Louis Theroux on Ultra Zionists


VIP Member
May 23, 2014
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s8SO0c548A]Louis Theroux - Ultra Zionists (A British Journalist Exposing Israel's Mass Extreme Face) - YouTube[/ame]

Some highlights:

Settlers burn Palestinian crops to protest IDF evicting an illegal settlement. Fire goes out of control and burns Israeli crops. Who's to blame for the crop destruction? IDF of course.

Man is squatting in a Palestinian families' home after they leave on vacation.

Lots and lots of cognitive dissonance.

Louis Theroux - Ultra Zionists (A British Journalist Exposing Israel's Mass Extreme Face) - YouTube

Some highlights:

Settlers burn Palestinian crops to protest IDF evicting an illegal settlement. Fire goes out of control and burns Israeli crops. Who's to blame for the crop destruction? IDF of course.

Man is squatting in a Palestinian families' home after they leave on vacation.

Lots and lots of cognitive dissonance.


I find it very, very strange that people who wouldn't spend a minute telling us what the extremists Muslims do to those who are non Muslims and even to those of different Muslim sects. It appears that if the Jews are not involved, there are people who are not interested in what is happening to innocent people in the rest of the Middle East and the Muslim world in general. These people who happily ignore this must have lots and lots of cognitive dissonance. Say, I wonder if this British journalist has written anything about what is happening to young English women in his own country; or since the Jews are not involved, he is not interested. Perhaps he is happy for the no-go areas in England where even the police and firemen are afraid to go. Perhaps this new poster would be happy to show us some of the other work this journalist does when it doesn't involve the Jews.
OUTSTANDING POST. Please join with me in finding a way to free the noble, peace lovi ng, life loving Palestinians from those evil Zionists by finding a way to get the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands where they will be treated with the Arab brotherly love they were so well accustomed to --- And so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Louis Theroux - Ultra Zionists (A British Journalist Exposing Israel's Mass Extreme Face) - YouTube

Some highlights:

Settlers burn Palestinian crops to protest IDF evicting an illegal settlement. Fire goes out of control and burns Israeli crops. Who's to blame for the crop destruction? IDF of course.

Man is squatting in a Palestinian families' home after they leave on vacation.

Lots and lots of cognitive dissonance.

Very discouraging.
The thing that strikes me over and over again is that they really believe their ideology, i.e. what they have been told, and don't really have access to any other view and wouldn't pay attention to it if they did.
The cognitive dissonance of their daily lives doesn't register with them because for now they can still get away with it.
The world will have to rub their noses in their own poopy for them to become aware.
BTW, the guy in the while yarmulke is my idea of a LEGITIMATE TARGET.

Now THIS of course is the use of the genetic studies. If these people had the sense to believe them, what would it do to their ideology?

I love to see these short films of children throwing rocks, following by Zionist soldiers blasting away with automatic weapons. No sense of proportion.
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Very discouraging.
The thing that strikes me over and over again is that they really believe their ideology, i.e. what they have been told, and don't really have access to any other view.

The thing that is really discouraging to the civilized world is that your brethren want to create a new Caliphate and they don't care who gets in their way and how many dead bodies they leave behind. Your own ideology is part religion, part politics and God only knows part what else as your brethren try to conquer the world for Islam. What is happening in one little area of the Middle East is peanuts compared to what your brethren are busy doing all over the rest of it.
That is YET ANOTHER layer of Zionist crapola smothering your brain, Sally.

However, the crapola which makes up your brain and the brains of those with the same mind set doesn't seem to pay attention to the terrible things happening by your own "peace-loving" brethren who think nothing of even murdering each other just because of their different sects. There are those whose brains are so full of crapola that they are only one-trick ponies and can think of only one thing at a time, but overlook the huge events actually occuring in this world where so many innocents are being killed in the name of a religion.
This never happened. ?????????

Are you actually trying to tell us that every country in the world is perfect, and the ones in which your Muslim brethren inhabit have the best human rights record for all people in the entire world? Are you also trying to tell us that the Arabs don't do terrible things to the settlers that the settlers aren't arranging recently for bodyguards to ride around to chase the Arabs away from committing their dirty deeds? It's like the time of old times when they had to ride on horseback to keep tabs on your brethren and stop them from committing some crime against the people in the kubbutzes..
I'm telling you other Muslim countries are irrelevant.

And yes, my god I HOPE they DO terrible things to settlers. That is called armed resistance.
Hey great! In that case I say do unto you & your kind before you do unto them.

I'm telling you other Muslim countries are irrelevant.

And yes, my god I HOPE they DO terrible things to settlers. That is called armed resistance.
This never happened. ?????????
Its off-topic, Sally.

If you feel someone else is 'off-topic' the appropriate way to deal with that is to report it to the mods.

If you're not willing to do that - at least don't play 'board nanny' and annoy every other poster reading by diverting the thread even further with your whining.
Very discouraging.
The thing that strikes me over and over again is that they really believe their ideology, i.e. what they have been told, and don't really have access to any other view.

The thing that is really discouraging to the civilized world is that your brethren want to create a new Caliphate and they don't care who gets in their way and how many dead bodies they leave behind. Your own ideology is part religion, part politics and God only knows part what else as your brethren try to conquer the world for Islam. What is happening in one little area of the Middle East is peanuts compared to what your brethren are busy doing all over the rest of it.

