Loudoun County prosecutor who sought to jail father of girl allegedly raped at school tied to Soros, McAuliffe

So, that is a yes. If you question the "girls," you are Transphobic.

The question is why you make a big deal about this at all.

The problem with this kid wasn't that they were "Trans", they were "Gender Fluid". (And yes, "They/Them/Theirs" is the proper pronoun). It was that they committed sexual assault, just like 16,000 cisgender kids do on HS campuses.

Also, the whole outrage on the right is a little selective, isn't it?

The question is why you make a big deal about this at all.

The problem with this kid wasn't that they were "Trans", they were "Gender Fluid". (And yes, "They/Them/Theirs" is the proper pronoun). It was that they committed sexual assault, just like 16,000 cisgender kids do on HS campuses.

Also, the whole outrage on the right is a little selective, isn't it?

Since you are being deliberately obtuse about it, the big deal is that you want to make it easier for the rapists to do what they do. That's the bottom line. Nothing you have said indicates otherwise.
Since you are being deliberately obtuse about it, the big deal is that you want to make it easier for the rapists to do what they do. That's the bottom line. Nothing you have said indicates otherwise.

NOt really.. This kid was able to assault a classmate just as easily outside a bathroom as in one.

There are 16,000 sexual assaults in schools a year, most of them by cis-gendered males...

Let's not forget, that when Obama tried to get college campuses to take a harder line on protecting female students, the Right Wing in this country was all up in arms about it... It's amazing how quickly you guys forget.
NOt really.. This kid was able to assault a classmate just as easily outside a bathroom as in one.

There are 16,000 sexual assaults in schools a year, most of them by cis-gendered males...

Let's not forget, that when Obama tried to get college campuses to take a harder line on protecting female students, the Right Wing in this country was all up in arms about it... It's amazing how quickly you guys forget.
What does any of that have to do with the reality that we've made it easier for teenaged boys to rape teenaged girls?
democrats are simple perverts, nothing more, from hollywood to washington, the truth is before our eyes
What does any of that have to do with the reality that we've made it easier for teenaged boys to rape teenaged girls?

We have?

Has there been an epidemic, or this one isolated case where we have nowhere near all the facts?

I remember when the Obama Dept. of Education issued the "Dear Colleague" letter telling universities to crack down on campus rape, and the right had a shit fit, turning accused rapists into folk heroes.
Especially by rapist apologists such as yourself.

I have this funny thing... I wait for all the evidence... you should try it some time.

They have provided very little detail on the specifics of this case... probably because everyone involved is a juvenile and it will probably be litigated in juvenile court.
I have this funny thing... I wait for all the evidence... you should try it some time.

They have provided very little detail on the specifics of this case... probably because everyone involved is a juvenile and it will probably be litigated in juvenile court.
Judge already ruled dipshit.
A judge ruled in the case, and the rapist you defend will be sentenced in November…

Probably to juvenile detention and counselling... but it's okay, you can always find someone else to irrationally hate by then.
NOt really.. This kid was able to assault a classmate just as easily outside a bathroom as in one.

There are 16,000 sexual assaults in schools a year, most of them by cis-gendered males...

Let's not forget, that when Obama tried to get college campuses to take a harder line on protecting female students, the Right Wing in this country was all up in arms about it... It's amazing how quickly you guys forget.
c'mon, the "trans" in the girl washroom give them to have one more way to assault a classmate.
this argument is as stupid as we should not install locks on our front door.
Hey, Colonel Anus, check this out.

View attachment 554876

Yet your side is the one that opposed the Violence Against Women Act.

Your side is the one who supported a guy who bragged about "Grabbing women by the pussy".
1) that makes it ok that this girl was rapped and the school board attempted to cover it up?

2) huh? it was passed with a voice vote in the House and 93 votes in the Senate. It was overwhelming bipartisan

3) he said “they let you..” ie consent

your deflect and support of this rape and its cover up is why you all voted for Xiden the man with ole criminal complaints of rape from former staffers…sad

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