Loudoun County prosecutor who sought to jail father of girl allegedly raped at school tied to Soros, McAuliffe

Yeah, he should spread love like you do with your posts.

Spread love to a Republican when the hate towards democrats is breathtaking.
I'd rather such wet diahorrea through a dead chinamans underpants than suck up to them.
And your argument is that he should shoot this other child who is trans, even though there is no evidence that he did something other than his daughter's word?


Yeah, really. The DA is a corrupt piece of shit. When the law isn't applied EQUALLY, then there IS no law.

Respond accordingly.
So the bigots wouldn't beat her up...

The Religious RIght... always one step away from a hate crime.

The progressive left, always miles ahead of the religious right when it comes to violence.

You assholes have murdered more people in 100 years than religion has murdered in all of mans history.
Democrat leadership is doing the same thing all around the country. They have totally abandoned the people in favor of power and totalitarianism. The American people would have to be either stupid or brainwashed to vote for any Democrat today.
Why am I not surprised????

The Loudoun County prosecutor who sought jail time against a father who was arrested at a school board meeting after his daughter was allegedly sexually assaulted in a school bathroom has ties to progressive megadonor George Soros and Democratic Virginia gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe.

Loudoun County Commonwealth's Attorney Buta Biberaj was described in the explosive report by The Daily Wire as the "progressive" elected county prosecutor who ran on a platform of ending "mass incarceration," but yet she sought jail time for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, both misdemeanor charges, against Scott Smith.

This is baloney.....
Yeah, that's your story...do you have anything that's not from the Moonie Times or some other crazy source?
Um, yeah... The Russia Times (That's what RT Stands for).
You left out this part of it.
“The board may be obligated to consider long-term suspensions or expulsions and must ensure that students have not been deprived of due process,” the statement said. “Consequently, members of the Loudoun County School Board were not aware of the specific details of this incident until it was reported in media outlets earlier this week.”
Uh, okay, so the School Board wasn't informed of the details until this week... you know when Crazy Dad went in there ranting and raving.
Also, it's a 14 year old kid, not a serial rapist...
1. Liar. I post a credible link and all you can post are lies. Got any links proving your points? No? Thanks for playing, now run and hide.
2. The school board's tranny policy is a disaster and they defend a serial rapist by trying to cover it up?!
3. The school board had the details, the father screamed them, and the rape kits proved them.
4. Duh, the 14 year old IS a serial rapist. The rape kits prove it.
The freak was transferred, raped another girl and then arrested
Actually the sequence went more like, raped the 1st girl in May, was arrested in July after the rape kit results, got an ankle bracelet and was placed in another school, where he raped the 2nd girl October 6th, then was arrested again, and only now is in a juvenile facility.
Actually the sequence went more like, raped the 1st girl in May, was arrested in July after the rape kit results, got an ankle bracelet and was placed in another school, where he raped the 2nd girl October 6th, then was arrested again, and only now is in a juvenile facility.

Regardless the freak should have never been allowed back in school
So your response to the school board's failed tranny policy is that the legal system worked just fine?
The crime was rape, not what the boy was wearing. They accused the school of illegally covering up the crime. They didn't, they reported it to the police as required by law. Furthermore, the Board meeting, and both of the fathers arrests, happened before the police had finished their investigation.

Your timeline that
That was from the Sheriffs department.
After assaulting 2 girls in different schools. You loons will do anything to move your agenda. We warned you this would happen if you let boys into girls bathrooms. This should be the beginning of the end of liberalism.

I think he should have been tried as an adult. It was a very adult crime that he was committing.

Are you saying sexual assaults in schools didn't happen or would significantly drop if there were no unisex bathrooms?

"Doe’s complaint is one of at least 330 suits filed across the United States since the beginning of 2018 alleging that K-12 public and charter schools failed to protect students from sexual assault and harassment or mishandled incidents that came to light, according to an NBC News count based on court records."

"For months, her attacker’s friends tormented her. They called her a “crazy bitch” and a “porn star” on social media. One suggested that they show her “what rape actually is,” according to a lawsuit the Colorado student filed this year against her school district.

In the summer of 2017, the girl, a high school junior referred to as Jane Doe in court records, reported that she’d been sexually assaulted the previous year by a classmate, identified by the pseudonym John Smith. Smith later pleaded guilty to assault in juvenile court, and was placed on probation and required to participate in sex offender therapy. Yet throughout the 2017-18 academic year, his friends made Doe’s life miserable at Glenwood Springs High School, she says in her suit filed in the U.S. District Court of Colorado against the Roaring Fork School District.

Doe and her parents told administrators multiple times about the harassment — including that one of Smith’s friends threatened to strangle her — but the school did nothing to stop it, according to the civil complaint. Frustrated, Doe’s parents met with administrators in March 2018. When they emailed the next day to ask what steps the school had taken to protect Doe from harassment, according to the suit, an assistant principal wrote back, “the school has taken no actions.”

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