Lou Dobbs Airs Stunning Fact-Check of His Own Election Conspiracies After Company Threatens Legal Action


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
From the article....

Fox Business host Lou Dobbs has recently taken to raising questions about voting machine companies, which have been cast as complicit in the supposed grand conspiracy to steal the 2020 election from President Donald Trump.

One of those companies, Florida-based Smartmatic, responded to his comments and those of others with demands for retractions from Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN. In a lengthly demand letter threatening legal action, the company cited comments from Dobbs and others that falsely implied a nefarious link between Smartmatic and Dominion.

Source: Lou Dobbs Airs Stunning Fact-Check of His Own Election Claims

Not how Dobbs started his "reporting" by using the word "opinions" when he stated that there are many of them. Not facts.

Like I always say, if Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.
Everyone knows that everything trump has ever said about this election is untrue. The people who continue the charade just want plausible deniability for the nihilistic acts they intend to get off on. Best to not give them the chance
From the article....

Fox Business host Lou Dobbs has recently taken to raising questions about voting machine companies, which have been cast as complicit in the supposed grand conspiracy to steal the 2020 election from President Donald Trump.

One of those companies, Florida-based Smartmatic, responded to his comments and those of others with demands for retractions from Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN. In a lengthly demand letter threatening legal action, the company cited comments from Dobbs and others that falsely implied a nefarious link between Smartmatic and Dominion.

Source: Lou Dobbs Airs Stunning Fact-Check of His Own Election Claims

Not how Dobbs started his "reporting" by using the word "opinions" when he stated that there are many of them. Not facts.

Like I always say, if Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.
There's a huge problem with this threat by the election equipment companies.
1) because it's only a mere threat one should ask why they are hesitant to file a suit, if they are 100% right or clean of illegal activity? To an observant wise person, this threat could be a mere smokescreen asked of them to protect their clients and business.
In fact their business is so harmed by this that any legit company would have filed the suit already unless there were skeletons to come out of it or something not yet discussed or discovered.
2)CNN is not only miss quoting and implying a twisted narrative to Powell, but they are now liable in the whole defamation of character and lying for those companies either knowingly or because of lazy terrible researchers who can't look up simple public info on the companies to know Powell was right and the companies are lying. I know this for a fact, because I did the research those lazy tabloid news puppets refused to do.
The software at the time of Chavez was called
On August 26, 2005, Sequoia Voting Systems announced[20] that Mr. Jack Blaine would serve in the dual role as President of Sequoia Voting Systems and President of Sequoia's parent company, "Smartmatic".

In April 2008, competitor Hart InterCivic attempted a hostile takeover of Sequoia[21]. Court documents unearthed at this time revealed that Smartmatic still retained some financial control over several aspects of Sequoia.

On June 4, 2010 Dominion Voting Systems, acquired Sequoia Voting Systems.

So Dominion under it's bought out system
DID INDEED have access to the same software used in Venezuela (and the Phillipines) that it purchased and Smartmatic's denial of being connected to Dominion or MSM seperation of Smartmatic from Dominion is false through word play and semantics. Smartmatic was still part of SEQUOIA VOTING SYSTEMS which is owned by Dominion.

