Loudoun County prosecutor who sought to jail father of girl allegedly raped at school tied to Soros, McAuliffe

Why am I not surprised????

The Loudoun County prosecutor who sought jail time against a father who was arrested at a school board meeting after his daughter was allegedly sexually assaulted in a school bathroom has ties to progressive megadonor George Soros and Democratic Virginia gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe.

Loudoun County Commonwealth's Attorney Buta Biberaj was described in the explosive report by The Daily Wire as the "progressive" elected county prosecutor who ran on a platform of ending "mass incarceration," but yet she sought jail time for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, both misdemeanor charges, against Scott Smith.
I love it. Some Youngkin research that may pay off big.
So your response to the school board's failed tranny policy is that the legal system worked just fine?
Two girls sodomized on school property and your response is, oh well? The father of the raped girl went ballistic at the school board, and they deserved every insult.

Your timeline that the boy was arrested July 8th didn't help, because he sodomized the 2nd girl on October 6th.
"The juvenile was ultimately charged with one count of anal sodomy and one count of forcible fellatio in the May 28 case. His alleged offenses in the second case, which happened at Broad Run High School on October 6, are sexual battery and abduction. He is currently jailed at the Loudoun County Juvenile Detention Center."
This guy wearing a skirt seems to have had more sexual equipment that people in the girl's bathroom usually do ---
The more this is publicized, the better for Youngkin.

This is going well for the good guys.
Dumbass the transferred the dude to another school after he assaulted his first victim. Sorry to see you support this type behavior.
So he thinks political correctness means boys in skirts ought to get to sodomize girls in the bathroom freely, without all that fuss being made?
We have?

Has there been an epidemic, or this one isolated case where we have nowhere near all the facts?

I remember when the Obama Dept. of Education issued the "Dear Colleague" letter telling universities to crack down on campus rape, and the right had a shit fit, turning accused rapists into folk heroes.
Of course we have. Only a dolt would look at a situation where we allow boys unfettered access to girls' bathrooms and shower rooms and not see that it makes it easier for rapists to find their victims. Now, would you be so kind as to post evidence of this so-called "shit fit" the "right" had where they turned "accused rapists into folk heroes"? Because I must have missed it, being busy living my life and all that.
if this had a sexual assault/rape committed by a heterosexual male against a female, the whole community would be United and outraged. School and law enforcement would keep the accused out of school wh
NOt really.. This kid was able to assault a classmate just as easily outside a bathroom as in one.

There are 16,000 sexual assaults in schools a year, most of them by cis-gendered males...

Let's not forget, that when Obama tried to get college campuses to take a harder line on protecting female students, the Right Wing in this country was all up in arms about it... It's amazing how quickly you guys forget.

Yet chicks with dicks will be protected by Democrats..
c'mon, the "trans" in the girl washroom give them to have one more way to assault a classmate.
this argument is as stupid as we should not install locks on our front door.

But did it? Again, the problem with this case is that we have almost no details, like time of day this happened, was anyone else in the school, how did they both end up in the bathroom at the same time.

Most Trans women aren't interested in the same sex. So if you have 16,000 cis-gender rapes and one trans-gender rape, you really have a problem with cis-genders, don't you?

At least I won’t be identified by defending rapists like you.

Naw, you'll just try to find someone else to fear.. because fear is all your side has, cowering in your basements clinging to your guns and bibles. "Eeek, it's a boy in a dress! Kill it! Kill it!"

1) that makes it ok that this girl was rapped and the school board attempted to cover it up?
She was "rapped"? She had to blurt out a bunch of bad rhymes?

The school board didn't 'cover it up". It followed the law. An arrest was made, the student was removed from that school, evidence was gathered. We have rape shield laws in this country, bud. And Title IX. They couldn't broadcast the details if they wanted to.

Also questionable if the School board knew about it, as again- police matter.

3) he said “they let you..” ie consent

your deflect and support of this rape and its cover up is why you all voted for Xiden the man with ole criminal complaints of rape from former staffers…sad

No, grabbing a person by the genitals because you are a rich celebrity is not consent.

I don't support this 'rape", I just believe in a thing called "Due Process". Also, I don't want you guys pulling an Emmet Till on this kid. YOu know, the black kid in the 50's who was lynched because he supposedly whistled at a white woman?

You guys have decided that Trans people are the new group to hate, now that you are no longer allowed to hate blacks or gays.

Hate and fear.. it's all your party has to keep stupid white people to keep voting for the people who are really screwing them.
Now, would you be so kind as to post evidence of this so-called "shit fit" the "right" had where they turned "accused rapists into folk heroes"? Because I must have missed it, being busy living my life and all that.

You did.

In a speech at George Mason University on Sept. 7 about the policy, DeVos said she saw this policy as a “failed system.” The Department of Education rescinded the Dear Colleague letter because, according to DeVos, the policy did not protect those who were being accused of sexual assault because they were being denied due process, did not include law-enforcement which made schools create their own judicial system, did not allow for cross-examination because it violated Title IX and made the evidence requirements for conviction too lenient.

Or did you all forget how you mocked Emma Sulkowicz?
But did it? Again, the problem with this case is that we have almost no details, like time of day this happened, was anyone else in the school, how did they both end up in the bathroom at the same time.

Most Trans women aren't interested in the same sex. So if you have 16,000 cis-gender rapes and one trans-gender rape, you really have a problem with cis-genders, don't you?

Naw, you'll just try to find someone else to fear.. because fear is all your side has, cowering in your basements clinging to your guns and bibles. "Eeek, it's a boy in a dress! Kill it! Kill it!"

