Loudoun County prosecutor who sought to jail father of girl allegedly raped at school tied to Soros, McAuliffe

Watch, you will not see any lefties on this site criticize the Loudon County School Board for this INSANITY.

Even if it was THEIR daughter RAPED, they would side with the government.....because they are sheep.
No trans people need help not encouragement.

NO, they need the bigots to leave them alone.

If it was consensual why would THEY report the rapes, dumb-ass?
He was arrested, evidence exists, maybe you and the school board can be character witnesses for the serial rapist?

There are false rape reports all the time. Clearly, the fact that he was released tells me that no one was taking the charges terribly seriously.

Check this out.

The left wing communist cucks will not even admit that it is BAD for a BOY in drag to RAPE a GIRL in a public school bathroom.

The left wing communist cucks will not even admit that it is BAD for a BOY in drag to RAPE a GIRL in a public school bathroom and then the SCHOOL BOARD COVERS IT UP.

We have hundreds of thousands of rapes in this country every year by Cis-gendered men, only 3% of whom will ever see the inside of a prison cell.

The only reason why you guys are upset is that the boy involved in this incident is gender fluid... otherwise it will be "boys will be boys" with you guys.

Or is that, "Grab them by the pussy"? I'm still waiting for you guys to say that was wrong.

The left wing communist cucks will not even admit that it is BAD for a BOY in drag to RAPE a GIRL in a public school bathroom and then the SCHOOL BOARD COVERS IT UP and then ARRESTS THE FATHER OF THE GIRL FOR SPEAKING OUT.

Except he wasn't arrested for "speaking out", he was arrested for threatening school board members.
Hey, Colonel Anus, check this out.


Yet your side is the one that opposed the Violence Against Women Act.

Your side is the one who supported a guy who bragged about "Grabbing women by the pussy".
Soros is the Professor Moriarty and Keyser Soze of the left. He's hiding under every bed.

Uh, this asshole father was arrested and charged because he threatened school board members and assaulted police officers.

You know, the kind of shit that gets you shot if you are black.
I hope you don’t have a daughter.
The country is doomed when people have more outrage for the irate father of a rape victim (that a school board covered up) than they do for the scumbag rapist himself.

The leftists on this thread have demonstrated just how willing they are to put Americans at risk, even enabling the rape of a schoolgirl, in order to defend their “woke” policies.

I hope the father gets a nice settlement and uses it to buy a great house in a different area of Virginia, where leftist crap doesn’t exist and where his daughter won’t be known. Good thing the last name is Smith.
Same father was arrested at the school too months before. He resisted arrest and the police had no choice, they had to haul him in. They couldn't choke him out!

Same thing at the board meeting, he got into it with someone, was not cut off while speaking his peace, and hauled off on the order of the board. Nope. Resisting arrest. Again.
Any criticism of the school board? After all, it was their policy that allowed a second girl to be assaulted by the rapist.

Liberals always blame the good people, and defend the criminals (or criminal enablers).
The country is doomed when people have more outrage for the irate father of a rape victim (that a school board covered up) than they do for the scumbag rapist himself.

The leftists on this thread have demonstrated just how willing they are to put Americans at risk, even enabling the rape of a schoolgirl, in order to defend their “woke” policies.

I hope the father gets a nice settlement and uses it to buy a great house in a different area of Virginia, where leftist crap doesn’t exist and where his daughter won’t be known. Good thing the last name is Smith.

As pointed out, only 3% of Cis-gender rapists ever see the inside of a prison cell. Your sudden concern about rape would be touching if you all didn't support Trump, who has 25 women who have credibly accused him of sexual assault, and bragged about grabbing women by the pussy.


You guys opposed the Violence Against Women Act.

If this young person actually committed a rape, I'd be the first one for throwing them in jail. But right now, all you have is an accusation. An accusation the police didn't take terribly seriously, because they didn't arrest the kid involved.
NO, they need the bigots to leave them alone.

There are false rape reports all the time. Clearly, the fact that he was released tells me that no one was taking the charges terribly seriously.

We have hundreds of thousands of rapes in this country every year by Cis-gendered men, only 3% of whom will ever see the inside of a prison cell.