Now let me use an analogy MSNBC and CNN and you media puppets can even grasp.
Is liken to Scottrade/bought by Ameritrade/bought by Schwab
Smartmatic or Dominion complaining about Sidney Powell's commentary of their parent voting systems companies ties is liken to complaining about a person on an online stock forum complaining that during the market crash during the banking Crisis (Scottrade) platform was so overwhelmed that the trades where not going through with the site down for important trade hours needed to sell (sort of like recently complaints on the Robinhood platform). SO NOW THAT PLATFORM is used by Ameritrade app but is owned by Schwab now, so the complaint about your experience with Ameritrade/Schwab is valid with the platform still being used by Ameritrade/Schwab and some of the execs and personell still there.
Once again SEQUOIA VOTING SYSTEMS equipment/ "all your sequoia equipments belongs to us" says smartmatic/ sequoia and smartmatic many personel, clients, contacts, payoffs, equipment data orogram software codes etc now belong to Dominion.
So when CNN/Time warner lies, if you bitch and moan to ATT about it, it's because AT&T bought Time Warner. Just like you kvetch about the weed killer roundup (Scotts brand owned by Monsanto) that Bayer owns. Sister companies former bought merged companies are easy to follow except when CNN needs to smokescreen and hide voter fraud.
Which is what the lie and sidetracking reveals, you don't need to do those things unless you are doing something wrong that you need focus changed away from.
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Boy are you two going to be surprised...
‘Perez — the Global Director of Technology Development & Open Standards for the Open Source Election Technology Institute — blunty said, “I have not seen any evidence that Smartmatic’s software was used to delete, change, alter anything related to vote tabulation.”

“Smartmatic says its software was never used outside of L.A. County in 2020. Do you know whether or not that’s true?” was one of the questions.

“That is my understanding,” Perez said.

He also made it clear that Smartmatic and Dominion are completely separate companies, and even more tellingly, he pushed back on the idea that there is a direct connection between Smartmatic and George Soros.

Perez debunked one of the more incendiary claims about votes supposedly being tabulated in foreign countries.

“In the United States the ballots that are cast in the United States are tabulated in the United States.”’ ibid

Yet the dishonest right will continue to propagate their idiotic lies.
Boy are you two going to be surprised...
‘Perez — the Global Director of Technology Development & Open Standards for the Open Source Election Technology Institute — blunty said, “I have not seen any evidence that Smartmatic’s software was used to delete, change, alter anything related to vote tabulation.”

“Smartmatic says its software was never used outside of L.A. County in 2020. Do you know whether or not that’s true?” was one of the questions.

“That is my understanding,” Perez said.

He also made it clear that Smartmatic and Dominion are completely separate companies, and even more tellingly, he pushed back on the idea that there is a direct connection between Smartmatic and George Soros.

Perez debunked one of the more incendiary claims about votes supposedly being tabulated in foreign countries.

“In the United States the ballots that are cast in the United States are tabulated in the United States.”’ ibid

Yet the dishonest right will continue to propagate their idiotic lies.
CNN and Time Warner are seperate (parent) companies owned by one company and
Time Warner and CNN do each others parroted narratives and are still one company with it's tentacles sharing the same goals to make you the viewers too stupid to know what's going on behind the curtain.
Folk will notice that whenever conservatives, even the lies-spewing Trumpsters find themselves before a judge in a court of law, and/or faced w/situations where they're about to get sued...their lies come to a SCREECHING HALT!
Folk will notice that whenever conservatives, even the lies-spewing Trumpsters find themselves before a judge in a court of law, and/or faced w/situations where they're about to get sued...their lies come to a SCREECHING HALT!
WHAT PART OF PARENT COMPANY DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? You are being used by the media to forward their narrative as a smokescreen, and you seem to enjoy it. You did it during spygate with the Russia Hoax smokescreen, during the impeachment to smokescreen the many politicians quid pro quos with thr Ukraine, and now during their being caught doing what I told you they were doing for years now, before the election I told you what they do.
Now they boast they own the courts, & the DAs to let molesters and murderers out of prison, where oh where did you see this act before? Oh yeah the movie I told you to watch that they were emulating-"The Devil's Advocate"
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Yeah I guess when you initially promote the " No spin zone" as a way to fool people. Setting the tone that the commentary and guests are speaking any truths other than the fact is "were a no spin zone show". That should be proof enough because we warned you. It work for awhile as the copy machine is working overtime. So now FOX is interested in fact checking when facing lawsuits with companies that have deep pockets. Yet can FOX fact check, it would seem counterintuitive to right wing truth.

Oh well some FOX hosts are better than others. Yet a fox is known as a wily creature.

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