Why even respond to her? Her " excuse" is that this is the I/P Board so those things can't be addressed. She is a liar. If I were to say that Muslims were killing both other Muslims and Christians without ant lengthy discussion or threads the Monitors would Not warn me or chastise me . Have a question; ( This should be Good) What's wrong with the Israelis doing to the Palestinians what Muslims do to Christians?? :D
Getting back to the 'topic': Theroux is a journalist with a taste for covering the 'marginal' and the bizarre. (He is also from a ery talented literary family, but that's another topic!) The word 'ULTRA' can hardly be stressed enough: he is discussing, as he knows, an extremist fringe of the half-million or so 'settlers'.

The problem is not Theroux's work - but the deception and dishonesty of those like Hostility who persist in using the most extreme views as a representation of the mainstream.

Do Christians in the US want to be 'represented' by the snake-handlers, or by the Old Order Amish, or the FLDS???

Here's a thought: If using Al-Quaeda or ISIS as representative of 'Muslims' is not a good idea, then how could it be other than reprehensible to try presenting these 'ULTRAS' as the mainstream of Zionism???
PV: My (American Jewish Zionist) answer is "Es pas nit/ni kulturny" - two ways we have of saying "It's beneath us".
Getting back to the 'topic': Theroux is a journalist with a taste for covering the 'marginal' and the bizarre. (He is also from a ery talented literary family, but that's another topic!) The word 'ULTRA' can hardly be stressed enough: he is discussing, as he knows, an extremist fringe of the half-million or so 'settlers'.

The problem is not Theroux's work - but the deception and dishonesty of those like Hostility who persist in using the most extreme views as a representation of the mainstream.

Do Christians in the US want to be 'represented' by the snake-handlers, or by the Old Order Amish, or the FLDS???

Here's a thought: If using Al-Quaeda or ISIS as representative of 'Muslims' is not a good idea, then how could it be other than reprehensible to try presenting these 'ULTRAS' as the mainstream of Zionism???

Yup. It's a common tactic to demonize groups by the actions of their extremist or fringe members and use those examples as an attempt to define the mainstream.

One more way to dehumanize and avoid seeing them as individuals.
I'm telling you other Muslim countries are irrelevant.

And yes, my god I HOPE they DO terrible things to settlers. That is called armed resistance.

So breaking into a house at night and slitting infant's throats is "armed resistance"?

I think it's murder, cowardly murder. There are some lines that should not be crossed and that is one of them.

Children have no choice in the matter - I feel the same way whether it's dealing with illegal immigrants in the US, the inequities and brutalities associated with Palestinian children in the Israeli military justice system, or the attempts to justify the murder of utterly innocent lives because they happen to be living in the wrong place. I don't think you can justify that Amity - it's reducing human lives to the equivalent of slaughtering cattle.

How can you look down at a sleeping baby and cut it's throat? How can you set off a bomb on a crowded school bus? Or setting off a bomb in a busy market square? How can a sniper choose to target a toddler?

Really - some lines shouldn't be crossed and when you cross them - you cut yourself off from your own humanity. You are no different from the "soldiers" in the Congo brutally raping and sodomizing children and woman in order to spread fear and gain territory. I think at that point - your cause is lost and any gains are pyrrhic.
Since nonviolent resistance has not worked, what would you advocate we do?

International law holds that settlements, ALL settlements, are legitimate targets. Don't tell me these are civilians. THEY ARE NOT. They are heavily armed, to the teeth in fact, unrestrained in their attacks on Palestinian civilians, about which the Zionists seem to care nothing. I had ever in my life heard one expression of concern for Palestinian civilians who are deliberately attacked under the Zionist policy of collective punishment, I could forswear violence altogether, but the fact is, in the 45 years I have been following events, I have never even heard Zionists say "oops."

In addition I will point out that soldiers also have families that love them and who they are responsible for, as do Fedayeen, mujahedeen, etc., and just plain guerillas. Everyone is equally human.

I have no intention of "breaking into a house at night and slitting an infant's throat" and I believe few would. But I would not forego an attack on a settler population just because they are poor parents to bring babies with them into a war zone. If you don't want kids killed, then get them out of there. NO ONE has any business in a settlement.

In addition, I want to point out that there is nothing unusual at all about the settlers Theroux found for us. ALL settlers are aggressive Zionists who are overstepping even the claims of the most radical right wing Israeli establishment. None of them are reasonable people. Otherwise why would they go in and plant themselves on Palestinian territory and make claims that God gave it to them?

So since non-violence has gotten us nowhere but massacred, whom do you suggest we fight against? Who ARE the legitimate targets that we can hit to try to stop a clear genocide in progress?
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This never happened. ?????????
Its off-topic, Sally.

If you feel someone else is 'off-topic' the appropriate way to deal with that is to report it to the mods.

If you're not willing to do that - at least don't play 'board nanny' and annoy every other poster reading by diverting the thread even further with your whining.

Good point. I didn't know we could do that actually. I haven't been on this type of board before.

But the philosophy of collective punishment is much in evidence here. Why DO
events in other parts of the world have to do with Palestine?
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So, what's with this 'we' BS of yours, Hostility? Do you fancy yourself a speaker for the Palestinians?

Do the Palestinians really think that the US should drop a nuke on Tel Aviv, or is that just your 'friendly reasonable' little fantasy?

I hope you realize that in praising the expressed views of BilloBullyBoy and Tinwhore, you've 'seconded' taking the right to vote away from 'Zionists' in America. Both of them have made such suggestions, slandering Zionists as inherently 'disloyal' (straight out of the classic anti-Jewish canards!)

And Billo in particular has ranted about how he'd like to attack Israel with battleships, etc.....

Now, if you still wish to place yourself in that camp, you can no longer claim ignorance of what they stand for: disenfranchising fellow citizens, and making war upon an ally. I don't give you quotes because there are quite a few and I'm sure you can find 'em : ))

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