The only reason why you guys are upset is that the boy involved in this incident is gender fluid... otherwise it will be "boys will be boys" with you guys.

Or is that, "Grab them by the pussy"? I'm still waiting for you guys to say that was wrong.

Except he wasn't arrested for "speaking out", he was arrested for threatening school board members.
I haven't done anything to a trans person.
I say we must make things as comfortable for transgenders as possible. If it means a few 14-year-old girls have to be sodomized and terrified, oh well. /s
There are false rape reports all the time. Clearly, the fact that he was released tells me that no one was taking the charges terribly seriously.
Your low-IQ responses are getting dumber and dumber.
1. How can there be a false rape report with a positive rape kit DNA match? Let alone TWO proven raped girls on school property.
2. Provide a link that shows he was released. He wasn't released, they tried an ankle bracelet and he raped another girl, now he's confined to a facility.
Any criticism of the school board? After all, it was their policy that allowed a second girl to be assaulted by the rapist.

Liberals always blame the good people, and defend the criminals (or criminal enablers).

Have I defended them? I'd like to separate the truth from the hyperbole. If they broke the law they should be held accountable. What is the actual policy? What safeguards, if any, did they have in place to prevent a predator from taking advantage. If there was why didn't it work, and if there wasn't, what the hell? Didn't the courts have something to do with the release of the predator? Did the courts play any part in the decision to allow him to attend another school in person?
Have I defended them? I'd like to separate the truth from the hyperbole. If they broke the law they should be held accountable. What is the actual policy? What safeguards, if any, did they have in place to prevent a predator from taking advantage. If there was why didn't it work, and if there wasn't, what the hell? Didn't the courts have something to do with the release of the predator? Did the courts play any part in the decision to allow him to attend another school in person?
Lots of questions, but I’ll get to the crux: you ask what safeguards the school had in place to prevent such a rape. And the answer is that they had the opposite: a leftist policy to allow any boy into the girls’ room. A safeguard would be to eliminate the policy and lower the likelihood of this happening again to another girl in the bathroom.

The rest of your questions all fall under laying blame for everything except the obvious: the transgender bathroom policy. You are doing everything possible to protect a bad policy, simply because it’s “woke,” even after risk to Innocent schoolgirls.
An accusation the police didn't take terribly seriously, because they didn't arrest the kid involved.
They certainly took their time in the investigation, but the boy was arrested after the police finished their investigation.

"On May 28, 2021, an LCSO School Resource Officer was notified by Stone Bridge High School staff of a possible sexual assault. A thorough investigation and evidentiary analysis was conducted over the course of several weeks by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office Special Victims Unit.

Once the elements of a crime were determined, on July 8, 2021, a 14-year-old male was arrested in the case with two counts of forcible sodomy.

Following the arrest on July 8, 2021, the judicial process was turned over to the Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office to determine bail, or in the case of a juvenile, the continuance of detention or other legal restrictions set forth as part of court proceedings in the Loudoun County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. "

And their report on the second assault.

There is a sexual assault problem in K-12 schools. For the victims.....

"For months, her attacker’s friends tormented her. They called her a “crazy bitch” and a “porn star” on social media. One suggested that they show her “what rape actually is,” according to a lawsuit the Colorado student filed this year against her school district.

In the summer of 2017, the girl, a high school junior referred to as Jane Doe in court records, reported that she’d been sexually assaulted the previous year by a classmate, identified by the pseudonym John Smith. Smith later pleaded guilty to assault in juvenile court, and was placed on probation and required to participate in sex offender therapy. Yet throughout the 2017-18 academic year, his friends made Doe’s life miserable at Glenwood Springs High School, she says in her suit filed in the U.S. District Court of Colorado against the Roaring Fork School District."
If we stop kissing the butt of a a couple per cent at most of the population we can cut taxes by 25% or so. Then we can start making inroads of ways of irresponsible living we all do.
If it was consensual why would THEY report the rapes, dumb-ass?
He was arrested, evidence exists, maybe you and the school board can be character witnesses for the serial rapist?

Your current arguments are beneath your more thoughtful ones.
Maybe you should just admit that democrat policies SUCK and move on to more fertile debate threads?
He literally can't do that.

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