She was "rapped"? She had to blurt out a bunch of bad rhymes?

The school board didn't 'cover it up". It followed the law. An arrest was made, the student was removed from that school, evidence was gathered. We have rape shield laws in this country, bud. And Title IX. They couldn't broadcast the details if they wanted to.

Also questionable if the School board knew about it, as again- police matter.

No, grabbing a person by the genitals because you are a rich celebrity is not consent.

I don't support this 'rape", I just believe in a thing called "Due Process". Also, I don't want you guys pulling an Emmet Till on this kid. YOu know, the black kid in the 50's who was lynched because he supposedly whistled at a white woman?

You guys have decided that Trans people are the new group to hate, now that you are no longer allowed to hate blacks or gays.

Hate and fear.. it's all your party has to keep stupid white people to keep voting for the people who are really screwing them.
The school attempt to cover it up…the victim’s father used the public forum at the school board meeting to call them out….and the demafascist labeled him a domestic terrorist

you don’t respect the rule of law if you support those tactics

nobody has said the alleged rapist doesn’t deserve a fair trial…but the victims, and their family have every right to voice their opinions…and question the safety of the school and the policies of the school board where the assault took place
Leftists have descended so far into hate-fueled insanity that they now side with a school board covering up for a rapist in a school bathroom and against the father of the victim trying to expose it - calling him a domestic Terrorist and siccing fhe FBI on him and parents like him.

The real horror is that the FBI, under direction of the WH, is going along with it.
You did.

In a speech at George Mason University on Sept. 7 about the policy, DeVos said she saw this policy as a “failed system.” The Department of Education rescinded the Dear Colleague letter because, according to DeVos, the policy did not protect those who were being accused of sexual assault because they were being denied due process, did not include law-enforcement which made schools create their own judicial system, did not allow for cross-examination because it violated Title IX and made the evidence requirements for conviction too lenient.

Or did you all forget how you mocked Emma Sulkowicz?
No, I don't remember mocking her because I didn't. Now when a policy fails to protect the rights of the accused the proper response is to rescind that policy and replace it with a better one, and that's what happened. I'm sure I would have been aware of a "shit fit" had it actually happened, obviously it didn't.
The sad and infuriating part is that she reported the incident and school administration attempted to sweep it under the carpet, only after an investigation did the truth and cover up come out. The father responded as any parent would. So what does it say about those that say no harm no foul and support the actions of the school board?
You apparently don't have a daughter, let alone one that was raped in a school bathroom by a sexual predator allowed in by a school board who won't even admit the rape happened, citing studies that trannys are harmless as puppys.

Parents need to clean house of all "woke" board members.

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He's not transgender he didn't rape anybody he is 14 years old and you are a brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. Change the goddamn channel and try reality....
He's not transgender he didn't rape anybody he is 14 years old and you are a brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. Change the goddamn channel and try reality....
Would you care to post the results of the investigation and police report that show he didn't rape anyone? Here's a clue, you might need to check actual news sources to find out.
The sad and infuriating part is that she reported the incident and school administration attempted to sweep it under the carpet, only after an investigation did the truth and cover up come out. The father responded as any parent would. So what does it say about those that say no harm no foul and support the actions of the school board?
Uhm.... he's been convicted
We know very little about what happened because that is the way the law is with 14-year-olds. Ignorance is the perfect time for you idiots to get all ginned up by your hero idiots.....
We know very little about what happened because that is the way the law is with 14-year-olds. Ignorance is the perfect time for you idiots to get all ginned up by your hero idiots.....

The kid admitted to it

Perhaps instead of spewing your usual bs you should get informed
We know very little about what happened because that is the way the law is with 14-year-olds. Ignorance is the perfect time for you idiots to get all ginned up by your hero idiots.....
The parent of an alledged victim of rape on a school campus, is an idiot? Really.

Tell us some more about how you feel about the parents of sexual assault victims
Um, yeah,... we really only kind of have this guy's word for that. Where's the evidence?

That's nice.... when you come up with a link to an official police report, for either incident, let me know.

The only police incident there's a report for is this jackass threatening school board members and assaulting police officers.

But he's white, it's not like they'll shoot him for that or anything.
Gee, Joey...

What will you try next???

It appears the courts saw plenty of evidence the incident happened, and convicted the rapist...

The school attempt to cover it up…the victim’s father used the public forum at the school board meeting to call them out….and the demafascist labeled him a domestic terrorist

you don’t respect the rule of law if you support those tactics

Uh, he threatened school board members and assaulted police officers.. Fortunately, he was white and didn't get shot on the spot.

Of course, there was no attempt to cover it up, unless you think due process of incidents involving minors is a cover up because of course you do.

nobody has said the alleged rapist doesn’t deserve a fair trial…but the victims, and their family have every right to voice their opinions…and question the safety of the school and the policies of the school board where the assault took place

Except that's not what this guy did.... He attacked school board members and punched police officers.

Gee, Joey...

What will you try next???

It appears the courts saw plenty of evidence the incident happened, and convicted the rapist...

Yes, because court hearings after they media has driven a virtual lynch mob is going to be totally fair.
Uh, he threatened school board members and assaulted police officers.. Fortunately, he was white and didn't get shot on the spot.

Of course, there was no attempt to cover it up, unless you think due process of incidents involving minors is a cover up because of course you do.

Except that's not what this guy did.... He attacked school board members and punched police officers.

Yes, because court hearings after they media has driven a virtual lynch mob is going to be totally fair.
show me where he threw red them and assaulted a police officer

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