Louisiana Sovereignty Resolution Should Be Model for Entire Nation as DC Government Becomes Increasingly Lawless

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Good to see states starting to take power back from the Feds.

But will they live without the Fed money?

That is usually how they bypass state sovereignty.
They passed a resolution that will never stand up to constitutional review. That resolution is as dumb as that crap that a republican House passed that said the Senate only had so may days to pass a bill and then it would go into effect even without a vote. You crazy right wingers are a hoot.
They passed a resolution that will never stand up to constitutional review. That resolution is as dumb as that crap that a republican House passed that said the Senate only had so may days to pass a bill and then it would go into effect even without a vote. You crazy right wingers are a hoot.
The Left won't care until it stops something they want.

Then when it does, shit will hit the fan as the knives will come out for anyone standing in their collective way.

Personally, I think it just ceremonious wishful thinking that they can think they can just walk away from a despotic system without starting war with such a system that is hell bent on full control over everything.

People need to realize that the Federal government is like the mafia. Sure, you can walk away from it but they won't walk away from you.
All states should do this. Kudos for Louisiana for taking a bold step.

The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right[2] fake news website.[1] The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[34]

Founded by Jim Hoft in 2004, The Gateway Pundit expanded from a one-person enterprise into a multi-employee operation that is supported primarily by advertising revenue.[35][36] During the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, the site received over a million unique visitors per day.[37] In September 2021, Google demonetized the site for publishing misinformation.[38][39][40]
The court system typically leans Left, as even the considered conservative SCOTUS sometimes leans left with Thomas pouting in the backdrop.

Jefferson, however, did not agree that SCOTUS should be the lone arbiter of what is Constitutional or not. He lost the battle after Marbury vs. Madison, but no where in the Constitution does it give them that authority.

For example, when SCOTUS passed the Dred Scott Decision, others should have been able to protest the Constitutionality of it, as today everyone can blatantly see it was not Constitutional.
All states should do this. Kudos for Louisiana for taking a bold step.

These kinds of innovations are all that's left for a means to keep our issues peaceful. Those who mock these actions seem to believe that DC is capable of crushing dissent. It's not even close. I'd like to see an organized, carefully focused campaign of civil disobedience. Or, as the Dems said after Trump was inaugurated - "become ungovernable".
These kinds of innovations are all that's left for a means to keep our issues peaceful. Those who mock these actions seem to believe that DC is capable of crushing dissent. It's not even close. I'd like to see an organized, carefully focused campaign of civil disobedience. Or, as the Dems said after Trump was inaugurated - "become ungovernable".
Despots have technology now to control the masses.

Currently, most everyone is on their cell phone 24/7. And what runs them, AI. AI's job is to keep people on their cell phones as long as possible, and judging by the number of people unable to go very long at all without their cell phone, they are doing a great job.

Soon, if not already, AI will be put to the task to study people regarding propaganda. Imagine, an intelligence superior to your own studying you 24/7 who already has the ability to keep you on your phone all day, trying to sway you how you think and your actions.
The Left won't care until it stops something they want.

Then when it does, shit will hit the fan as the knives will come out for anyone standing in their collective way.

Personally, I think it just ceremonious wishful thinking that they can think they can just walk away from a despotic system without starting war with such a system that is hell bent on full control over everything.

People need to realize that the Federal government is like the mafia. Sure, you can walk away from it but they won't walk away from you.
Good post. The way I see it, blue states can claim their sovereign right to go full out collectivist. One might argue they are already underway.

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