laundromat to dry my wash, and there is a nice lady that is always there and we talk.

Well............the last time I'd gone to do laundry, she and I had a really good conversation about Benghazi, Hillary, Trump and all of the strange political stuff going on. And............we found out that we are on opposite sides of the spectrum, but we were able to disagree without being disagreeable.

Well............yesterday, when I did my laundry, I saw her again, and told her thank you for the really good conversation last time, and that I'd enjoyed it. She looked really surprised and asked why I liked the conversation, and I told her that even though we disagreed, we were still able to be polite and allow each other to express our opinions. I told her that talking with people who didn't agree with me all the time helps me to expand my views, and that was the reason I thanked her.

She then smiled, said she got it, and we had some more conversation.You can disagree with someone politically, just don't be disagreeable when you do it.
The thing is I have not even talked to her on the phone since Aug of last year.. We talked on facebook and I would always very friendly to her. I am just upset that she can just cut ties and not even give me a reason. If she would have private messaged me and said hey your post bother me I would just make sure any political post were not sent to her or even say just unfollow me on facebook. YOu can do that without unfriending them. Its just makes me sad that she can throw a 20 yr friendship over politics.

If she can't even do you the service of confronting you, she's a coward. Don't spend another thought on it.
My best friend and I have been thick as thieves for over 45 years. He is a Democrat. He watches no news or relates to any politics in any way. He is a Democrat because that is what his Poppy and his Dad was. FDR Democrats. Straight ticket kind of folks. He eats and drinks sports and his work. He has a Ph.D. in a common sense. But does not follow politics. I am the only person he talks politics with. In the last 5 or 6 years he has bent more on his political viewpoints than ever before. His wife was a mid-level manager with a large Insurance Company and with the passing of Obamacare she lost her job and was unable to find any other work. He had to purchase insurance through his employer at a stiffer price and less coverage.
His or my politics has absolutely no serious influence on our relationship. I would take a bullet for him if necessary. lovesbears65 hate to read a story like yours and I hope things work out for you...
I had a friend who is a democrat. This week I noticed she unfriended me from facebook. We have been friends for over 20 yrs. Like sisters for many years we raised each other kids but since she lives in another state we dont talk personally that much. Last year she met me in New Orleans for my 50th birthday. It was like old times. With no warning she unfriends me even blocked me on facebook. She also blocked my phone.. She never said why she never messaged me. SHe just did . I do post political stuff but so did she. We both said last year your not going to change my views I wont change yours and we did not even bring up politics on the trip. We never even talk on the phone that much and really havent since I moved from Texas but when we did move and I did call we would just start up where we left off. I am just upset she can just delete me out of her life over politics. I would never unfriend anyone because of their political views. I guess I dont need a friend like this if she is not even woman enough to contact me to tell me I was upsetting her. If I knew it upset her so much I would have just blocked her from my political post..
Were you posting real wingnut stuff? That could get me to unfriend someone.

I personally think anyone who posts anything hyper-political on The Facebook is an idiot who is asking for trouble in his life.

Of course, I think anyone who posts anything about their private life on The Facebook is an idiot.

But that's me.
That's happened to me plenty of times, mostly from liberals, but a few conservatives as well.

I read a study about a year or so ago that said liberals are far more likely to end friendships over political disagreements than conservatives are. From my own experience that is true. So much for tolerance
I'm not so tolerant that I am willing to tolerate intolerance.
I have a couple of buddies who are dems.
I dont bother talking politics with them because they are so ill informed it's pointless.

I'm friends with a number of indoctrinated idiots. I don't talk politics with them either. As uninformed as they are, they still get passionate when discussing politics. Its annoying as fuck.

Yep...it always boils down to feeeeeelings.
You describe the emotional far right so well . . . their feelings.
I had a friend who is a democrat. This week I noticed she unfriended me from facebook. We have been friends for over 20 yrs. Like sisters for many years we raised each other kids but since she lives in another state we dont talk personally that much. Last year she met me in New Orleans for my 50th birthday. It was like old times. With no warning she unfriends me even blocked me on facebook. She also blocked my phone.. She never said why she never messaged me. SHe just did . I do post political stuff but so did she. We both said last year your not going to change my views I wont change yours and we did not even bring up politics on the trip. We never even talk on the phone that much and really havent since I moved from Texas but when we did move and I did call we would just start up where we left off. I am just upset she can just delete me out of her life over politics. I would never unfriend anyone because of their political views. I guess I dont need a friend like this if she is not even woman enough to contact me to tell me I was upsetting her. If I knew it upset her so much I would have just blocked her from my political post..
Were you posting real wingnut stuff? That could get me to unfriend someone.

I personally think anyone who posts anything hyper-political on The Facebook is an idiot who is asking for trouble in his life.

Of course, I think anyone who posts anything about their private life on The Facebook is an idiot.

