Losing an hour has ne messed up

Now retired for five years, it occurred to me this morning that THIS - the first Monday after clocks are moved forward - is the WORST day of the work year to get up for work.

I tried work once - didn't care for it.


I wish we stopped doing this bullshit
When Nixon started it our energy needs were so different plus the energy crunch which will happen again soon.

There was measurable savings in energy in the 70, 80s. But it is of insignificant savings now.

Only drawback is kids will go to school darker so implementation of things from Nov-March might have to be changed.
You lost an hour?

Just the other day while I was walking the dog, I noticed a brand new, unused hour just laying on the side of the road so I picked it up. Maybe it is yours.

Can you describe it?
Now retired for five years, it occurred to me this morning that THIS - the first Monday after clocks are moved forward - is the WORST day of the work year to get up for work.

I tried work once - didn't care for it.
Work is fer suckers.
You lost an hour?

Just the other day while I was walking the dog, I noticed a brand new, unused hour just laying on the side of the road so I picked it up. Maybe it is yours.

Can you describe it?
Nature noticed and will inform the top shortly.
Changing the clocks is about the most ridiculous, absurd practice that everyone puts up with. What if we just refused and went on as things were?
I spend days saying "It's 6 am, but i'ts really 7!

It's 2 pm, but really like 1 pm!

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