But that's me.
So you dont think people are allowed to have different views then you??? wow
That's happened to me plenty of times, mostly from liberals, but a few conservatives as well.

I read a study about a year or so ago that said liberals are far more likely to end friendships over political disagreements than conservatives are. From my own experience that is true. So much for tolerance
I'm not so tolerant that I am willing to tolerate intolerance.

Hence, you aren't tolerant. No human being is
I had a friend who is a democrat. This week I noticed she unfriended me from facebook. We have been friends for over 20 yrs. Like sisters for many years we raised each other kids but since she lives in another state we dont talk personally that much. Last year she met me in New Orleans for my 50th birthday. It was like old times. With no warning she unfriends me even blocked me on facebook. She also blocked my phone.. She never said why she never messaged me. SHe just did . I do post political stuff but so did she. We both said last year your not going to change my views I wont change yours and we did not even bring up politics on the trip. We never even talk on the phone that much and really havent since I moved from Texas but when we did move and I did call we would just start up where we left off. I am just upset she can just delete me out of her life over politics. I would never unfriend anyone because of their political views. I guess I dont need a friend like this if she is not even woman enough to contact me to tell me I was upsetting her. If I knew it upset her so much I would have just blocked her from my political post..

Over the years I've had lots of friends and family who had different political views, but it never led to a deep rift. If it did go to the extreme that you've described, that would be very disappointing. I think I'd feel bad about the loss for the future of the relationship, and the memories that would no longer be made. However, I would try not to let it taint my memories of the good times shared in the past, and not assume that the disrespect was always present. Perhaps your friend resents that she can't control your opinions, so she's chosen to take this route to feel in control.
I have a couple of buddies who are dems.
I dont bother talking politics with them because they are so ill informed it's pointless.

I'm friends with a number of indoctrinated idiots. I don't talk politics with them either. As uninformed as they are, they still get passionate when discussing politics. Its annoying as fuck.

Yep...it always boils down to feeeeeelings.
You describe the emotional far right so well . . . their feelings.

Come on Fakey,even you know thats not true.
I had a friend who is a democrat. This week I noticed she unfriended me from facebook. We have been friends for over 20 yrs. Like sisters for many years we raised each other kids but since she lives in another state we dont talk personally that much. Last year she met me in New Orleans for my 50th birthday. It was like old times. With no warning she unfriends me even blocked me on facebook. She also blocked my phone.. She never said why she never messaged me. SHe just did . I do post political stuff but so did she. We both said last year your not going to change my views I wont change yours and we did not even bring up politics on the trip. We never even talk on the phone that much and really havent since I moved from Texas but when we did move and I did call we would just start up where we left off. I am just upset she can just delete me out of her life over politics. I would never unfriend anyone because of their political views. I guess I dont need a friend like this if she is not even woman enough to contact me to tell me I was upsetting her. If I knew it upset her so much I would have just blocked her from my political post..

Why would someone want to be friends with you that votes against their (and every other middle class workers) best interest? You're the enemy.
Sad...I would never defriend one of my friends or relatives for politics....I DID have to warn one once who reposted something about "wouldn't it be wonderful if Obama was assassinated" once that it was very unwise.
I had a friend who is a democrat. This week I noticed she unfriended me from facebook. We have been friends for over 20 yrs. Like sisters for many years we raised each other kids but since she lives in another state we dont talk personally that much. Last year she met me in New Orleans for my 50th birthday. It was like old times. With no warning she unfriends me even blocked me on facebook. She also blocked my phone.. She never said why she never messaged me. SHe just did . I do post political stuff but so did she. We both said last year your not going to change my views I wont change yours and we did not even bring up politics on the trip. We never even talk on the phone that much and really havent since I moved from Texas but when we did move and I did call we would just start up where we left off. I am just upset she can just delete me out of her life over politics. I would never unfriend anyone because of their political views. I guess I dont need a friend like this if she is not even woman enough to contact me to tell me I was upsetting her. If I knew it upset her so much I would have just blocked her from my political post..

Fuck her. She was never your friend.
I had a friend who is a democrat. This week I noticed she unfriended me from facebook. We have been friends for over 20 yrs. Like sisters for many years we raised each other kids but since she lives in another state we dont talk personally that much. Last year she met me in New Orleans for my 50th birthday. It was like old times. With no warning she unfriends me even blocked me on facebook. She also blocked my phone.. She never said why she never messaged me. SHe just did . I do post political stuff but so did she. We both said last year your not going to change my views I wont change yours and we did not even bring up politics on the trip. We never even talk on the phone that much and really havent since I moved from Texas but when we did move and I did call we would just start up where we left off. I am just upset she can just delete me out of her life over politics. I would never unfriend anyone because of their political views. I guess I dont need a friend like this if she is not even woman enough to contact me to tell me I was upsetting her. If I knew it upset her so much I would have just blocked her from my political post..

Thats why I don't post about politics on FakeBook.

I don't even have a Facebook account. It's for juveniles...

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